Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Donald Rumsfeld Resigns
These Guys Are So Fucking Stupid I Can Hardly Stand It

Amy...Ben...Nirupa...this is the moment you've waited a long time for.

Donald Rumsfeld's resignation on November 8th was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I have moved from being "disappointed" in this latest incarnation of the Republican Party (the Bush years) to "being pissed at these stupid, incompetent assholes". I was secretly hoping that the Democrats would take control of Congress, as I believe it was time to go to the other end of the Sine Wave (how have I not written a blog yet about how life follows the Sine Wave? Just trust me for now...it does), and that fresh leadership was needed. After watching the idiocy of November 8th, I became thrilled that his happened.

Now don't get me wrong. I don't blame Donald Rumsfeld for all of America's problems. But the way his resignation was handled was a perfect example--a microcosm, if you will--of everything that has been wrong with this Republican Congress, and the second Bush Presidency.

It all started on October 30, when John Kerry made his idiotic remarks at a campaign rally in California that insulted soldiers everywhere. The Republicans immediately jumped on his remarks, as it looked like they were going to lose control of Congress on November 7th.

Now did John Kerry's remarks have anything to do with the piss-poor job the Republican run Congress has been doing? No. It didn't. But the Republicans were happy to turn that non-issue into an issue. And it worked a little--the Republicans gained ground in the races. However, it still looked like the Dems were going to carry the day.

That's when the word that I think portrays this Congress--sorry, this entire Administration--kicked in: Arrogance. The Republicans thought they had it won. They were so sure of this fact, that on November 1, Bush said that Rumsfeld would not resign. Never. Under no circumstances.

Now why would Bush say that? Rumsfeld resigning would definitely be a boon to the Republicans. Most Americans--even Republicans--feel like he's done a bad job. And he has done a bad job. Rumsfeld had no plan on how to occupy Iraq after the invasion was complete, and how you cannot plan for that is just simply beyond me. This was the perfect opportunity for the Republicans to gain the little bit of ground they needed--announce his resignation a day or two before, focus on a new look for the very unpopular war in Iraq before the Dems really have a chance to react to Rumsfeld's resignation, and squeak into two more years of Congretional control.

So why didn't they do that, even though the fact that he resigned the day after with a replacement already in place proved that this had been planned for at least a week? Because they were too fucking arrogant. These ignorant assholes thought that harping on Kerry's stupidity was enough to get them the win, and they didn't want to give the Democrats the satisfaction of forcing Rumsfeld out in order for the Republicans to win Congress. So they saved it for the day after.

Now let me ask you this. You don't think news of Rumsfeld's resignation was worth the 7000 votes needed for the Republicans to carry Virginia? What about in Montana, where the Dems won that state by 3000 votes? THREE FUCKING THOUSAND VOTES!!!!

Again, I'm glad it happened. I wanted a change in control. But this was so stupid and arrogant that watching how it played out makes me angry. This is Don Bebe stripping the ball from a celebrating Leon Lett in the Super Bowl--except the Cowboys are down by 3 instead of a 40 point blowout.

So farewell to the Republican Congress, who has brought us ridiculous collusion amongst the oil companies, no plan for post-war Iraq, and several scandals while in office. You will not be missed. I hope that the Democrats do better. Surely they can't do much worse...right?