Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Addition to The SPiH List

Here's how I'm going to handle new editions to The SPiH--Special Place in Hell--list: I'll put the entire list up, but bold the newest additions at the bottom. Then I'll write a little bit about the newest entry.

It's been fricking pouring in Dallas all week, and as such I've had to tolerate the many fucking assholes who don't turn on their lights when it's raining. Here's what I don't understand: doesn't it bother them, as they're driving, when they can't see someone because they don't have their lights on? How does that not scare/annoy/anger them as they can't see other cars, and make them go, "Man, I shouldn't be like that, I need to turn my lights on!" How does this not occur to them?

Well, people who make the roads unsafe and cause countless wrecks, injuries, and deaths each year because you don't turn your lights on while it's raining, ENJOY YOUR SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL! NOW TURN YOUR FUCKING LIGHTS ON!



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