Tuesday, October 21, 2008

NBA Preview 2008: Eastern Conference

For the first time in about five years, I don't have a sarcastic comment about how bad the East is. This conference has finally gotten more competitive, with some intriguing teams here. Let's hop right in.

I'll give them this...they're a lot better than the worst of the East used to be.

15. New Jersey Nets
This team isn't all that bad: Devin Harris will be a borderline All Star, Vince Carter is still a top 50 player in the league, and I think Sean Williams will play well this year. If one of the other rookies (Brooke Lopez, CDR, Yi--I know he's a soph, just go with it) or if Bobby Simmons or Jarvis Hayes puts it together, they could finish 2-3 spots higher. I think it's more likely, though, that Vince Carter either gets traded for draft picks midway through the year or pouts through the whole season, the rookies don't do much, and Simmons and Hayes continue to suck. We'll just see.

14. New York Knicks
Look, there are few bigger fans of Mike D'Antoni than I am. The man is an amazing coach. That being said, this team still sucks. In fairness to them, they will be better this year, but unfortunately for them their conference is better this year, too. Throw in the fact that Mike & Donnie (Walsh, the GM) will be swapping the roster as the year goes, and this does not translate to wins. As long as Stephon is on this team, it's bottom three in the Conference, guaranteed.

13. Charlotte Bobcats
God I love seeing Larry Brown fail...and fail he will with this underachieving, piece of crap team. I'm sorry, but I think D.J. Augustin is horribly overrated, and if you're counting on May, Wallace, and Okafor (after having signed a ridiculous contract) to stay healthy all season, well, you just don't know these guys. Throw in Larry throwing his usual tantrums and demanding all new players be brought in, and this team could easily finish last.

Some potential...but I just don't see it working out.

12. Milwaukee Bucks
I like what the Bucks have done in the offseason. Better coach, added a better player for a terrible player. In the end, though, I just don't think this is a very good TEAM. It reminds me of a fantasy league team: several players who put up good numbers, but no star to pull it all together, and each player has holes that keep it from working together. Could finish higher, but I doubt it.

11. Chicago Bulls
I'm just not buying the Bulls. Sorry. If you don't think Ben Gordon is going to be a cancer on this team, then you just haven't been paying attention. After this year, can we finally agree that Tyrus Thomas is just another average forward? Luol Deng continues to be one of the most overrated player in the NBA; how is a player this highly thought of when he is a midrange jump shooter whose best season produced 18pts and 7 rebounds? Trust me on this: Joakim Noah is not an NBA starter, let alone a star. Larry Hughes & Nocioni's best years are behind them, and that's not saying much. And as for Derrick Rose...I think he's going to be a great player, but I don't see him lighting it up enough to pull this team--that is still just a bunch of jump shooters--together. Ironically enough, the one person I do think is underrated is Kirk Hinrich (and you know what I normally think of white guards). He's not an All Star, but he's better than everyone has him labeled.

This team just needs to call it quits and start over.

Atlanta Hawks
There are things I like about this team. Mike Bibby in a contract year. Al Horford continuing to improve, who I think will end up being an All Star at some point in his career. Mo Evans is better than people realize. And while Williams over Paul continues to be yet another jewel in Chad Ford's laughable career, people haven't noticed that Williams has improved every season and is an above average player. If he keeps it up, he could make the leap to "good" player this season.

So why don't I have this team higher? Two things: 1) Losing Josh Childress, which has been discussed enough that I really don't need to touch on it that much. But he was definitely one of those unselfish team guys on a team of selfish players who kept it all together. Most importantly, however, is 2) Josh Smith has his big contract. Seriously, the Hawks might as well just have him not show up anymore. He will never play hard again. I'm sorry, it's over. Josh Smith is the reincarnation of the Sonics (wisely) trading Shawn Kemp rather than giving him a huge contract. They knew as soon as he got him money, he was done, and that was it.

Sorry Hawks fans. You think you helped your future, and unfortunately you really destroyed it.

The Enigmas

9. Washington Wizards
This team could go one of two ways: Tough Juice and Jamison could stay healthy all season, Andray Blatche and Nick Young could continue to improve, Arenas could come back the second half of the season and give this team a spark, and this team could finish three spots higher than this.


Jamison and Butler could both struggle with injuries as they have most of their careers and as they did not last season (meaning they're due), the young players stagnate instead of improve, Arenas could come back later than anticipated, be a shadow of his former self when he does return, and do nothing but cause disharmony upon returning, and this team could finish three spots lower.

I can see either scenario, and honestly, I think the later is the more probable. I have a bad feeling about this year for the Wiz. And I've also got a bad feeling about Arenas, who I think might be done as an elite player.

