Sunday, June 15, 2008

Coupla Things...

* I'm excited about Rick Carlisle as coach of the Mavs. He did an excellent job when coaching both the Pacers & Pistons, and--for now at least--I'm buying that he wants to play a more uptempo style since he's been working with/for Mike D'Antoni the last few years. I think he'll earn the respect of the players, and get the most out of them.

The real problem, of course, is what to do with Josh Howard. But that's its own post.

* When I'm having a bad day, and I'm down, I know I can always count on lions mutilating midgets in Cambodia to cheer me up. Always.

* Good news everyone! No, it's not a supository. It's Campbell's Chunky Chili! You see, I've been missing good store chili since Wolf got rid of its microcup (never been a fan of Hormel, and Wolf in a can is not as good as Wolf in the cup. It's weird, I know.) Well, this is some good stuff when you need some chili on the go. Enjoy!

* Count me amongst those who would love to buy a Worldwide Wes tell-all book.

* Forget having champagne at my wedding; I want to have Cava.

* Another item in the "If you had to apply to have children, this would automatically get you rejected" file: guys who put ball sacks--usually on the trailer hitch--of their trucks. That's just fin gross. You're not cool, you're not convincing us you're a tough guy, and you sure as Hell aren't convincing us you have a big dick. So no kids for you.

* Bob and I had an interesting discussion about smart cars and whether they are actually helping the enviornment the other day. Our conclusion?

Not as much as you would think.

You see, the asset and the detriment of the Smart Car is its size. I looked it up, and the Smart Car gets about 45 mpg in the city. Let's say the Suburban gets 15. Obviously, you're doing a lot better for the Environment with the Smart Car, correct? Shame on the Suburban driver!

Not so fast. Yes, when driving to work, you are. But what about going to lunch? How often do a group of people go to lunch together? Fairly often. To take four people to lunch--a ridiculously easy task for a Suburban--would take two Smart Cars--and that's assuming none of them are over six feet tall. You've just doubled the environmental impact of the Smart Car. What happens when you need to transport anything other than a few bags of groceries? The Smart Car owner who is so concerned about the environment is calling Bob to borrow his Suburban anytime he needs to move anything of any size.

I'm not saying Smart Cars are bad or anything along those lines. However, the next time you hear one of them berate someone who owns a larger vehicle, think about the complete effectiveness of the Smart Car, and not just that one statistic.

* Here's a tip for all parents with babies out there--of which I have many friends in this situation. Going on a trip? Want some "private time" with the mister or misses that you can't have with the kiddo in the room?

Bring your baby monitor.

It's as simple as that. For instance, Marc & Julie were recently on a trip with their one year old and another couple who had a baby. They rented three hotel rooms: one for each set of adults, and one for the kids. They brought the baby monitor from the house, and everything was great.

A helpful hint. Dudes, thank me (and Marc & Julie) later.

* Take a look around you people, specifically at kids fourteen and under. That's're not imagining it...


Truly, this is a great day.

* From Kyle: Go to this website, and go to page 28. Look at the bottom right hand corner.

That's right, the IRS wants you to report any bribes you received in the past year, so the US government can get their cut. I couldn't make this shit up.

As Kyle also put it: "{I find it} hilarious that "Bribes" and "Campaign Contributions" are listed right next to each other..." Indeed my friend. Indeed.
* Thoughts on the NBA Finals: Count me among those who were slightly seduced by the way in which the Lakers mowed through the West before the Finals began. However, I still would have predicted Celtics in 7, because of one tenant that I've been espousing even before Simmons made it famous by including it in his Playoff Manifesto:
"When EVERYONE is going with one prediction, go the other way."
This was fairly easy to see coming. You have an impressive but flawed Lakers team that's bosting an impressive offense--and we all know how often offense wins championships--with several players famous for disappearing in big moments (Odom & Gasol), being led by a maniac who is famous for going Section 8 when the going gets tough. In spite of all this, suddenly they were the OVERWHELMING favorites among the media.
This has led us to an entertaining but not very well played series in which the Celtics toughness & defensive tenacity has worn down the Lakers. Kobe has freaked a little, Odom & Gasol have choked a lot, and the Celtics basically toyed with the Lakers yesterday until deciding that they'd really rather win the title back in Boston.
It's always nice when good guys (Allen, KG, Pierce) win over an asshole like Kobe. Good for the C's, and I'll continue to root hard for them.
* Finally, my thoughts on then NBA referring scandal, where former NBA ref Tim Donaghey is desperately crying that the NBA fixes its own games through the officials:
"Yeah. So?"
I'm sorry, I'm about as big of an NBA fan as you get...and I've been writing about this for 10 years. Again, Simmons has also been writing about this for forever, and his detailed theories--about how the NBA intentionally assigns refs with vendettas against teams & players, or younger refs who can easily be influenced by home crowds--into how the NBA uses its own officiating crews to control the outcome of important contests is well documented and right on. All Donaghey has done, in my opion, is point at the and scream, "Good God, that motherfucker's naked!"
I'm not saying that I wish he hadn't done this; as a fan of a team on the receiving end of Stern's scowl (The Mav's 2006 Finals theft, where Stern sat his officials down and said, "I will NOT hand that son of a bitch Mark Cuban an NBA championship, do you hear me? Fix this, and fix it NOW!", leading to the worst NBA champion ever being crowned), I'd love to see honesty and integrity restored to the NBA. However, please no one make a martyr out of Timmy. He's a scumbag fuck who's simply trying to save his own skin.
So we'll see what happens with this. Should be interesting...
And remember, the NBA, IT'S FANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Bo said...

As I see it:

Rick Carlisle is a good coach...better than 3/4th of the coaches out there. I don't understand why he has coached for so many teams.

What you say may be true about Smart cars, especially in large-area cities like DFW. I think things are a little different in cities that actually have a nice downtown. A place where there are nice restaurants, clubs, and apartments downtown. Dallas doesn't really have that. Also, in the US, I think you'd have to be crazy (or living in extreme circumstances) to only have a Smart car and nothing else. Use the Smart for commuting, the SUV for other stuff. I still find it galling to see some yuppie driving her Hummer alone to work and to the the beauty salon. If you got the money, by all means, spend it whatever way you wish, but don't complain about the price when that was the decision that you made.

We've never done two different hotel rooms, but suites are perfect when you have kids.

9:11 AM  
Blogger Bo said...

I woke up this morning and realized that Tony Allen is a World Champion.

8:03 AM  

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