Friday, October 29, 2004

Western Conference Preview

The Scrubs

15. Seattle Supersonics
Let’s see. Seattle has Ray Allen, one of my favorite shooting guards in the league, and a genuine star. They have Rashard Lewis, who’s a nice little player, but will never be anything more than a nice little player. After that…they have absolutely nothing. I mean, this is a team that is excited about getting Nick Collison back from injury. And I’m not saying all white guys from Kansas suck, I’m just saying that, well, all players from Kansas kind of end up sucking in the NBA (when Danny Manning’s so-so career is the best you have to offer, you’re in trouble). And Mike, I love you, please don’t kill me.

14. LA Clippers
Congratulations Clips! You made a legitimate run at Kobe! For the first time ever, you actually looked like you were going to spend some money on a free agent. Some cynics out there—cynics whose names I won’t mention, but one of which is really tall and apparently eats young children—might think that the reason you went after Kobe was because you knew he would never sign with you, and you just wanted to save face when—once again—you didn’t spend any money on players. But hey, you fooled the media, and the effort was there.

While putting all your eggs in the basket of a guy who cheats on his wife, and then says to the media/fans, “Y’all know me. Y’all know I wouldn’t do this.”, you lost your starting 2-guard and second best player. But hey, you did get Kerry Kittles, who is half the player the guy you lost was, but he’s at least decent. Wait, what’s that? Well…shit. He’s hurt to start the season.

I feel so sorry for Elton Brand, a great player and apparently a really good guy. He’s the only Dukie I’ve ever really liked. And he’s stuck on the worst franchise in sports.

13. Golden State Warriors
The Golden State Warriors, according to most media reports, seem to be this year’s Memphis Grizzlies: the team that has been crappy for years that will suddenly be better. I have one question though: Why? Why should this team better? I think it’s because they added Chris Mullin to the front office this past season. However, based on the following moves, I don’t see why we should be all that excited about him. It’s time to use one of my favorite items, the bullet point list (anybody want to set an over/under on how many times I pull out this bad boy?):
 He signed Adonal Foyle to a $41 million dollar contract this offseason. He averaged 3.1 points and 3.8 rebounds last year.
 He signed Derek Fisher, Mr. “Wow I’ve got to cash in RIGHT NOW before everyone realizes that I have just been riding Shaq and Kobe’s tails these past few years” to a $38 million contract.
 He added Christian Laetner (the biggest team cancer in the history of sports? Probably not…Terrel Owens has him beat, I’m sure, but it’s close) and the oft-injured, will never be as good as he was his first couple of seasons (which weren’t that great) Eduardo Najera.
 He’s counting on Jason Richardson (who’s not a bad player, but this guy just doesn’t do it for me. He’ll never be great; Hell, he won’t ever be very good), Mike Dunlevey (hmmm…let’s count on a white guy from Duke! That’s worked well in the past!), Troy Murphy (who had showed some promise of being a good player, but missed most of last season with an ankle injury. Just ask Grant Hill how that works out), and a French guy named Michael Pietrus to continue to improve and lead the team to victory. The Warriors’ expectations for all of these guys are way too high.

In other words, the Warriors, once again, will suck.

12. New Orleans Hornets
Welcome to the West, dudes. Well let’s see. They have two All-Stars on their team, one of whom shot 39% last year, and one of whom everyone was furious was actually picked as an All-Star because they wanted Lebron in the game instead. Now, both of these guys have complained publicly about the ownership of the team and the direction the team is heading in. Your best player, Jamal Mashburn, is out for the year. You have a new coach, who I consider one of the biggest asses in the NBA, and a poor coach. You have a guard-oriented team with guys who can’t contend with the centers and power forwards in the Western Conference. AND you play in New Orleans, which is in Louisiana, which is evil.

Welcome to the neighborhood! Best of luck to you!

