Friday, August 18, 2006

In the Pantheon of Bad Ideas...

...having Ron Artest ever speak to children is in a class by itself.

Shockingly, Ron Artest defended his actions to a group of children. While serving his community service for his part of The Brawl, Ron Ron gave kids the fantastic Quote of the Day, and told kids to be ready to "protect themselves".

Now, did I defend Ron Artest when The Brawl happened? Yes, I obviously did. Have I changed my mind? No, I haven't--I still believe everything I said in that blog. However, I don't think that Ron Ron did anything noble that night, and he certainly didn't do anything he needs to be bragging to children about.

But do I blame Ron Ron for this? No. He's certifiably insane. We all know this by now. If you told me that Ron Ron was going to speak to little kids about The Brawl, I promise you I would have said, "Watch, he's going to brag about it to the kids." No, the problem here is the moron judge who sent him to talk to kids! Have him pick up trash on the highway. Or serve meals to inmates. Or clean out his future cell in a mental institution. But for God's sake don't give him any more exposure to kids than he already has! Think, stupid!

So enjoy the continuing saga of the craziest celebrity around.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

couple of suggestions.... these definately aren't top 5 worthy, but top 5 sequels, should crack honorable mention. Back to the Future III, Saw II, and Batman Begins (if you wanna call that a sequel). Also, I just realized this last night, but "V" from V for Vendetta has to be one of the all-time greatest heroes. Not even honorable mention, he should be top 10 if not top 5.

-Tone Loc

2:00 PM  

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