Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sometimes Good Things Do Happen To Good People

I'm an unabashed Kevin Garnett fan.

Have been since he joined the league, and I've written about why here before. It's because KG is one of the few left in professional athletics who really wants it. Like Charles Barkley before him, he really cares: about winning above business, about the fans, about his teammates, about the game itself. I've always loved him for that.

On the other hand, you have Kobe. Kobe, who does want to win--but only if it's his way, on his terms, and will hurt anyone if he doesn't get what he wants. Kobe, who cares nothing for anyone but himself: not his fans, not his family, not the game. Kobe cares about one thing in life: the glorification of Kobe Bryant. I've always hated him for that.

This is what makes last night's ...demoralizing? unbelievable? humiliating? ridiculous? dominating? all of those, really...thirty-nine point win over the Lakers even more wonderful. It doesn't always happen where karma wins, where right beats might, where good beats evil, and each person gets what they truly deserved. For once, however, that's exactly what happened. The team that deserved it more won. It's really as simple as that. And not only did they win, but they won so dramatically, so convincingly, that you not only felt good for KG, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, but you felt good for the world.

The "right" thing happened, for once.

Here's some random thoughts on the game last night, and the Celtics season:
* I'm thrilled that the Big 3 all turned in such dominating performances in the decisive game. Truly, this win validated all of their careers, and can put to rest much of the nonsense we've had to listen to over the years about their overall talents. The questions have been answered: Kevin Garnett is one of the 25 best players ever, Paul Pierce is one of the 40 best players ever, and Ray Allen is one of the 50 best players ever. And I might be underselling them a little bit.
* I heard Michael Wilbon a few minutes ago mention how unrealistic it is that the Celtics would repeat. Ummmm...why? The Big 3 still have 2 more good seasons ahead of them (at least). Your younger players (Rondo, Perkins, Powe, Davis, House, even maybe Tony Allen) just got a fantastic year of championship experience. You don't think OCD Ray Allen is going to work all summer with Rondo (who he's basically adopted) on his jumper? Doesn't Powe strike you as the kind of guy who's going to have a PJ Brown like career: way overachieving, lasting 20 years, and constantely getting better until he's a borderline All Star because of how fundamentally sound he is? We all might laugh at Kendrick Perkins thinking he's part of the Big Three, but the guy has already had a solid career, and strikes me as the kind of guy who will work hard to move himself into that elite category. Can't someone get Eddie House to work on his ballhandling all summer? That's it, nothing else, just that? If he improves that, then he goes from a decent backup to a terrific backup. I can EASILY see this team winning titles in the next 2-3 years.
* I've written this before, and I'm going to write it again: I cannot say enough good things about James Posey. I fricking LOVE that guy. He's one of the best defensive players in the NBA. He's evolved into such a great shooter that last night Todd and I were talking about how we were surprised anytime he missed a three. You know you're a fantastic shooter when a three goes up, it doesn't fall, and I'm like, "Wow, he missed! I can't believe it!" He plays to his strengths perfectly: he scores only when he needs to, defers to his stars, and takes the right kind of shots. It was when the Celtics signed Posey that I thought, "You know what, they might actually win this this year", and he was an absolute must have in their championship run.
* Name me one addition the Celtics need to make this summer. You can't do it. They have no significant free agents (I'd try to convince PJ Brown to play again, but even I'll admit he's getting up there), and have no significant holes on their team.
* really think the Big 3 are going to be satisfied? Really? You see KG taking it easy? You think Pierce isn't going to want another one after all the years of futility he had to go through? Ray Allen is OCD, for God's sake: all he knows how to do is work hard. They won't take the summer off.

In other words, yes, I do think the Celtics have a good chance to win another championship.

Normally I hate the phrase "deserved to win". Who decided that? What does deserving have to do with playing a game? There are times when one team deserves it over another, yes, but that phrase gets thrown around far too often.

For once, though, there was a team that truly "deserved" to win, and one who really didn't. And for once, the team that deserved to win, won.

Congratulations Celtics. You deserved it, you earned it, you won it. Enjoy.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

James freaking Posey gets another ring. Sam I am Cassell gets another ring. Not the Sam of yesteryear playing out of his mind taking shots that no normal person would take (and making them), but Sam I Am that damned near started a bench clearing brawl with the Celtics earlier this year. P.J. Brown?

All is not fair in the see Posey get another freaking ring......if there had been a way for the rest of the team get one w/out Posey getting

At least Kendrick Perkins (along with KG the only current Celtic straight out of HS to the NBA, and a Beaumont, TX native) got a ring....

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2nd paragraph should read:

All is not fair in the see Posey get another freaking ring......if there had been a way for the rest of the team get one w/out Posey getting A RING I'D BE ALL FOR IT.

(sorry was trying to deal w/ a plumber while typing)

10:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think you're right on Mike. I was thrilled to see the Celts win it over the Lakers. I'm surprised Jonathan had negative things to say... he's usually so positive and uplifting all the time

1:04 PM  

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