11. Portland Trailblazers
Now this is a halfway decent team. I miss the old crazy Blazer’s teams, though. And this is the worst: they are still half crazy, with Damon Stoudamire, Qyntel Woods, Nick Van Exel, and Sebastian Telfair on this team. But half crazy isn’t crazy enough. I miss wondering if the Blazers were going to attack an opponent, attack a teammate, or just sit down at midcourt and start crying. Remember: Thugz cry too.

As for the team: eh. Not really a lot to say. They’re better than the really bad guys, but not good. They’re not really going anywhere right now. This franchise needs a MAJOR overhaul in its front office. Let’s just move on.

Good teams that can beat anyone on any given night, but can also lose to anyone on any given night.

10. Memphis Grizzlies
Okay now it gets hard. I really can’t decide how exactly this group shakes out. Oh well, we’ll give it the old college try.

There’s something about this Memphis team I just don’t like. It might be that it’s in Memphis, and they’re named the Grizzlies. Will the NBA please make a rule that when you move to a new city, you have to choose a new name? Please? This is really starting to bother me. Sorry about that…anyway, the Grizzlies are asking Stromile Swift, Bonzi Wells, and Lorenzen Wright to play an unselfish, team oriented game for two years in a row. I just have a hard time believing they can successfully do this for that long. However, this team is SO well balanced. You’ve got to love that about them. This is such a rarity in the NBA: a truly balanced, well coached, and disciplined team. It’s nice to watch. The other thing about the Grizzlies, though, is that I think that last year they surprised some people. This year, people know to take them seriously. So that’s why I’m going with tenth.

It’s at this point, though, that I remind you that the Western Conference is STACKED. Even though I have them finishing tenth, this is a very good team, and would probably finish third or fourth in the East. Seriously.

9. Sacramento Kings
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I’ve been waiting years to write this! The Kings are back where they belong…in the gutter!!!

You see, I hate Chris Webber. HATE HIM. He’s a bitch. All he does his whine, and complain, and pout, and choke. That’s all he’s ever done his entire career. If you want, let me know, and I’ll give you specific details. So watching him fail makes me happy.

Webber is still coming back from knee surgery, and frankly, I don’t think he’ll ever be the player he was before the surgery. Their best player last year, Peja Stojakovic, has openly feuded with Webber before the season even started, and is also angry that his team traded Vlade, his best friend. He’s asked to be traded. I think this is the year Bobby Jackson finally demands to start, and starts pouting when he doesn’t. Doug Christie is 34, and is an “energy player”, and energy players do not get better with age. They also have one of the top 5 worst coaches in the league. Finally, their owners finally changed from “we’ll spend anything to win!” to “ummm…this team costs how much?”

I just get the feeling that this is the year it all goes horribly wrong. This is a team of talented losers that the SECOND the going gets tough or something goes wrong, they fold. Well, before the season has even started, they are bickering and arguing among themselves. And I think Vlade was a much more important locker room piece than anyone has realized. He helped give this team a semblance of calm; now Chris Webber is their fearless leader. That’s like following John Kerry into battle :-)

8. Los Angeles Lakers
Nothing would make me happier than having the Lakers miss the playoffs. However, and it kills me to say this, but I’m too scared of Kobe. I hate him, but he is SO good. It helps that the refs call everything for him, but still. And I’m sorry, but I like the Shaq trade more than most people. They got some talent back for him. I’m not saying they should have traded him; but of all the trades that were available, I thought this was one of, if not the, best.

See, I think this team is either going to gel together, and be a little better than everyone thinks (7th or 8th), or they are going to crash, and finish 10th or 11th, and Kobe will absolutely lose it. If this starts to go bad, mark my words: it will NOT be pretty. Kobe won’t be able to handle it. But he got what he wished for…he has the chance to build this team in his own image. Good luck with that, cheater.

One suggestion to the Lakers: find a good point guard. Fast. I would kill whoever I had to in order to get Eric Snow in here.

