Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Coupla Things...UPDATED!

* UPDATED: Check out this link to the CMRA home page. The third advertisement down on the page shows several riders racing. In the end, it stops and focuses on one rider when it shows the dates of the next two races. The rider it is focusing on then is the one, the only, Bob Pondrom, CMRA champion and current instructor! Congrats Bob for continuing to excel out there.

* UPDATED: One thing I forgot to mention (but that I did mention in my 2007 preview): The Lakers having Trevor Ariza (missed most of the season to injury last season) is a HUGE boon for them.

* Watching Lebron James shoot free throws in crunch time Tuesday night reminded me a lot of Doug Gottlieb shooting free throws in college. That, as you can see, is not a good thing. I'm starting to think it's a mental thing with Lebron, and that he might not ever improve on this aspect of his game.

* I'm sorry, but how is trading a first and a third round pick for Roy Williams a bad trade? Roy Williams is a Pro Bowl wide receiver in the NFL. The Cowboys have a need at wideout and considered drafting one in the first round this season; they would have almost certainly drafted one in the first round next season. Knowing that you will be losing a first on a receiver, then isn't it worth it to give up a third on a proven commodity, especially with the landscape riddled with "can't miss" receivers who did, in fact, miss (see Rodgers, Charles and Williams, Mike). Throw in the fact that the Cowboys have extra picks in next year's draft, and this is a good trade to me.

* I have a rather simple question: How is "redistributing wealth" any different from "Communism"? That's right, I used the C word, and I stand by it.

As you already know, I will be voting for John McCain on November 4th. That being said, I spoke rather glowingly about Obama back in September considering I was planning on not voting for him. I even made the comment that I was comfortable with him leading the country.

As his campaign has gone on, and--most importantly--as his lead has lengthened, I've become more and more concerned as I feel that Obama has dropped his guard. This concerns me for two reasons: 1) he had a guard to drop in the first place, and 2) how radical many of his ideas really are.

I'm sorry people, but giving people who don't pay taxes cash while increasing the taxes of those who do isn't "Tax Reform"; it's welfare. And the answer to the question above is simple: yes, when the government starts deciding who should make what, at best that is Socialism, and at worst you quickly start "redistributing wealth" and end up with Communism.

As Kyle is fond of saying, words have power. As the election has gone on, Obama seems to be using synonyms of words we don't like in order to trick the populace into not realizing he's supporting these words.

I don't like that. I like someone who is straightforward, and I certainly--as do most Americans--don't like the words Obama is using.

I hope I'm wrong, and that I'm looking to much into this. Especially since Obama is probably going to win the Presidency.

* Now this is a judge I would gladly vote for. The minor drawback with a legal civilization is that you can't just look at people and say, "That's fucking stupid; just go away."

* You know what? Phuck Philly. That long suffering city that hasn't won a title since...wait, 1983? I was alive in 83! My brother was alive in 83! Plus haven't you been to the Super Bowl in the last five years? Weren't you in the World Series in the last decade? Weren't the Sixers a playoff team LAST PHUCKING SEASON? I might hate Philadelphia more than I hate Detroit. Sit down, shut up, quit your bitching, and stop pretending that you're Cubs fans, who haven't won in A HUNDRED PHUCKING YEARS!!!!!!!!

* You know, this video might be a complete fake. I couldn't confirm or deny it online. Either's pretty funny. If I was this guy, I would have got up, handed the groom the rings, and walked out of the wedding. Just got in my car and driven home.

* And then the Lord Jesus Christ, our savior, said to his Apostles: "And lo unto you, my Church better be 4Real, yo." Well, our Lord and Savior got his wish. The 4Real church finally exists. The first line on that page is PRICELESS. Thanks for my lovely and talented girlfriend for clueing me into this.

* I really enjoyed this diatribe about the subprime market, as many of his views mirrored my own. That is, of course, until I got to the last paragraph.

Look, I don't know much about hemp. I've never smoked weed, don't really have a desire to, and don't know a whole lot about that plant and it's various uses. All I know is, it's hard to take a dude seriously--even when you have a return of 866%--if you're last paragraph is a diatribe on the beauty and uses of hemp.

I'm just sayin.

* I'm done with the Jedi. That's right, you heard me. I'm pulling my support of the Jedi.

Does this mean I'm siding with The Sith? Of course not. I still stand for the forces of good and justice. However, I don't think the Jedi really stand for this anymore--honestly, I have no idea what the phuck the Jedi are doing.

