Sunday, October 12, 2008

Coupla Things...

* I saw two movies on video over the weekend, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and You Don't Mess With The Zohan. Both were well received comedies that came out roughly around the same time. I enjoyed Zohan: it was funny, and I felt it was more of a throwback to Sandler's original greatness (Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy ) and not his more recent mediocre flicks (I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, Click). Sarah Marshall, however, I felt was mediocre at absolute best. I'm sorry, but showing me Marshall's (not Sarah Marshall, the guy who plays Marshall from How I Met Your Mother) penis over and over does not make for a funny movie. I just thought it was an unimaginative date/chick flick that just tried to be gross once or twice instead of actually trying to be funny.

* I think that by far the worst thing Marge ever did was put meat juice in Lisa's food. I'm still flabbergasted by that: it's so out of character for her, I almost don't believe it happened.

* Courtesy of Jared, the best Kim Jong-Il impersonator (from Team America) I've ever heard, I give you a site devoted to the wonderful language of Engrish.

* I'm sorry, but the Olympic medals from Bejing are ugly as sin. I almost don't blame Jason Kidd for giving his away to pay for his gambling deb...I mean, uh, to give to a friend!

* Someone brought up to me the other day that people were trying to lower the drinking age to 18. After much debate, I decided that I'm in favor of this.

I do see both sides of this issue: I do believe that most 18 year olds would be better served waiting until they were 21 to start drinking. However, I don't think that you can deny them that ability when 18 years old are competent enough to vote, serve in the military, drop out of school, and be considered an adult legally. You can't have one without the other.

Here's an idea for you though: make it a requirement to be 18 and have a high school dipolma or GED. If you drop out and don't get an equivalent, you have to wait til you're 21. This would keep the older high school students from drinking, and would decrease the dropout rate (you think kids wouldn't finish school or at least make sure they get their GED if they knew they could cut 3 years off the drinking age?). It shows a level of matrurity necessary for drinking, and would be easily denoted on a Driver's License or State ID that you need to buy drinks anyway.

Problem solved.

* Shikaka!

* It seems to me that US Olympic Sprinters in 2008 went through what US Basketball went through in 2004. I hope they realize that, too.

* An amusing look at the rules that The Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote follow. Personally, I was always rooting for the Coyote. The Road Runner just thought he was too bad ass. You're not a cheetah, you're just a road runner, for God's sake!

* Did you know...that brats are slightly better for you than Hot Dogs? Both surprising and a little scary, huh? I looked it up: lower calories, lower fat, lower cholesteral, lower sodium.

* Here's a fascinating article on abortion. I'm going to just leave this be, and encourage you to read it.

* "Kin" is just a really weird word.

* Question for you in the Seinfeld mode: why do Health Fairs always give away candy? If you work at a company that is large enough, typically they have a health fair once a year. Each booth invariably ends up giving away candy. Why? It's a health fair! Shouldn't you be giving away water, fruit, and nutritional bars?

* You know, Adam Baldwin really is a great actor. Baldwin is a classic "That Guy" actor who anyone would instantly recognize (he's done everything from Full Metal Jacket to the Firefly series to currently starring on Chuch), and the guy always delivers. He also chooses well: he's one of those actors who anything he chooses is probably going to be something you're going to enjoy.

And the best part? No, he's not a Baldwin brother. Just happens to have that name.

* How, exactly, does Al Davis think he's not going to pay Lane Kifman? This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. What a cheap old bastard.

* And, finally, as if we needed more proof that Fantasy Sports have become an important part of mainstream American life, we have our first reports of violence committed purely over fantasy sports.



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