7. Phoenix Suns
I love the potential for this team. I think signing Steve Nash is EXACTLY what they needed, though they did overpay him BIG TIME. Amare Stoudamire, Shawn Marion, Joe Johnson, and Quentin Richardson are all great players. They needed a good point guard to set things up, and get everyone the ball in the right places at the right time. Steve Nash is one of the last good points. His outside shooting will also be a big plus. And with guys like Amare, Jake Voskhul, and Matrix (Marion) behind him, his defensive liabilities won’t be as bad.

This team isn’t done tinkering…I’ll be shocked if Marion, Johnson, and Richardson are all on the team this time next year (Marion is the most likely to move). But this is going to be a fun team to watch, and they will get better as the season goes on.

6. Your Dallas Mavericks!
If you’d asked me after the Dampier trade, I would have put the Mavs in 10th. But I’m starting to buy into this (and this very much could be the homer in me).

Even if Dampier is half the player he was for Golden State last year, he’s still the best center the Mavs have had in years, and is at least a threat that opposing teams have to think about. I’ve always liked Jason Terry. I don’t know what it is…normally I’m good about staying away from undersized guards, but I’ve always like him as a player, and his career stats back me up (though they are with the Hawks). I’ve heard nothing but good things about Devin Harris’ play in summer league. Hopefully Marquis Daniels will wait another year or two before going Roy Tarpley on us (I’m telling you, he’s crazy). And Dirk should bounce back to where he was two years ago after a very sub-par season last year.

So this is a nice little team, with some potential to grow. I don’t really ever see it being a champion, though. Close, but no cigar.

5. Utah Jazz
This team is like the Grizzlies: very deep, very well coached, good game plan. They have smarter and more talented players, as well. Carlos Arroyo (PG), Raul Lopez (PG), Raja Bell (SG), Gordon Giricek (SG), Matt Harpring (SF—I love this guy too, he’s got a great game), Andre Kirilenko (F), Carlos Boozer (PF), Mehmet Okur (C), and Jarron Collins (C). That’s a 9 deep team, and that’s a pretty good front line (Kirilenko, Boozer, and Okur, though I think Okur is overrated). With those three running around down low, Giricek and Harpring are going to get TONS of looks from the outside (and they will make you pay), and they have a true point guard in Arroyo. Also, like him or not, Jerry Sloan has proved to be an excellent coach. And he’s funny to listen to; that man literally calls em like he sees em, and he’s not above beating someone’s ass.

Two things concern me about this team: gelling and karma. Gelling is very important in basketball, and with some teams more than others. Last season, this was a team built on hard work and chemistry that overachieved. Tinkering with that is always a hard thing to do. However, I think Utah has been smart about who they have added, so I don’t think that will be a problem. They should be able to Gel, and fairly quickly.

The major thing is karma. And yes, we are talking about the Carlos Boozer thing. What he did was unprofessional, despicable, and just begging to have the gods rain curses down upon them. For those of you who don’t know, because he played well, the Cleveland Cavaliers—who drafted Boozer and gave him his chance to play in the league—allowed Boozer to opt out of the last year of his contract. This last year would have paid him about $670k. They did this to sign him to a 6 year, 45 mil contract, paying about $7.5 mil a year. They could have had him for another year at $670k, but in order to get this taken care of, and reward him for doing a good job, they were willing to give him the raise he earned.

Well, he opted out of his contract, and then signed with the Jazz for 6 years, 66 million. The 45 million the Cavs offered him were the most the Cavs could pay him under league rules.

To make matters worse…the owner of the Cavs is a BLIND GUY. He stabbed a blind guy in the back! If that is not inviting misfortune on yourself and your team, I don’t know what is.

Still, I don’t think that will happen. I think the Jazz will be pretty good.

