Thursday, April 21, 2005

NBA Eastern Conference Postview

Well, another NBA regular season is complete. What a fantastic year! This has been the best season the NBA's had since the mid 90s. I'm so pumped! The NBA is back! The fast break is back! Offense is back!

Anyway, one of the things that annoys me about the sports media is there is no accountability. I could say something like, "The Hornets will be the best team in the NBA this season!" on ESPN, and nobody would fire me. The sports media gets the priveledge of hindsite, the blessing of being able to throw out predictions that can never be tested, and have no accountability to any of their predictions.

Well I hold myself to a higher standard! Here's my NBA Conference Postviews. I'll have where the team finished in the conference, their name, in parentheses I'll put where I predicted they would finish before the season started, and then comments. If I'm ever quoting myself from my Previews, I'll put it in Italics, like this. Next week I'll have my awards (MVP, LVP, ROY, Player you'd most like to run over with a Mack Truck).

One more thing: I'm not going to list the conference standings in the official NBA capacity. You see, the Sonics finished third in the West because they won their division. However, the Mavs won 6 FRICKING MORE GAMES than they did. So I refuse to acknowledge the Sonics as finishing third. They get fourth. The division thing is so stupid. If you want more on that, ask me in the comments and I'll explain it in there.

Starting at the bottom...

15. Atlanta Hawks (13): Congratulations. You were worse than an expansion team. Much worse. But don't worry; they have a bunch of cap room to sign free agents with this summer! Oh, wait, they had that last summer, too, and no one would come here...

14. Charlotte Bobcats (15): Good job to the Bobcats. They won 18 games as an expansion team, and didn't finish in last place. I don't think this team is in as great of shape as some pundits seem to think (Other than Okafur and Primov Brezec, I don't see anyone having a long term future with this team), but hey, they're ahead of schedule now.

13. Milwaukee Bucks (4): So this team could easily drop a lot further. I hope they keep the same magic they had last year, because I love Michael Redd, and of course Desmond. Root for this team because as a sports fan you should want them to win. They are good guys who play the game the right way. We’ll see though…

So I kind of new they were going to suck. This was the Law of Averages working out: last year, everything went right for them. This year, everything went wrong. I just couldn't pick against Desmond though. I'm sorry.

12. New York Knicks (9):
 There are few more egotistical and disgusting people in the world than Isiah Thomas. So watching him TOTALLY DESTROY ANOTHER franchise is hilarious to me. Seriously, how many chances will he get to fail? This guy literally put an entire LEAGUE out of business (the CBA). Fantastic. Keep embarrassing yourself, Isiah.
 Stephon Marbury and Jamal Crawford are both on this team. Two shoot first, selfish point guards who don't try to play any defense. And aren't great shooters. And are ego-maniacs (especially Marbury). I seriously think they will get in a fight at least once this season.
 Vin Baker was RESIGNED to play on this team. Not only that, but the Knicks had a shot at landing Erik Dampier, and decided to sign Alcoholic Vin instead! I don't even have a joke here. Let's just move on.
 Sorry Knick fans: Allan Houston and his 100 million dollar contract did not die. They're hurt, of course, but still alive, well, and on the bench/salary cap. Wow. Thank God I hate New York--otherwise I would now light myself on fire.

So, in conclusion, this team was even worse than I thought they'd be, and I thought they'd be pretty damn bad.

11. Toronto Raptors (7): I'm not going to talk about Vince Carter here, because he will win some very prestigious awards next week. But yes, for like the third season in a row, he completely fucked this team over. But he's not the only thing. The coach is bad, and Ron Babcock is LAUGHABLY bad as a GM. Seriously, this franchise finishes third to the Knicks and the Blazers as, "you know what? Just fire everyone and start over."

10. Orlando Magic (10): Even though I nailed this team dead on, I'm so disappointed in them. When I was picking them to finish tenth in the preview, I fully expected to be wrong. And so many things went right for them this season: Steve Francis played great, Grant Hill finally played--and played well--Dwight Howard played really well. They started off the season great. But the GM of this team is an idiot, too, and his tinkering and negative attitude really hurt this group. I've got to admit, I've got some questions about Stevie Franchise now. This team should have made the was on pace to make the playoffs...and it didn't, and he didn't exactly have a stellar attitude this season. He needs to prove something to me, and soon, or I'm going to jump on board with his detractors.

9. Cleveland Cavaliers (8): David Stern is beating his head against a wall right now. The Cavs went from possibly being the 3 seed to not making the playoffs. I'm surprised he didn't change the rules for tiebreakers (the Cavs tied with the Nets, but the Nets won the season series). In about we do this: If two teams are tied for a position, each of their best players plays one on one to see who takes the spot! We could do it on Pay Per View! You wouldn't pay to see Lebron and Vince Carter play one on one, WITH THE PLAYOFFS ON THE LINE? I'm about to pee my pants I'm so excited about this idea! Taj, get David Stern on the phone right now!

Oh, and Cleveland: you'd better get your shit together, RIGHT NOW. If you don't make the playoffs next season, Lebron is walking. So get busy...oh, wait, you don't have a first round pick the next two years? And you don't have a coach, and you're about to not have a GM? Well...shit. Good luck getting someone with that cap room.