First, I've always had a problem with the Jedi's "No Love" belief. Really? You're supposed to be a good guy and you reject love? With all due respect to those Buddhists and Hindu sects who subscribe to the theory of breaking all attachments to free the soul, but that's the stupidest phucking thing I've ever heard in my life. Any good guy who rejects love...I mean, he's just really missing the point.

Second, I've always found it hypocritical that the Jedi are perfectly comfortable slicing their way through thousands of bandits, mercenaries, and clones to their goal--but once they get to the head bad guy, it's suddenly against the code to kill anyone.

Perfect case in point: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD! SKIP TO NEXT BULLET POINT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW THE ENDING! Anyway, TFU is set between Episodes 3 and 4, and deals with the founding of The Rebel Alliance. So you've got this kid, Vader's apprentice, who eventually switches to The Light Side. He goes to the Death Star, beat Vader, and then beats the Emporer. So he's got the Emporer on the ground, he's swinging his lightsaber to kill him--and the Jedi who helped him switch sides grabs his arm, and pulls the, "No, you can't kill him, that's the path to the Dark Side!"


Let's see. This guy has killed not millions, but BILLIONS of people. He's enslaved an entire galaxy. He's totally destroyed all members of the Order that are committed to justice and good--including the little kids that belonged there. He's currently building a space station that can destroy planets. You REALLY think that the universe isn't better off without this guy?

And what happens? The Emperor hops up, kills you (Vader's Apprentice), and then goes on to blow up a planet, and kill billions--wait, that's not true, he probably kills TRILLIONS--more people in the next 20 or so years.

In the words of Happy Gilmore, "Where were you on that one, dipshit?"

So Jedi, phuck it. I'm done with you. You guys are so dumb, you're part of the problem, and not the solution. And thank you, George Lucas, for ruining yet another beloved group of characters for us.

* No matter how this turns out, there's one thing we can all be assured of: it's all Hawns Bwix's fault.

* Speaking of crazy phucking Commies, check this out from our gracious Olympic hosts in the East. Were I an Olympic athlete, I would consider it one of the highlights of my career to have made that list. Good for you Jennie Finch! This just makes me love you even more!!!!

* According to this report, Dallas is getting the Black Super Bowl in 2010, to be played at JerryWorld. (BTW, that shall henceforth be the name of the new monstrosity being built in Arlington: JerryWorld. I have spoken!). And if you don't think I'm pee in my pants excited about this, well, then you just don't know me.

* Finally, a sad moment in the NBA. Greg Oden finally played his first NBA game last night...and couldn't even make a quarter before he got hurt. Everyone swears up and down that this is one of the nicest kids in the world, and that his talent is unbelievable. That's all fine and good...but at this point, I think it's much safer to say his career will be like Grant Hill's in Orlando: injury plagued, and leaving us with the knowledge that we missed someone who could be truly special.

The good news in this story for Portland fans, however, is that this does not affect my predictions for the Blazers. I still think they get 8th in the West. With all respect due to Oden, but his offensive game is terrible. You can tell he's played his entire life just being able to drop step dunk on anyone. This, of course, isn't going to cut it in the NBA. Oden still has a long way to go to develop as a complete player in the league, so having him wouldn't have helped you all that much this season. Add to the fact that Rudy Fernandez looked like the real deal last night, and this is still a team that can win in the West.

Good luck Blazers, and good luck Greg Oden. I have a feeling you're going to need it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How is redistributing wealth any different than communism?"

Communism is about material equality ensured by state controlled production and distribution. No classes, no rich and poor - all equal.

Unless redistributing wealth means redistributing in equal slices, and happens to include the majority of our country's goods and services becoming state-controlled, then it's different.

To my knowledge, Barack Obama only supports the additional state control of one major entity: the administration of health care. This is not really that much different than national defense or public schools. It's based on the liberal premise of providing basic rights to all. Health care is now on that list of basic rights for most Democrats. And Democrats would not be alone on that opinion: "The United States is the only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not have a universal health care system." - Wikipedia, via the Institute of Medicine at the National Academies of Science.

Also, with the recent financial setbacks, I think Obama has not shown any inclination to nationalize the financial sector despite its failure. He's merely pro-regulation for the protection of the American people -- are companies being responsible, can the American public rely on them? We regulate the food we eat in restaurants with public health officials because we aren't given access to kitchens, nor would we be experts if we were given access. Obama simply wants Uncle Sam in the financial kitchen making sure there's no rat in our 401k soup. I think that's reasonable, not socialist or communist.

