Guy's Laws
I've actually been working on this post for some time. Originally, it was kind of a joke. It started with a guy in my office who wouldn't return The Nod, which annoys me, and I thought I would make a fun, sarcastic list of Guy's Laws, since all guys should know these.
However, events have happened recently that made me realize that no, many people do NOT know, or don't care, about Guy's Laws. Well listen assholes: you should. If you violate these, at best you're a huge asshole who deserves no friends. At worst, you deserve to get the ever living shit kicked out of you.
No, on second thought, there are things on this list that are killable offenses.
A quick note: none of the bad things have happened to me, they've all happened to other people.
Onto the laws...
* Whenever your girlfriend brings up marriage in front of your male friends, you must make some sort of sarcastic comment. Rolling the eyes and/or snorting will barely make the requirement here, though that is a little weak, Sally. Ladies, it's not that we aren't totally in love with you, and don't want to get married and spend the rest of our lives with you. You're the love of our life! Of course we do! It's just we can't admit that in front of the fellas. Come on now. You've got to be an independent man in front of them.
* If a married man cannot do a guy thing (play video games, go play sports, watch "the game") because he has to do activities with his wife, you must give him shit about it. Yes, we know he has priorities. Yes, we know we'll be the same way once we get married (well, not Bob, but he's the only man I've ever met who I think has a chance of pulling that off). But you've still got to harass your boy. You're not a true friend if you don't. The levels of harassment depend on how important the guy thing is, and how girlie the wife's thing is.
* You must return "The Nod" from another man. There's not many worse things you can do to another man as see him give you The Nod and ignore it. It's the ultimate male bonding experience. It's the way we say hi. To not return The Nod is the same as saying, "Yeah, I think you're a little bitch. And just what exactly are you going to do about that, you little bitch?" I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to beat your ass is what I'm going to do.
* Some sort of lewd comment or look must be uttered when two women do anything. Yes, it's such a cliche, and so childish and immature. But if two women do anything that can in any way, shape, or form be possibly sexual in nature, you have to make a smart remark about it, or throw out the wink. And yes, I'm a little ashamed of myself every time I do it. But you have to. It's a Guy Law.
And besides, it's funny. :-)
* Whenever a woman gets their hair cut or colored differently, we cannot say anything. Here's the thing ladies. We almost always notice. And yes, it always looks nice. And yes, we know you're just DYING for compliments on the new doo. But we can't say anything for a variety of reasons. First of all, we're too scared. If we compliment it, there's at least a 60% chance that you'll snap back how much you hate it, and how that dumb bitch (could apply to a man or a woman) screwed up your hair and didn't listen and I said no bangs, blah blah blah. By the time you're done ranting, you're pissed, we're scared you're going to cut our balls off just because we're standing closest to you, and we know there's no way we're getting lucky tonight. Next, we're afraid of the fakeout. This is especially common when you dye your hair subtly. We notice the difference...we think we can see it...but we're not entirely sure. And the last thing we want is the false call: "Hey, I like your hair!" "Really asshole? I didn't do anything to it! Thanks for caring!" Repeat step 1. Finally, if we complimented your hair immediately with glowing praise every single time, you'd go even more to the salon, and good Lord have you seen the prices there! We can't afford that!
Now onto some serious Laws...
* You cannot have sex with a friend's girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, wife, ex-wife, or sister without permission. Should go without saying, right? Unfortunately, no, apparently some people need to learn this lesson. Timeline doesn't matter. It could have been an ex-girlfriend who he hasn't seen in five years, and you still have to ask first. Now, you can make out with any exes on the list (obviously, nothing with a current is allowed). Maybe even the sister. You can probably even feel up the ex-girlfriend, though definitely not the sister or ex-wife. All of that falls under the universally accepted category of "I'm sorry buddy; I was drunk" (excepted everywhere, like Visa or American Express). But you CANNOT have sex with any of the above without receiving EXPLICIT permission.
And the fact that you have to receive such permission means you probably shouldn't even ask. Just don't do it.
* Thou shalt not go wherest thoust brother has gone. No. Fuck permission. Can't do it. If your brother has had sex with her, you cannot have sex with her. Done. Do not pass Go, do no collect $200. Brother also includes any cousins who are close family members; close enough that a rationale person would say that they almost have a brother relationship. If your brother has been there, you shall never be there.
* Under no circumstances should a boyfriend call an ex-husband to discuss a relationship. We're moving into married land now. You know the scenes in movies where the new boyfriend goes to talk to the ex-husband? Are those not the most uncomfortable scenes in any movie? You don't want to see it, you know it's a train wreck waiting to happen, and you just want it to be over with as soon as possible. And besides, how often does that scene end well? 60% of the time it ends up with them screaming at each other, 30% of the time they end up getting in a fight, and 10% of the time they go away deciding to ruin each other's lives in some bizarre revenge plot.
News flash people: that's how it works in the real world. It's one of the few times Hollywood doesn't lie to us.
So don't do it. Don't think that a "man to man" conversation is going to help any situation. Don't call and ask permission to marry the ex-wife, don't call to warn him that you're going to do it, don't call to try to "work things out" so you can be in the same room together and not stare daggers at each other. You both fucking hate each other. It's the way it should be. Don't try to make it any better. Just be civil to each other, and if he's not being civil, let the wife deal with the one who isn't. But you two are not buddies, and should not pretend to act like such.