8. New Jersey Nets (14): Good for Jason Kidd. He pouted to start the season, and he bitched at times during the season, but when he was on the court, he played his little ass off, which I wasn't expecting him to do. And good for Rob Thorn for getting Vince Carter for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Great trade there. It just sucks that they are associated with Vince. God I hate him now. Let's just move on.

7. Philadelphia 76ers (6): Again, I was pretty close picking this team, but I'm still disappointed in them. Allen Iverson had the best season of his career, and this team has good talent, and the best they can do is finish 7th? I think they should trade Iverson this summer. I'm sorry, but he'll never play this well ever again. The talent they have on this team is what they are stuck with for a while, thanks to the Webber trade. (Good luck with that, BTW.) So while everyone is amazed at how well he played this season, deal him. If not, you'll be trading him in a year or two for $.50 on the dollar.

6. Indiana Pacers (2): Wow. What a season for this team. The brawl, the suspensions, the injuries, and they still finish fricking SIXTH? Hats off to every single member of the Pacers except Ron Artest, and a standing ovation for their coach, Rick Carlisle, and--as much as I hate to say it--Reggie Miller, who played out of his fricking mind this season. These guys were great, and I hope they keep this team together, because I think after this season they have a great nucleus and will be ready to KILL teams next year.

That being said: Ron Artest is not a part of this team. Larry, get rid of him this offseason as soon as possible (which I'm SURE he's planning on doing). You don't even need anything for him. Trade him for Steve Kerr. Hell, just cut him. But make him gone. But seriously people...I don't have to say that. I know Larry Legend will get rid of him. And the Pacers are a better team without him.

5. Washington Wizards (12): Now this was a fun team to watch this year. Kudos to Antawn Jamison, Gilbert Arenas, and Larry Hughes for turning both their individual (which weren't that bad) and team (which were HORRIBLE) careers around this season. I was so impressed. This team was fun to watch. The ran a lot, tried to dunk on everybody, passed well, and shot well. And they have an edge to them...they don't mind getting dirty. They also play the bulls in the first round of the playoffs; the same Bulls they got into a fistfight with in the PRESEASON. This will be a great first round series.

4. Boston Celtics (5): Remember earlier, how I said everything went right for the Bucks last year, so they finished about here? Well, welcome to the 2005 Milwaukee Bucks. EVERYTHING--up to and including the impossible--went right for the Celtics. Let's take a look at what happened, and the odds of it NOT working out.
* The Celtics rookies (Al Jefferson, Tony Allen, and Delonte West) played well and were good contributors to the team (30%).
* Gary Payton was able to stop the slide that started in LA, and was an above average point guard (45%).
* Doc Rivers'--who I like, don't get me wrong, but he has a problem with these two things--in-game coaching and ego did not hurt this team as the season went on (55%).
* Raef La Frentz was actually able to stay healthy all season, and be a successful contributor (60%).
* Ricky Davis played himself to a 6th Man of the Year candidate, and was a truly indispensable part of this team (65%).
* Mark Blount's poor play combined with his ridiculous contract did not poison this team (75%).
* Danny Ainge actually traded to get Antoine Walker back, who played great for the Celtics and ended up being exactly what the C's needed the second half of the season (99.9%).

It's the last one that kills me. I can't believe that actually worked. I'm dumbfounded. Walker was EXACTLY what the Celtics needed. He played great, and his attitude was a huge boost to this team. Good for him. I guess.

And good for the Celtics.

3. Chicago Bulls (11): I cannot believe how well this team has played. Kudos to Kirk Hinrich, the only good Kansas player other than Paul Pierce. Kudos to Ben Gordon, who can score on anyone, at any time. Kudos to Scott Skiles, for putting it all together. There is no star on this team; ever player plays to their strengths, and as a whole, they fit well. Every player on this team has a HUGE hole in their game, but as a team, they cover it well. Great job Chicago.

2. Detroit Pistons (1): I have no idea what to make of this team. The first half of the season, they seemed totally lost. Not listless; listless is okay for the defending champs the first half of the season. They seemed lost, and confused, and unsure of how to play with each other. But they turned it around the second half, thanks largely to the play of Teshaun Prince, who is Michael's pick of "Most Unbelievable Team MVP". Have you looked at this guy? How little he is? There is no doubt in my mind I can beat his ass. But he's become a really good player. Good for you, Teshaun!

As for where the Pistons will finish in the playoffs, who knows? I could see them losing in the second round. I could see them winning it all. Who knows with them? They're not that good, but they've They're a team of saavy veterans who know how to play together, and are totally committed to winning.

1. Miami Heat (3): Wow. What a great season for Shaq, Dwyane Wade, Udonis Haslem (anyone can play PF with Shaq and look good, can't they? That's got to be the best job in the world...Shaq's PF), Damon Jones, and maybe even Eddie Jones. They managed to put a full starting five together, and so are probably my pick to win it all (We'll find out later for sure). But Dwyane Wade was incredible this year. Just totally took his game to another level; I couldn't be more impressed with him. I cannot wait to watch him in the future. With Lebron and D Wade leading the NBA, I can't wait to see the future.

Well I'm spent. Western Conference coming soon!



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