A cut above the last, but a cut below the next…

4. Houston Rockets
If any of the “Big Four” in the West has a chance to falter, it’s this team. Houston has a chance to have an unbelievable team. They have two of the most dominant players in the NBA: Tracy McGrady and Yao Ming. They have some good role players: Jim Jackson (who I love), Juwan Howard, Maurice Taylor, Bob Sura (who I also love, and shall be henceforth referred to as “Little Bobby Sura”), Tyronne Lue. But they have some serious questions (can you believe it’s been this long since my last list):
 Can TMac and Yao really coexist? I have some serious questions about this. First of all, I don’t think Yao is quite as good as most people think he is, and I think he’s going to have trouble going from playing with Steve Francis—who at least tried to have fun with him—to McGrady. Also, I think TMac is going to have a LOT of trouble adapting his game to fit with Yao’s. As soon as he became any good, he demanded out in Toronto, and he was the first, second, and last option every single time in Orlando. For a wing player, having to suddenly accustom your game to not only playing with someone else, but playing with a dominant big man, can be a big transition—a transition McGrady has never been asked to make before. It won’t be easy for him.
 As far as I’m concerned, the Rockets have three (Ming, McGrady, Jim Jackson) and a half (Howard) starters, and the rest of the team is nothing but backups. The desperately need a good starting point guard. They also desperately need a good outside shooter, preferably at shooting guard. It’s hard to win with 3.5 starters, no matter how good those 3.5 are.
 Can McGrady and Jeff Van Gundy coexist? TMac is NOT going to be interested in sacrificing his offense for Jeff’s New York Knick’s style “knock em down and only score 80 points” system. Jeff is going to have to adapt his coaching philosophy somewhat to take advantage of Tracy and Yao’s skills, and Tracy is going to have to learn and want to play defense for once in his life.

The problem is I think this is going to be a much more difficult transition than people realize. I also think Yao is just happy to be here, and when adversity happens on his team, he shrinks away a little. I also think if things start going bad and Tracy isn’t getting his way, he’ll pout and want out. So we’ll just have to see how the team deals with what I’m sure will be a difficult transition getting started. There is a lot of talent on this team…it’s just all wrapped up in two to four places, and I wonder a little about those two to four places.

Bad Azz Mo Fos

3. Denver Nuggets
As we learned earlier this offseason…OH MY GOD I FRICKIN LOVE THIS TEAM. I think if they manage to keep this team together, they could dominate the NBA for YEARS. I can’t understand it. I’m seriously having trouble with the fact that I’m this excited about the crappy Denver Nuggets. The lineup:
 Point Guard: Andre Miller, Earl Boykins. Andre Miller is a top ten—and arguably top five—point guard in the league. Earl Boykins would be starting for several teams in the league (like Houston).
 Shooting Guard: Veshon Leonard, Greg Buckner. Leonard is a great spot up shooter, and the perfect compliment to this team. Team USA could have really used him this summer. I’d rather have Jon Barry, but Greg Buckner is a tough player and an excellent backup here (if he stays healthy).
 Small Forward: Carmelo Anthony. And after the Olympics, he will have a HUGE chip on his shoulder, and has already said he’s got something to prove this season.
 Power Forward: Kenyon Martin, Nikoloz Tdhafljafepfhaiogpahvazczfe. How again did they get Ken? Without giving up any players? Without even giving up any really good draft picks? It’s almost not fair. And if Nikoloz, a former third pick who’s been a bust, starts to give them anything…wow, I’ll wet myself. One sour note: they’ll miss Chris Anderson. The fun guy who plays crazy and mixes things up so the other team is confused is always missed a little. But they’ll survive.
 Center: Nene Hillario, Marcus Camby. They have two good centers? Both are guys who would start on 90% of the rest of the teams in the league? Isn’t there a rule against this?

Trust me on this: this team will get better and better and better as the season goes on. By the end of the year, no team in the league will be as feared in the playoffs as the Denver Nuggets. And they’re going to be fun to watch! I think I’m going to pee my pants I’m so excited.