As far as tax plans, variance in taxes is not an indicator of capitalism, socialism, or communism. It's an indicator of democratic opinion. If companies can operate in a free market, that's capitalism. If companies are state-controlled, that's communism. If tax plans are easier on some and harder on others, in this country - that's democracy at work. The checks and balances of our democracy finding a solution that meets enough people's needs and desires that it becomes reality.

I think it's easy to toss around words like socialism and communism, but Obama has not championed anything socialist or communist. He's a liberal who advocates the protection of the American people, especially the ones who need the most protecting (which does require redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor). You can be a liberal without being a communist - half this country is liberal. And he's a capitalist who understands the necessity of government oversight. You can be a capitalist without being conservative in this country. You can be pro-regulation without being communist in this country.

As you said, Obama will (probably) be the next President, so all the conjecture and fear or defense of the man is meaningless. If nothing else I hope at the end of his term(s) we revere the man the way we do Lincoln and FDR. Not to say "I told you so"s and prove people wrong, but because the country could use a historically great president right about now.

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

daaaaaaaaamn son.... you got served

- Tone Loc

4:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope I'm wrong, but all I can see in my head when I think of Obamamerica is the America shown to us by Ayn Rand in "Atlas Shrugged."

Let us take from the hardworking, competant people and give to the lazy and incompetant. Let us reward mediocrity by punishing ingenuity. Let us glamorize failure by demonizing success.

The man wants to "redistribute the wealth," yet not his. His Aunt lives in the projects. He's got a cousin that lives in Africa on ~$1/week.

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonathan... I feel dumber having just read that. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. I take home about 60K a year as a bartender. I'm a hardworking, competent (with an "e" not an "a" by the way) person. I pay taxes, and I don't work at a job that offers health insurance. So if/when I get sick it costs me an arm and a leg. Privatized health insurance costs me upward of $300 a month. Do you really believe that the fact that Obama wants to offer government subsidized health insurance to ME, communism? You think he's rewarding my "mediocrity" and glamorizing my "failure?" That's just ignorant. This isn't just about rich company owners versus single welfare mothers in the ghetto. There are MILLIONS of Americans just like myself who fall through the cracks that Obama is talking about helping. You know, that "middle class" you keep hearing about on the tv.

And as for that ridiculous comment about Obama's aunt... that's just plain stupid. Obama is talking about raising taxes on people making over 150k a year? You don't think as the president he's going to be making over that? I'm pretty sure he IS "redistributing" his wealth. Just because he makes money, now he has to personally buy everyone in his family a nice new house in the suburbs and move all his extended family across continents? You better start checking on every member of your family, distant relative or not, and see if they need some financial help before you start pointing fingers.. because I'm just gonna take a shot in the dark here, but I bet the majority of YOUR hard-earned money stays right there with you.

-Tone Loc

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Redistribute wealth?

One man has a million dollars. One man has one dollar.
To provide for the government and public services, the cost is $1 per person.

Are you going to take $1 from each? Let a man starve and go homeless when someone else can share the burden with minimal, if even noticeable, impact?

I wouldn't, nor would anyone I hope. It's an extreme example, but the fact is people in this country don't argue about whether or not we should take care of the poor and unable. We're not callous and we're not cold-blooded. It's a question of how and how much is fair.

The differences in tax plans in this country are on the whole aimed at the same target - answering the equation of balancing taxes in a way that's fair. Neither party advocates equal taxes for all. The Republican Party is a redistributor just like the Democratic Party - I know... it hurts.

Regardless of all the platform lines, we all know that the general stance is Republican=rich, Democrat=middle-class, poor. It makes sense that the rich want to ease taxes on themselves, and that the middle-class wants to keep higher taxes on the rich. I wouldn't expect it to be any other ay.

But this charade that Democrats are the only ones in favor of redistributing wealth is a farse. McCain is keeping the top tax bracket at 35%, Obama at 39%. The stance alone of keeping "brackets" is all the proof you need for redistribution on both sides.

As for the people who are benefiting from this redistribution the most: some people are born incompetent and some people are born in situations where the environment doesn't give them the best chance to succeed. Yes, some people are unwilling or lazy, but as long as the odds are in my favor that I'm doing more good than harm by paying for basic goods and services - I feel okay with that and so do a lot of people. If we can give them a fighting chance by making sure they have food, health care, education, and housing assistance then the rest of their quality of life is up to them. But we've done our part and given them a chance to actually live a basic life.

Feel free to agree or disagree on that point, but again, my main point here being -- both parties redistribute wealth. The only argument is what constitutes an appropriate split.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off Tone, I could care less if I misspelled competent.