8. Miami Heat
Count me among those who watched the Olympics and thought, "Man, Dwyane Wade is really good when he is healthy." If Wade stays healthy, Shawn Marion stays motivated, and Beasley stays out of trouble, this team can beat anyone on any given night. Are those three huge ifs? Yes. Could it go the other way and they finish three spots lower, especially if Wade misses ANY significant time to injury? Yes. But I'm rolling the dice on a rejuvenated Wade and a Shawn Marion in a contract year.

And if I'm the Mavs, I try to trade Josh Howard for him in a heartbeat if the Heat struggle and start shopping him.

7. Indiana Pacers
The token "young team that can makes the jump and even makes some noise this year." People forget that this team missed the playoffs by one game last year. They've done a great job cleaning up their chemistry issues; I thought the Ford-O'Neal trade was just what both teams needed; their draft added excellent depth; I think Danny Granger makes the All Star team this year. The only problem I have with this team is that we are counting on Mike Dunlevey, which I am vehemently opposed to doing. However, with Jarrett Jack, Marquis Daniels, and Brandon Rush backing up the guards, I think even if (when) Dunlevey slips the Pacers can still make the playoffs--as long as Granger makes the leap.


In case you wanted to see the greatest Sports Illustrated cover ever:

And now back to the preview...

Frisky...but not quite there yet.

6. Philadelphia 76ers
It might be my suspicious nature...but I just have a bad feeling about this team. I shouldn't; on paper, they're fantastic: an outstanding mix of athleticism and strength, good mix of youth and veteran know-how, and last year's success to build on.

I just don't know though. It's usually tough adding a star player, especially to a young team--there's a learning curve. There's the fact that most of the "surprise, we came out of nowhere because several guys played out of their minds last season!" teams fall back to Earth the next year. And there's the bad karma from Elton Brand's departure (see Boozer, Carlos' first two years with the Jazz after fucking over a blind guy). This team is too talented to finish any lower than sixth in the East, but I think the "championship contender" status is way premature. The really do remind me of the Jazz the year Boozer joined them...and that took 2-3 years. I think the same applies here.

5. Toronto Raptors
Poor Raptors. They just can't seem to get out of the 4-6 spots in the East. Even though I like the addition of O'Neal, the fact is the rest of the conference got better, too, so I don't see them rising much higher. Their borderline disturbing lack of depth will cost them in the long run.

4. Orlando Magic
Some pundits have the Magic as a Eastern Finals contender. I don't see it. First of all, Turkoglu will not play as well this season as he did last season. No knock on Turkoglu, who is a good player, but he is not an All Star, and that's the level he played at last year. That was his best year last season. Dwight Howard still does not have the offense to make this team a championship contender, and their bench is still inadequate. I do love the Pietrus signing, but this team still has no backup big men, and have arguably the worst starting point guard in the NBA.

Good team, potentially even a very good team...but not a great team.


3. Cleveland Cavaliers
Is Cleveland better than the Pistons? Unquestionably. But same old story with the Cavs: Lebron (especially after the Olympics) coasts through the first half of the season, turns it on second half. I also think they'll miss Joe Smith more than anyone thinks they will. This team just cares about the playoffs...nothing new there...yawnnnnn...

2. Detroit Pistons
Yawwwwwnnnn...Pistons have great regular season, lose in second round of playoffzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

SSDD for this team.

The Defending Champions

1. Boston Celtics
I'm not worried about this team's motivation at all. I think that few returning champions in history have been as motivated to win another as this bunch. What concerns me is Danny Ainge's apparent motivation. Look, I understand that James Posey had to cash in and you couldn't afford to keep him. But you couldn't bring in another quality small forward? None? No one for the, "Hey...want to win a ring?" like the Lakers used to in the Shaq era? Let me assure you that--in spite of what John Hollinger might say--Tony Allen is NOT the answer to the "who will replace James Posey" question.

However, this team is still outstanding. Count me among those who think Rajon Rondo will be a borderline All Star this year. The Big Three are as motivated as ever. I think Powe and Davis get even better. This team still wins 60, and still finishes in first place.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie, these seem kinda out of order. I can't type for long here, I'm supposed to be writing a college essay, but the Nets in last? I don't think so. The heat behind the 76ers? The Cavs behind the Pistons? The Pacers in the playoffs?

THE KNICKS NOT IN 15TH?!?!?!!!?!!??!!??!?!

Surely not.

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gotta say that I've always had a fondness for the SI cover with Darvin Ham breaking the backboard vs NC during March Madness.



8:55 AM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Bo, that is 1B to me. I still own that cover, it's in my apartment right now. Great point.


1:41 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Bo...also, btw, I played against him in one of my leagues a coupla weeks ago.


1:54 PM  

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