And yes…I am drunk right now.

2. San Antonio Spurs
We all know the Spurs. They’ve had the same team for about 20 years. They only made one significant off season addition: adding Brent Barry. Brent Barry is an excellent passer and outside shooter, and is the perfect fit for this team, and they will be better now that they have him. However, some media outlets seem ready to mail the trophy to the Spurs because they signed him. Let’s slow down there kids; he’s still just a Barry.

There’s one thing that bothers me about the Spurs: the fact that they choked against the Lakers in the playoffs last year. Now Carly is calling hit men to take me out, but I’m sorry, it’s true. There’s a big difference between losing to a team and choking. It says something about your character, your confidence, who you are. And I know that Derek Fischer’s shot was a miracle; that doesn’t count. The problem was the Spurs laid down after that. It was like they said, “Well, after that miracle shot, we have an excuse to lose to them, so we’ll go ahead and use that and head to the golf courses.” Now, of course, the Lakers are no longer a threat…but that soft underbelly still remains, and it bothers me a little.

But don’t worry, Timmy & Co will still be great this year.

1. Minnesota Timberwolves
This team won the West last year with all of the following happening:
 Half of their starting lineup missed half of the season due to injuries.
 Their prize free agent starting center was worse than useless he was so bad. The Wolves were better with Mark Madsen at center than Michael frickin Olowakandi.
 They had to overcome personal demons as the season progressed.
 They were integrating several radically new players into their lineup.

This season, they return basically the same team. They’ve taken care of any drama the media could dream up for them last year, and are now focused solely on winning a title. They should be healthier this year. They have a year’s worth of experience playing together. There is no way Olowakandi can play worse than he did last year. They even have the token “really talented but crazy guy who will either be a big plus for us this year, or we’ll cut his ass and forget he was ever on the team (Eddie Griffin)”. This team will be awesome this year. If they can just stay healthy throughout the playoffs, they will be the unquestionable favorites.

And let’s not forget: they still have the one player in all of Professional Sports who cares about the game he plays; who cares only about winning; who has fun while he’s playing; who loves his teammates and his fans and wants to be loved by them; who is the last of a dying breed of athletes that you can actually look up to and admire. Oh yeah, and he’s one of the top five players in the NBA.

I’m speaking, of course, about Kevin Garnett, the reigning MVP. Cheer for him loudly and with pride, and enjoy him while it lasts, because he is truly the last of his kind.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Welcome to my world...

Well, if I won't get an XBox, I'll at least get a blog. Now I can publish all of my rant and rave emails here! Oh glorious day!

I'll think of something creative to write later...trying to get the look and feel set up now...have fun, be good everybody!


NBA Eastern Conference Preview

Teams my LMRA coed team could beat.

15. Charlotte Bobcats
They’re an expansion team. They don’t really count.

14. New Jersey Nets
Okay seriously. It took me ten minutes to figure out which team was the worst. There was that many to choose from.

They have two good players on this team: Jason Kidd and Richard Jefferson. Jason Kidd is coming off of serious knee surgery, and has already been skipping practices because he wants to be traded. Richard Jefferson is barely a good player…I like him, and if he’s you’re third best player you have a good team, but when he’s BY FAR your second best player…and really your best player because Kidd is just going to cash it in…yikes.

Do you remember in Major League 2 when Robert Dorn buys the team, and then admits like two games into the season that he didn’t have enough money to buy the team, so he has to get rid of all the good players because he can’t afford to pay them? Well, that’s EXACTLY what happened to the Nets this offseason. So you can imagine how “motivated” they will be this year. And let’s remember…it’s New Jersey…not like the fans give a crap anyway.

One more thing…over/under on number of games Zo plays before he goes down, but still refuses to retire: 15.