"Privatized health insurance costs me upward of $300 a month." That's all? When I was working as a contractor (no benefits), I had to pay my own insurance (Blue Cross) and it was at least $300/month, and that was at least 3-4 years seems as if you're actually getting a pretty damned good deal at the moment. And at that time I was making less than what you're pulling down now. I was willing to pay that monthly premium, because I knew the second I stopped paying, I'd get sick or hurt and end up having to pay thousands of dollars in medical costs.

As far as a government run medical program goes....go ask any gainfully employed Canadian citizen about their "free healthcare system." There is a reason why a lot of Canadians come down to the states for procedures.

Where is my post did I mention communism? I didn't.

And a majority of my money doesn't stay here with me. I use MY MONEY to PAY MY MORTGAGE and my other bills. I use MY MONEY to buy goods and pay for services, which in turn provide capital for an employer to pay the wages of a worker. I donate to worthy causes when I can (The V Foundation, the USO, ASPCA, Lions Club, etc).

As to the Yomama's Aunt situation...I'm not saying the guy should buy the ol' lady a house. But seeing as he is a millionaire out there preaching the values of sharing wealth, and helping the downtrodden; you'd think that the guy would at least help his own Auntie out and get her out of the projects and into a nice little effiency apartment. I can point fingers all I want, I'm not the one running for President, advocating a policy that I don't follow in my every day life.


You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they will not do for themselves.

- Rev. William J. H. Boetcker

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Where is my post did I mention communism? I didn't."

Should have read:

Where in my post did I mention communism? I didn't.

fat-fingered the keyboard.

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couple of things Jonathan

- You meant to say you "couldn't" care less. If you COULD care less that means you do care. I'm assuming you don't

- Where in your comment did you mention Communism? You likened our future to that of the one in Atlas Shrugged which, if I remember correctly, was a Communist society, or at least heading that direction.

- $300, if that IS the least amount I would have to pay, is still not a "good deal" on health insurance.

- Ask any gainfully employed French citizen what they think about their free health care. There's a reason a lot of Americans go to Europe for medical and dental care

- His name is Obama. Not Yomamma. Name calling just makes you sound ignorant and childish

- What would your solution to all of this be? We have a graduated tax scale as it exists now... wealthy people pay more money for public services such as the fire dept., police dept., etc. How is that any different than Obama's "redistributing wealth." Should we just go to a flat tax then and see how many services we're able to get from that? Something tells me that won't provide enough for everybody. Then we'd have to start regulating use. You can only get a fire put out at your house once per year. You can only call the police 3 times per year. After that there won't be enough money to cover it. I don't imagine that working out too well

- Obama is our president. You'll have to let me know in 4 years if your way of life has been compromised because all of your wealth has been redistributed to the masses

- Tone Loc

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So calling Barack Hussein "Yomamma" is childish, yet when libs and dems do the same with Bush, they're being witty?

The tax situation. The Dems have made no secret that they plan to roll back the Bush tax cuts, citing that said tax cuts only helped the very RICH. When those tax cuts are rolled back, those that are making above $40k/year will also be taxed at a higher tax rate than they are now. I will believe it when I see it, that I will benefit from Obama's tax plan. And here's a news flash for ya....I'm not rich, yet I'll be taxed as if I am. Now, if you make over $150k/year you're considered rich, and won't benefit from Obama's tax plan.

"Where in your comment did you mention Communism? You likened our future to that of the one in Atlas Shrugged which, if I remember correctly, was a Communist society, or at least heading that direction." It was a Collectivist society not a Communist society, as there were privately owned companies and enterprises, not state owned companies. Semantics you may say, but a Socialist isn't necessarily a Communist, nor a Collectivist. It was a society in which the needs of your neighbor were put above your own rational self-interests. A society in which a shoddy workman has as much right to business (contracts, bids being awarded, etc) as a workman that not only takes pride in his work, but also provides a far superior end product. A society in which those that wanted to provide the best possible product possible were "leaned on" to lessen their standards so that the less competent businesses could compete for bids and wouldn't feel so inferior about their products. A society in which the government turned a blind eye to accidents resulting from the use of substandard materials and labor.

Trust me, I'll be happier than a pig in shit, if in 4 years I'm better off than I am now....

2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonathan, I agree. We'll ALL be happier if we're better off in 4 years than we are now. Sadly I don't think that's going to be too hard to accomplish. I have hope that Obama's America will be far better than what you just illustrated from Atlas Shrugged though.

And no, liberals and democrats who do the same thing with Bush aren't being witty, they're childish and ignorant too.

3:42 PM  

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