Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Coupla Things...

* We'll start this one as we began the last one...

Tony Romo.

As I stood squeezed into some Addison bar watching the final minutes of the Cowboys game, I had two thoughts while watching the ball slip from Tony Romo's fingers, and then almost miraculously almost get the first down anyway...
1) Dude, I'm glad I'm standing by the kitchen, because if these crazy fucking Cowboy's fans start rioting, I'm running right into the kitchen and right out the back door.
2) Wow, I wonder how the city is going to react to their Beautiful Baby Boy totally screwing the pooch?

Today I still find myself wondering the same thing. The magnetism of Tony Romo is astonishing to me. The positives have concoted the "Doctored ball theory" (the ball apparently looked slick on national TV, so the Seahawks, must have doctored to make him slip up. The negatives have jumped up and said he's an overconfident, arrogant asshole who was bound to make a mistake.

As you know, I believe the truth in every issue is somewhere in between. This one is no different: the ball wasn't doctored people (get a life), and I don't think overconfidence caused the ball to slip out of his hands. He's a rookie. In his first playoff game. He'll be back, and I think he'll be a good quarterback in the NFL, if not a star. Give him some time. But he is not--as he has proven--a miracle worker.

Now we can get rid of this slightly above average team and focus on the true pride of Dallas: YOUR DALLAS MAVERICKS! But more on that later...

* Oh, and btw, if you haven't heard of it yet, check out "Drew Bledsoe's" blog. In the words of the unflappable Barney Stinson, it's LEGENDARY.

* Speaking of Barney, I Netflixed (Netflix = greatness, btw) the entire first season of How I Met Your Mother in order to catch all of the episodes I missed. I caught almost all of the first season on TV--well, really on the internet, where it is shown for free in great quality on People, I'm telling you, it's one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. It's priceless. If you're between the ages of 20 and 35 and not watching it, you're a fool. Anyone older will love the humor, though you probably haven't lived the show. It's priceless.

* Speaking of TV shows on the Internet, can I just say that that is the greatest idea for us (the consumer)? Ever? Yes, I believe I can. I don't know how they're paying for this--and I'm sure in 6 months to a year, once people are comfortable with the idea of watching TV online, they'll start making us pay for it--but it's incredible. You can watch full screen, and as long as you have a halfway decent (not brand new, just a good, run of the mill) machine, you'll have no problems running it. It's awesome. I can't get enough of it.

* So Mark McGwire didn't make the Hall of Fame. I'm torn on this issue. On the one hand, I don't think cheaters should prosper, and I don't think that we should encourage people to use drugs by immortalizing those that do. On the other hand, when EVERYONE does it, how can you single out McGwire? Is that fair to make him the Whipping Boy? Here's my advice on how to handle that situation: stop giving a shit about baseball, even if it was your first sporting love. It's time to move on.

* Hi. Cartoon Network. I was wondering...yeah, did you think of maybe coming up with any good new shows? Ever again? Maybe just one? How can the network that brought us Powerpuff Girls, Dextor's Laboratory, AQTHF, Samurai Jack, and single handedly resurrected Futurama and Family Guy be the same network that is now bringing us Frisky Dingo, Assy McGee, Foster's, etc.? The only good things you've done in the last two years have been Venture Brothers and Ben 10. Let's stop showing super weird anime and crappy shows that cost $5 to make and are just gross, and return to our roots.


* Saddam Hussein is dead.

Good riddance. The world is a better place with you not in it, sir.

That being said...
The sad truth about the Middle East was apparent in his hanging. To me, it was SSDD. So the Sunnis had persecuted, exploited, and butchered the Shiites while they were in power. We come in, save the day, free the oppressed. A new day is dawning in Iraq, a day built on justice, fairness, and freedom. A day where the sins of the past are no more. What happens, then, during the execution? They mock Hussein, throw out prejudicial slurs, and basically act like the tyrants who they are replacing--of course in the act prompting a new wave of violence.

Sadly, that hanging and the behavior therein scares me. It scares me that the Shiites will treat the Sunnis the same way they were treated, which means in X number of years, someone will have to go in and save the Sunnis. The oppressed will once again become the oppressor, and the cycle will continue.

In other words, it will be the same as it always has been for the last 4000 years or so.

I pray to God I'm wrong.

* Count me among those who cannot believe that Greg Oden is only 18. Have you seen him? He looks like he's 40! Is there any way we can look into this? I'm getting scared.

* And, finally, let's talk about the Mavs.

As for the Spurs, if you didn't believe the torch was taken after last year's playoffs, well, feel free to congratulate me now. You do NOT lose to your arch rival at home to give them a 2-1 series lead when you are up by 11 at the half. You do not do it. Unless...the title doesn't go through you anymore. Unless the torch is no longer within your grasp.

This is the sad reality that faces the Spurs. Time and the Mavs have both caught up to them.

I'm extatic about how the team has been playing. Let's count the ways:

1) Dirk is the MVP at this point this year. Period. Any other talk is just silly.
2) The Mavs offseason moves have worked wonders. Austin Croshere has been solid off the bench, and is light years ahead of KVH. Anthony Johnson we'll cover in a minute. Devean George has finally won me over; the guy plays great defense, and will hit the three when you leave him open. On this team, with our talent, he keeps finding himself open more and more. Buckner I'm still not sold on, but he's not any worse than Stackhouse, so why not. I still wish we had moved Stackhouse for someone more consistent, but the bottom line is that we are the best team in the NBA right now. You've got to love it.
3) Back to Anthony Johnson...I credit the Erik Dampier resurgence to AJ. You see, since the Mavs have not had a center since Sam Donaldson, the Mavs have no idea what to do with one. Now insert Anthony Johnson, who's been playing with Jermaine O'Neal, one of the best post players in the league, for years. Suddenly, Damp starts catching the ball underneath the basket for wide open, easy dunks. Suddenly, he's receiving good passes downlow a couple times a game. He's energized now; he knows to be ready instead of just standing there on offense, because if he's not, AJ will bounce one off his chest. Now he's playing better D because he's energized on O.

Look, I'm not saying Dampier is a great center. He's not. But now we have a point guard who can reach him, and now he's no longer a liability out there. Now the other team does have to watch him. Excellent.
4) The emergence of Josh Howard, All Star, and Devin Harris, starting point guard. It's now no longer "Dirk and the gang", it's Dirk and Howard. Having two prime time players to prepare for is a very important thing in the NBA. Harris no longer looks like a super fast guy who has no idea how to play basketball out there; he looks like a solid NBA point guard who could easily be an All Star next year if he gets a consistent outside jump shot. There might not be anyone quicker in the league than him.

All this and Terry has been incredibly inconsistent, and Stackhouse (who is supposed to be a 6th Man of the Year candidate) has been hurt all season.

Congrats Mavs. Now hopefully David won't cheat us out of the title this year.