13. Atlanta Hawks.
I love the fact that Larry Bird sent Al Harrington here from Indiana. “Oh, you want to complain about not starting? You want to shoot more? Fine. HAVE FUN IN ATLANTA, BITCH! TEN PEOPLE ARE IN ATTENDENCE EACH GAME! THEY’RE SO BAD ROYALE IVEY IS ON THE ROSTER! DON’T FUCK WITH LARRY BIRD, BITCH!!!!” I’m telling you, Larry Legend is a bad ass. I would never mess with him.

Al Harrington isn’t their best player. Antoine Walker…yes, the Antoine Walker who was on the Mavs last year…is their best player. If any fans show up and sit on the front row, they had better deck, cause ’Toines three point bricks are DEADLY! The only reason I think the Hawks will do better than the Nets is that at least the Hawks’ best player will be happy (because he can shoot as much as he wants).

12. Washington Wizards
The saddest thing here isn’t that the Wizards are in twelfth place; it’s that they aren’t any lower.

11. Chicago Bulls
I’ll say this in fairness to Chicago: they had a good offseason. They are the opposite of the other teams in this section: they are moving up instead of down. Unfortunately, they were way, way down.

My biggest problem with Chicago is they have a glut of talent at two positions. Kirk Heinrich, Ben Gordon, Chris Duhon, Adrian Griffin, and Luol Deng all pretty much play the same position. It’s going to take them a while to work that out. Also, this is the last chance for Tyson Chandler and Eddie Curry, because of a man most of you (but not Chris) has never heard of: Gary Trent. Now I remember watching Gary Trent play in college in the MAC. He’s a MAN. If anyone can teach those two talented sissy’s how to play some basketball, it’s him. If they can’t…kick them out of the league. Personally, I’m going with the latter, not the former.

They’ll be bad, but there is at least some hope.

Teams that really suck, but they aren’t embarrassingly bad, but wow there are a lot of them. .

10. Orlando Magic
It’s the same old story: “If Grant Hill plays, the Magic could be pretty good this year!” Yeah, well, we’ve been saying that for what, six years now? Since this is the first year I’m writing an NBA preview, this will probably be the year Grant actually comes back and plays for a full season. But until that day, I’m not counting on him.

I’m having a hard time with this entire section. These teams could finish in any order in this grouping. There’s something intriguing to me about this Orlando team…a starting lineup of Steve Francis, Cutino Mobley, Grant Hill, Dwight Howard, and Kelvin Cato isn’t bad on paper, in the East. They even have Hedo Turkoglu, Jameer Nelson, Pat Garrity, and Tony Battie coming off the bench. Man, as I write this, I’m starting to have second thoughts about tenth…

We’ll see. It doesn’t all depend on Hill…Howard, the first pick of the draft straight out of high school, needs to give them something; Cuttino Mobley—who has taken over for Antoine Walker as Michael Pondrom’s Most Overrated Player in the NBA award winner—needs to not just sit there and jack up threes all day; and one of the three centers—Cato, Battie, or Andrew DeClerq—needs to not suck. That being said, though, they desperately need Hill’s leadership and team style of play. Without it, this will be a team of one on one showboaters that will suck. With it, they MIGHT be an uptempo, young team, that will lose some games badly, but do pretty well in a bad conference.

That’s why I went with tenth. There’s just too many “If they…” to make me put them higher. However, they might be fun to watch, and they might surprise us. One of the few Eastern teams I’m a bit excited to see play.

9. New York Knicks
I can’t wait to watch this team play. That’s right kids…it’s time for your favorite part of the show…THE BULLET POINT LIST!!!! YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
 There are few more egotistical and disgusting people in the world than Isiah Thomas. So watching him TOTALLY DESTROY ANOTHER franchise is hilarious to me. Seriously, how many chances will he get to fail? This guy literally put an entire LEAGUE out of business (the CBA). Fantastic. Keep embarrassing yourself, Isiah.
 Stephon Marbury and Jamal Crawford are both on this team. Two shoot first, selfish point guards who don’t try to play any defense. And aren’t great shooters. And are ego-maniacs (especially Marbury). I seriously think they will get in a fight at least once this season.
 Vin Baker was RESIGNED to play on this team. Not only that, but the Knicks had a shot at landing Erik Dampier, and decided to sign Alcoholic Vin instead! I don’t even have a joke here. Let’s just move on.
 Sorry Knick fans: Allan Houston and his 100 million dollar contract did not die. They’re hurt, of course, but still alive, well, and on the bench/salary cap. Wow. Thank God I hate New York…otherwise I would now light myself on fire.

