Monday, July 14, 2008

Coupla Things...

* I like starting Coupla Things with a funny video. So let's do it again! Numbers 10, 8, and 1 are my favoirtes.

* Okay, so I have finally figured out which song Amy Winehouse sings. Yes, I know I'm way behind. So I'm listening to that Rehab (which, let's be honest, is the very definition of irony since she is a lock to be dead from an OD within a year), and all I could think of was this: is it just me, or does she sound exactly like Lauryn Hill? I mean, exactly. That's why I didn't know what songs she sang: I thought Lauryn Hill had a new album out! How has no one else noticed this?

* Trust me, many NBA posts are coming. I'll do a full offseason review once the restricted free agents are signed. But to be brief, yes Elton Brand is a dick, David Falk is still evil after all these years, Golden State is finished and I'm loving it, the East has gotten a lot better, and the Mavs are fucking idiots.

Details to come.

* For once, let's talk a little football. My thoughts on the Brett Farve situation:'re a dick.

Is it just me, or is this not the epitomy of the boy who cried wolf? For years, Farve has held this franchise hostage with his, "Maybe I'll come back...maybe I won't." Well, he finally retires, they start preparing the team for the future...and once again, he wants to make it all about him.

Did he have a good year last year? Yes he did. But at some point, a team has the right to say, "Look, enough is enough, we're tired of all your BS, here's how it's going to be." Some times the team is in the wrong...but this isn't one of them.

I've never understood the public's infatuation with Farve. He's always gotten way too much of a free pass in my book. The guy has always been an egomaniac, many of his ex-teammates can't stand him, and the public never reacted negatively to his drug use earlier in his career. Yes, I know it was painkillers and not crack. Yes, I know it was because he is the football ironman. I don't care. He escaped that with nothing but sympathy, when many athletes in similar situations are vilified. And no, I'm not going to say it, because I hate that topic so much, but it pisses me off even more that yes, you can make that case here.

Look, I'm not saying Brett Farve is a terrible guy. I'm not even going to say he's a bad guy. But you know what? He's not a good guy. Period. So let's stop fawning over this guy. He made his bed after being an ass for years, and his team feels they're better off moving on. Are they right? Probably not. But how many times have we said about pro athletes, "Man, I wish the team would just show them. I wish they would say, 'No I'm not trading you, you're going to honor your contract and sit there' or 'No I'm not going to let you keep doing whatever you want to do.'" We say that all the time. Well, it's happening now, and right or wrong, it's the Packer's decision.

* George...listen. Here's some PR101. Never refer to the backbone of your economic system as "basically sound". Let's just say that that ringing endorsement isn't going to set anyone's fears at ease.

* I'd like to give props to two of the best bad guys of all time: Gary Oldman and Christopher Walken.

Both have done the near impossible in Hollywood: reestablished themselves as versatile actors after being typecast in a certain role.

These men are damn near the best bad guys that that ever were. However, Christopher Walken has established himself as a terrific comedic actor--having brought one of the top five best SNL moments of all time with More Cowbell--while Gary Oldman has proved in the two Batman movies that he can not only play a good guy, but play him well.

It's hard to change a stereotype in Hollywood; just ask Adam West. Kudos to you two! Thanks for being great.

* Hancock is a good movie.

* I'd like to once again lambast the media.

Stop making a big deal about Barack Obama being black.

You have to love the media. They hold themselves as the champions of justice, and claim that they are the ones who get to judge what is good in this world. Especially on the topic of racism, they've long held that they get to decide what is and is not racist.

Well, you're being racist. Quit bringing up his race. Quit bringing up what you think people think about his race. Quit speculating on how he speaks to his own race.

YOU are the ones acting racist, oh media. And why, do you ask? It's not because the media is inherintely racist. It's because they're fucking lazy. It's a lot easier to point to Obama's race to generate news stories than it is to actually do research and discuss his opinions on current issues of the day.

Look, I'm not going to vote for Obama. But it's because he's too liberal for me; it has nothing to do with his race, or the race and/or beliefs of the people around him. And the vast majority of Americans feel as I do--not in the not voting for him, but for the reasons we reach that decision. So stop fucking telling us that the issues here are his skin! The only one making an issue out of that is YOU, oh defenders of truth.

Barack Obama is a good presidential candidate who should be considered for the job. That's all that needs to be said about his race.

* Will someone wake up Brad Pitt and let him know that he's responsible for like 10 kids now?

* I would have to say that I think Madonna and ARod deserve each other. Yep, that's about it.

* Finally, a personal note: I've updated the linke to "Me" on the right to go to my Facebook page instead of MySpace. MySpace is done: there are so many ads you can't even navigate anymore; you can feel the computer viruses trying to get on your machine with each click; and let's just say that the content crossed the line of "racy" about a year ago. I think I hop on MySpace about once a month now.

So Facebook it is. Enjoy!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This be John B.

Brad Pitt's family has eight people in it. Mine has nine. I feel so... strangely represented by celebrities.

"she is a lock to be dead from an OD within a year"
sorry but

Serious Stuff:
You overestimate the American public. From what I know most people aren't very informed about the issues, they just kindof vote for who presents a few nice advertisements, who looks like them, who does better in the debate, who's the war hero.

Take a few examples I heard on the radio the other day.

Evidently McCain has like 40 or so odd pets (iguana's birds, fish, dogs, cats, ferrets). Pet owners favor him by like 62 to 41 (others don't know or have some minor party). Thats not coincidence.

And of course... African Americans favor Obama about 95% to 1%.

That said, this is not meant to be a downtrodden hopeless comment. Like you were saying this is mostly the fault of the media. Stop commenting on the age, race, religion, anything. People keep making a big fuss about Obama potentially (and this is pretty ridiculous) being a Muslim. Who cares? Enough with the conspiracy theories, just focus on the issues. No one seems to even know who really supports what anymore. Thanks a load, media.

11:52 AM  

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