That's it. If you've got any more good Guy's Laws, feel free to post them. Otherwise, gentlemen, please observe.
However, events have happened recently that made me realize that no, many people do NOT know, or don't care, about Guy's Laws. Well listen assholes: you should. If you violate these, at best you're a huge asshole who deserves no friends. At worst, you deserve to get the ever living shit kicked out of you.
No, on second thought, there are things on this list that are killable offenses.
A quick note: none of the bad things have happened to me, they've all happened to other people.
Onto the laws...
* Whenever your girlfriend brings up marriage in front of your male friends, you must make some sort of sarcastic comment. Rolling the eyes and/or snorting will barely make the requirement here, though that is a little weak, Sally. Ladies, it's not that we aren't totally in love with you, and don't want to get married and spend the rest of our lives with you. You're the love of our life! Of course we do! It's just we can't admit that in front of the fellas. Come on now. You've got to be an independent man in front of them.
* If a married man cannot do a guy thing (play video games, go play sports, watch "the game") because he has to do activities with his wife, you must give him shit about it. Yes, we know he has priorities. Yes, we know we'll be the same way once we get married (well, not Bob, but he's the only man I've ever met who I think has a chance of pulling that off). But you've still got to harass your boy. You're not a true friend if you don't. The levels of harassment depend on how important the guy thing is, and how girlie the wife's thing is.
* You must return "The Nod" from another man. There's not many worse things you can do to another man as see him give you The Nod and ignore it. It's the ultimate male bonding experience. It's the way we say hi. To not return The Nod is the same as saying, "Yeah, I think you're a little bitch. And just what exactly are you going to do about that, you little bitch?" I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to beat your ass is what I'm going to do.
* Some sort of lewd comment or look must be uttered when two women do anything. Yes, it's such a cliche, and so childish and immature. But if two women do anything that can in any way, shape, or form be possibly sexual in nature, you have to make a smart remark about it, or throw out the wink. And yes, I'm a little ashamed of myself every time I do it. But you have to. It's a Guy Law.
And besides, it's funny. :-)
* Whenever a woman gets their hair cut or colored differently, we cannot say anything. Here's the thing ladies. We almost always notice. And yes, it always looks nice. And yes, we know you're just DYING for compliments on the new doo. But we can't say anything for a variety of reasons. First of all, we're too scared. If we compliment it, there's at least a 60% chance that you'll snap back how much you hate it, and how that dumb bitch (could apply to a man or a woman) screwed up your hair and didn't listen and I said no bangs, blah blah blah. By the time you're done ranting, you're pissed, we're scared you're going to cut our balls off just because we're standing closest to you, and we know there's no way we're getting lucky tonight. Next, we're afraid of the fakeout. This is especially common when you dye your hair subtly. We notice the difference...we think we can see it...but we're not entirely sure. And the last thing we want is the false call: "Hey, I like your hair!" "Really asshole? I didn't do anything to it! Thanks for caring!" Repeat step 1. Finally, if we complimented your hair immediately with glowing praise every single time, you'd go even more to the salon, and good Lord have you seen the prices there! We can't afford that!
Now onto some serious Laws...
* You cannot have sex with a friend's girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, wife, ex-wife, or sister without permission. Should go without saying, right? Unfortunately, no, apparently some people need to learn this lesson. Timeline doesn't matter. It could have been an ex-girlfriend who he hasn't seen in five years, and you still have to ask first. Now, you can make out with any exes on the list (obviously, nothing with a current is allowed). Maybe even the sister. You can probably even feel up the ex-girlfriend, though definitely not the sister or ex-wife. All of that falls under the universally accepted category of "I'm sorry buddy; I was drunk" (excepted everywhere, like Visa or American Express). But you CANNOT have sex with any of the above without receiving EXPLICIT permission.
And the fact that you have to receive such permission means you probably shouldn't even ask. Just don't do it.
* Thou shalt not go wherest thoust brother has gone. No. Fuck permission. Can't do it. If your brother has had sex with her, you cannot have sex with her. Done. Do not pass Go, do no collect $200. Brother also includes any cousins who are close family members; close enough that a rationale person would say that they almost have a brother relationship. If your brother has been there, you shall never be there.
* Under no circumstances should a boyfriend call an ex-husband to discuss a relationship. We're moving into married land now. You know the scenes in movies where the new boyfriend goes to talk to the ex-husband? Are those not the most uncomfortable scenes in any movie? You don't want to see it, you know it's a train wreck waiting to happen, and you just want it to be over with as soon as possible. And besides, how often does that scene end well? 60% of the time it ends up with them screaming at each other, 30% of the time they end up getting in a fight, and 10% of the time they go away deciding to ruin each other's lives in some bizarre revenge plot.
News flash people: that's how it works in the real world. It's one of the few times Hollywood doesn't lie to us.
So don't do it. Don't think that a "man to man" conversation is going to help any situation. Don't call and ask permission to marry the ex-wife, don't call to warn him that you're going to do it, don't call to try to "work things out" so you can be in the same room together and not stare daggers at each other. You both fucking hate each other. It's the way it should be. Don't try to make it any better. Just be civil to each other, and if he's not being civil, let the wife deal with the one who isn't. But you two are not buddies, and should not pretend to act like such.
That's it. If you've got any more good Guy's Laws, feel free to post them. Otherwise, gentlemen, please observe.