Man I hope Orlando beats this team out. Number of times during the preview I’ve now thought “Man, I wish I could pick this teams to finish LOWER”: 4. We’ll start keeping track of that.

8. Cleveland Cavaliers
They have a halfway decent team. Combine that with the fact that David Stern will do ANYTHING to get Lebron James in the playoffs, and I think they’ll grab the 8th seed.

7. Toronto Raptors
That scale I was talking about? It just blew up with this team. Seriously, I’d written a whole schpeel about how the Raptors and Vince Carter were losers (Here’s a snippet: Vince Carter and the Toronto Raptors are losers. I’m sorry to say it, but it’s true. In the “tight playoff races for the 7th and 8th seeds”, they always end up finishing ninth, even when they have the talent to finish much higher.), and then realized that I had forgotten about the Knicks and Cavs.

If Chris Bosh continues to improve, if Vince stays healthy, if Jalen Rose doesn’t act like an idiot, blah blah blah, you know what? Why am I picking this team ahead of Orlando? Don’t be surprised at all if Vince finds a way to lead Toronto gloriously to ninth place again.

And yes, I am bitter. I wanted him to be so good. He could have been so good. He was so great to watch! And they have purple uniforms! It’s my favorite color! Stop making fun of me.

6. Philadelphia 76ers
Unbelievable that this team makes the playoffs. Not only that, but in SIXTH FRICKING PLACE? I’m about to have a seizure. Seriously, I’ve already started crying. This is embarrassing. I feel so sorry for Memphis right now (remember in my Western Conference Preview how I said they’d finish fourth? Yeah…you see, I thought I was exaggerating).

Say this about Allen: that little bastard won’t die. Literally since he started getting arrested for inciting riots in high school (no, I’m not kidding) he has proven to be a survivor. Every time you think he’s done, he bounces back. And he definitely needs to bounce back from the Olympics this summer (not his fault! I think he actually did a decent job over there. He tried to be a leader and a team player, and was not absolutely horrible at it. Allen is what he is, and a great leader of men and team player he is not, but that doesn’t mean he is a terrible person or player. It just means he isn’t a great one…maybe not even a very good one.)

Well, even though he is a horrible player to watch, Glenn Robinson does contribute 20 and 7 a night. I agree that Samuel Dalembert will have a breakout year this year, Kenny Thomas is a solid power forward (especially in the East), and Corliss Williamson and Brian Skinner were both good pickups for them.

I think that seizure is coming. My body is shaking as I type this. The count is up to 6.

5. Boston Celtics
I hope Lockheed Martin doesn’t do a drug test on me, because SURELY I would fail it. I have just picked the Boston Celtics to finish fifth. That is one spot off of home court in the playoffs. That means there are ten teams worse than them. That’s it kids…the apocalypse is here…time to start running naked through the streets.

This must be the Sports Guy’s ( fault. Surely he’s tricked me into believing Boston can be this good. They can’t. I mean, I’m sorry, but their draft was not that good. I keep hearing how great Tony Allen looks…but I watched him play a lot at OSU, and he’s Even Stephen. He hurts you as much as he helps you. Delonte West as an NBA point guard? Please tell me that the NBA point guard position has not slipped that far. Al Jefferson supposedly has been fantastic in summer league play, and has all the talent in the world. He’s still coming straight out of high school.

