Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Thoughts On The NBA Season So Far

* Not surprised at all with the Celtics start, given A) the absurd amount of minutes the big 3 are playing, and B) the easy schedule they've had to start the season. Rondo's done a great job for them, which they desperately needed him to do, and the guys I were hoping would play well off the bench (Davis, Posey, Allen) have done so. Eddie House has played a lot better than I expected.

Long term, though, Doc Rivers MUST start limiting PP and Allen's minutes--ESPECIALLY Ray Allens. I think KG's okay where he's at; he's averaging 35 minutes a game, and I think that's about right for him. I think PP needs to get down to 34-35 a game, and Ray Allen needs to be down to 32. Remember, these guys haven't played more than 82 games in a long time; to make a deep playoff run, they'll need to be fresh, and they'll need a bench that has gotten better over the season so they can contribute something.

* I really find the Bulls amusing. I wasn't expecting much from them, but obviously not even I envisioned they'd fall this far. I've said for years though that Ben Gordon was a top five most overrated player in the league, and I've never understood the big deal made over Deng (with you could trade Deng for Bryant now, John Paxson?). Once Heinrich lost it--and boy has he lost it completely--they were D-U-N done.

* Still not sold on this Orlando team. It could be a magical season and continue all season long, but they just seem to--once again for them--be hot to start the season. Don't get me wrong, they'll make the playoffs easily. But they're just shooting too well right now, and too many guys are having career years. I think eventually they'll come back to Earth. Hey, Keith Bogans is still their starting shooting guard. End of story.

BTW...I apologize to Dwight Howard for questioning him. I'll shut up now.

* The Lakers are like the monster in a monster movie. Just when you think they're dead--just when you think there's no possible way they could go on--they get up, and there they go again. I don't know if I can take them being in the playoffs another year. I just don't think I can.

* I don't know if I've ever seen a team as talented as Houston look so clueless on the court. It all comes down to your point guard--compare them to the Hornets. The Rockets are twice as talented, yet N.O. has a fantastic point and is leading them to 6th place in the West, whereas Houston is in 10th because they have no point and all of the Rockets look lost playing together. What a shame that the Hornet's great season is being wasted in New Orleans.

* Man Utah sucks on the road (5-10).

* Usually I end with my comments on my beloved Mavs, but they'll go second to last this time. This team is in serious trouble. Dirk is done. I'm seriously starting to wonder if he had a very slight nervous breakdown in the summer. I worry that the playoffs will start, and the pressure will turn on, and he'll call timeout suddenly, sit on the bench, put his face in his hands, and start sobbing. I love Dirk, and I don't say this out of spite; I just think he's lost his edge. It's really sad.

I also think the Mavs need a point guard. Yes, Harris is putting up great stats. But I don't think he knows how to run the team, and I'm really starting to believe that he never will. I think he's one of those deceptive players that puts up really good stats and is always impressive to watch because he's so fast...but his teams will always underachieve a little. I'd deal him because I think everyone overrates him. And no, I don't think Jason Kidd is the answer. His stats are the fakest almost triple-double in the history of almost triple-doubles. Okay, there is no history of almost triple-doubles, and the fact that he's so close to averaging one should be ridiculously impressive, but it's just not to me. I feel like a lot of those are empty stats. Bottom line is, look at his teams record, and ask yourself if they should be better than that. I know that isn't all or even mostly his fault, but in the words of the great Winston Wolf, "Lets' not go sucking each others' dicks just yet, gentlemen."

This team needs to shake things up, but I don't think it will happen this season. I think it will happen this summer.

* Finally, a farewell to someone. Farewell to a man who is one of the best ever to play the game. Farewell to one of the greatest entertainers of all time. Farewell to someone it is hard to imagine the NBA without.

Farewell to Shaq. He's done. I'm sorry, but it's true. We'll miss you big guy.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Random NBA thoughts in no particular order:

1. How horrible the Jazz are on Defense. All my life Jerry Sloan has put out a team that played solid team defense. (Stockton may have been a liability, but they covered him up well and let him play to his strengths... playing the passing lanes.) This year's team, though, plays horrendous defense. I mean, they almost seem lazy out there...like most of the rest of the NBA.

2. The Lakers are just fascinating to watch for the unbelievable way they stay in and even win games.

3. Caron Butler has been amazing. I don't know if he would have developed this way playing next to Kobe, but its interesting to think of what might have been.

4. I'm convinced Chris Paul is playing with a yo-yo, not a basketball.

5. When Dorrell Wright is one of your bright spots, you know things are bad.

6. Everytime I see a Celtics highlight, I just get this bad feeling that there is a year ending injury lurking somewhere in their future.

7. Dirk has lost all sense of his killer instinct. Josh Howard doesn't have a killer instict. Stackhouse lost his awhile back. Harris hasn't found his. The Mav with the most killer instincts is Jason Terry. This is not a good thing.

But how 'bout that Brandon Bass?


3:27 PM  

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