Thursday, March 22, 2007

Coupla Things...

* First, here's some pictures of my friend Charlene's car. As you can see, this is a fricking beautiful machine, and OSU grads in particular should love this bad boy.

* I realized something horrible: I left the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles off of my favorite heroes list.
Now, leaving Mario off was bad. Leaving Spawn off was really bad. If I had a DO, I would add several others as well.


That is nigh unforgivable.
I'll redo the list in a few months. It'll be a Top 50 list. The Turtles will be WELL represented.

* I think I've said this before, but I'll say it again: God I love the Hamster Dance.

* So Hillary Clinton is once again bringing up her paranoid right-wing conspiracy theory. My comment to her is thus:

"Yeah. So?"

If by right-wing conspiracy, Hillary, you mean the Republicans will bring up trivial details like "who slept with who", "who toked up once in college", and "who wrote some hippie crap when they were young in college that they look back and regret", then yes, you're right. And if you're accusing some of them of getting overzealous and messing with polling stations, then yes, you're right there, too.

Where we have the disconnect is you thinking that DEMOCRATS DON'T DO THE EXACT SAME THING.

You're all scumbag politicians, lady. Bringing up a "vast conspiracy" just makes you look paranoid and weird. Move on. Actually, don't move on. Since I don't want you to be president, please, stick with this.

* I will say this for Hillary: we do agree on one thing. I totally agree with her that Election Day should be a national holiday. I've been saying this for years. Seriously, we can't afford a new holiday once every four years? We can't give one of the fake holidays--like Columbus Day or President's Day--the boot? Let's make this happen.

* So my Dad is driving down the road the other day, and there's some guy driving poorly. As he passes him, he looks at him to give him THE STARE (you don't want to know if you don't know), and sees that this guy is not just talking on his cell phone--he's talking on two cell phones at once, and driving with his knees.

I couldn't make this up.

* Every wonder what a benevolent dictator looks like? Well, my friends, look no further than modern Russia, and Vladmir Putin.

Think about it. He's been good for Russia, there is no doubt. There's more freedom there, capitalism has made everyone more prosperous--their economy is currently in great shape, as they're making a ton of money selling energy to other countries--and there is the minor detail that they are no longer a threat to blow up the entire world. That's a good thing.

But let's face it: the man rules with an iron fist. Reporters who do unflattering stories about the state tend to end up, oh, what's the word, oh right, DEAD. He tends to arrest political adversaries. Hell, he's even changed the National Anthem to an adaptation of the old Soviet Union Anthem. They even call his political philosophy a "sovereign democracy", which, I think we can all agree, sounds like modern political correctness for "benevolent dictator".

The thing that scares me about that is not Putin himself. I think he's happy and comfortable being a benevolent dictator. What scares me is who comes next. When you open the door to a dictatorship, anyone can walk through. What happens when he dies, and there's no clear or easily understood way for the new people to get a leader into power? If they're used to Putin telling them who to elect...what happens when he's gone?

I'm not saying that Russia is in a world of hurt. I like Putin. But I do wonder what will happen in the future, and it's not necessarily a good one.

* You know what, I'll come out and say it: How High is not that bad a movie.

* Check this out.

Okay, welcome back. You know, I'm all for this. Sorry. First of all, I believe that someone who would go to a site like that is a pretty superficial person, and will only be with a certain person who looks a certain way. These are the Yuppies, the snobs, the "thirty thousand dollar millionaires", and appearance and image is everything to them. If that's what you want in life, then hey, more power to you. Good luck.

I'm also for this because I believe physical appearance is important. I don't agree with a dating site that hides pictures of people until after you meet them (and for the record, I've never done online dating, but several of my closest friends have. And while I haven't done it, I'm not ruling out doing it in the future.). I believe physical attractiveness is the foundation a house is built on. Can you live on just a foundation? No, you can't--you need to put up the frame, add walls, a roof, etc, which is why a relationship just built on attractiveness doesn't work. However, anyone who's owned a house with a fucked up foundation will tell you that the house is just that: fucked. If you aren't attracted to the person you're with, then all of the other important stuff isn't really going to matter.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

* NCAA thoughts:
Thanks, Rick Barnes and D.J. Augustin for sucking so badly and robbing us of the chance to watch Kevin Durant more in the tournament. How good is Durant? He had 30 points and 9 rebounds--and shot 46% from the field--and I kept reading what a good job USC did shutting him down in the game they got blown out of. Yeah...guys, that's not shutting HIM down. Anyway, I have no idea why people are so high on Augustin. I've watched him several times, and he has never once shown me the ability to be a star guard in college, let alone make it in the NBA.

A&M will kick the crap out of Memphis tonight. And I still can't decide who will win, Ohio State or A&M. I keep going back and forth. What a great game that will be.

God I loved watching Duke lose in the first round, in spite of the fact that the refs called the game for them. VCU, we salute you!

I still think Kansas will win it, but the further we get in the tournament, the more terrified I am of the Kansas choke job.

Is it just me, or is this a pretty boring NCAA tourney so far?

And, finally, don't fucking kid yourselves. Durant and Oden will be declaring for the draft.

* And, finally, Mavs thoughts:

One game does not the season make. Dirk is still the MVP. And no matter how you try to sugarcoat it, the Suns beating the Mavs and going out and losing the next two games--excuse me, getting blown out the next two games--is pathetic. Shame on them.

The Mavs need a healthy Devean George back for the playoffs. And yes, I am shocked I just wrote that sentence.

The Mavs do not need Greg Buckner back, ever. In fact, if he never played again, I'd be happy.

The Spurs late season push was sweet. Very nice. However, it amounts to one word: Whatever. They are still no threat to the Mavs or the Suns. To be honest, I'm more afraid of the Rockets than I am them.

I can't wait for the NBA playoffs to start.


* Finally, we will be having the Lockheed Martin 3 on 3 Championships tomorrow (Friday, March 23). It will be at the Boys & Girls Club in Grand Prairie from 10 to 3. If you're off tomorrow, and want to watch some good basketball (and yes, there is good talent here), come on out, and feel free to make a donation to the B&G Club.

After party at 10pm at the Old Republic :-)

See you there!


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