It’s not just the draft. They gave some guy named Mark Blount $40 something million this offseason! Ricky Davis is on this team! He’s certifiably insane! They are COUNTING ON Raef LaFrentz! And Jiri Welsch! And Gary Payton! Gary Payton is supposed to turn his career around on this team!

And yet…Paul Pierce is a winner. He is a great player, and he finds a way to win. He’s the opposite of Vince Carter. That’s all there is to it. He’s the only Kansas player who has ever really panned out to anything. He’s the exception to the rule.

I mean, this team made the playoffs last year. How…well, I know how. They shouldn’t have, but they did it. They did it because Paul Pierce is a great player, and is a winner. He’ll never get the credit he deserves, because his team’s suck, but he should go down as a great one. So, since this team made the playoffs, and improved a little, and the rest of the bottom of the East stayed the same or got worse, sure, I’ll put them here. May God have mercy on my soul.

Final count on teams I wish I could put lower: 7.

4. Milwaukee Bucks
This was a team that played hard, played smart, and overachieved last year. However, they didn’t improve in the offseason. In fact, they got worse, because they lost TJ Ford, perhaps for the year, perhaps for his career, to a neck injury. I also think they will miss Brian Skinner a lot.

So this team could easily drop a lot further. I hope they keep the same magic they had last year, because I love Michael Redd, and of course Desmond. Root for this team because as a sports fan you should want them to win. They are good guys who play the game the right way. We’ll see though…

Thank God…some good teams.

3. Miami Heat
Here’s the problem with this team: remember what I said about Houston? No? Well fine, I’ll tell you: “It’s hard to win in this league with only 3.5 starters.” Yes, the Heat got Shaq, but they gave up a LOT to get him. Personally, I would have played hardball, and hung onto Caron Butler. But whatever. Let’s take a peek at the starting lineup.

Shaq is going to be awesome this year. He is actually in good shape for once; he looks great. Dwayne Wade will continue to improve on his outstanding rookie season. Eddie Jones will be solid, as usual. So there are three starters.

Yep. That’s it kids. Three starters. Now, two of those three are unbelievable players. But it’s still only three starters. Hey, in the East, that’s good enough to easily get them third, maybe even second if Indiana chokes (always a possibility). But no NBA titles here.

2. Indiana Pacers
Wow. This team has a chance to take over the Blazer’s title as “crackhead crazy team of the league”. Stephen Jackson, Ron Artest, and Jamaal Tinsley all on one team? Seriously? Through in Scott Pollard’s crackah ass? Wow! This is going to be awesome!

Only one problem: Larry Legend runs this team, and as Al Harrington found out the hard way, he rules with an Iron Fist. So I think he and Rick Carlisle will be able to keep everyone (somewhat) in line.

Other than that, pretty much the same talented team that was there last year.

1. Detroit Pistons
The defending champions are pretty much the same as last year. Should coast to the top of the East. They were lucky last year; they matched up PERFECTLY to the Lakers. They would not have defeated the Spurs or Wolves.

There are only two problems with the Pistons: 1) Derrick Coleman. He’s a cancer who’s destroyed every team he’s ever been on. “But Larry Brown has somewhat handled him before!” you say. “Okay,” I say, “I’ll give you that.” But that leads me to point number 2) Larry Brown. I seriously think he is crazy. Like, I wonder if he has mental control-freak issue problems. Can’t you see him stalking women? And after the Olympics this summer…man, I kind of see some kind of mental breakdown. Like how Don Nelson had a nervous breakdown when he was coaching the Knicks, and then tricked everyone into thinking he was better, and then has been running the Mavs like a madman ever since. I can see Larry Brown going nuts and going full blown Nazi on us this year. But I think his assistants should be able to somewhat keep him in line.

So the Pistons win the East. Big frickin deal. The East is so bad it almost makes me want to watch college basketball. Thanks God the West is so entertaining. 

There’s my previews everybody…feel free to make fun of me at the end of the season!