Thursday, June 26, 2008

The 2008 NBA Draft

What a great draft! Plenty of intrigue, crazy players, and lots of trades. Let's get started with the review:

Atlanta Hawks
Picks: None
Grade: B

The Hawks sent their pick to Phoenix as part of the Joe Johnson trade. Meh.

Boston Celtics
Picks: JR Giddens (30), Bill Walker (47), Semih Erden (60)
Grade: B

The first email I got was Mike M asking me why the Celtics drafted two crackheads. For the same reason that I said Big Baby was going to do well with the Celtics this year: the C's believe that the Big 3 are good enough leaders to keep everyone in line--and I think they're right. I would have probably gone with Chris Douglas-Roberts (CDR from now on), but I think Walker was a great pick in the second round.

Charlotte Bobcats
Picks: DJ Augustin (9), Alexis Ajinca (20), Kyle Weaver (38)
Grade: D+

Yet another piss-poor draft for Michael Jordan. Yeah, I said it, and I stand by it. First of all, I've always wondered what the big deal is about Augustin, and I've watched him play for a coupla years now. He's a poor man's TJ Ford, and Ford isn't exactly lighting the NBA on fire. Let me put this to rest right now: 7 foot Frenchman who weigh 10 pounds less than I do and can only average five (5) points per game IN THE FUCKING FRENCH LEAGUE will never be NBA players. Never. Never ever. It's as simple as that.

Why am I giving them a D+? Nevermind, F!

Chicago Bulls
Picks: Derrick Rose (1), Omer Asik (36), Sonny Weems (39)
Grade: A-

Hard to go wrong with the first pick...though I still think that--in a perfect world--Beasley is the perfect fit for Chicago, the low post scorer that all those jump shooters so desperately needed. However, I agree that if you pick Beasley first, he gets cocky, he fucks around his career, and is hte second coming of Derrick Coleman. Well, good luck flipping Heinrich for someone who can score on something other than a jump shot.

Cleveland Cavaliers
Picks: JJ Hickson (19)
Grade: B

Meh. A power forward. Could be good, could be mediocre, could be bad. We'll see.

Dallas Mavericks
Picks: Shan Foster (51)
Grade: D

Mavs first round pick was sent to the Nets as part of the Kidd know, the one where I told them under no circumstances were they to give up first round picks for Kidd. Sigh. Let's just move on.

Denver Nuggets
Picks: None
Grade: C

The Nuggets sold their first round pick to the Bobcats. I'm sorry, but this is a team that has fallen just short so long, they need new blood. And there were players who could help them left at 20 (CDR, Darrell Arthur, Courtney Lee, Mario Chalmers, DeAndre Jordan). Not a huge mistake, but ask the Suns if they wish they hadn't sold off all of their first rounders the last few years.

Detroit Pistons
Picks: Walter Sharpe (32), Trent Plaisted (46), Deron Washington (59)
Grade: C+


Golden State Warriors
Picks: Anthony Randolph (14), Richard Hendrix (49)
Grade: C

Anthony Randolph is 6-10 and DOESN'T WEIGH 200 POUNDS.

Look. I know Chris Bosh is great. But what makes him special is that players like him don't come around very often. Super skinny lefties aren't famous in the NBA because they are rare. So no, I'm not gambling that some kid--whose greatest claim to fame is that he averaged 20 points a game for only the last 9 games of the season--is suddenly the third best prospect in the draft.

Houston Rockets
Picks: Donte Greene (28), Joey Dorsey (33), Maarty Leunen (54)
Grade: B

I like the Donte Greene pick. At 28, picking a 6-10 SF mentioned as a lottery pick who has a rep as a good shooter is always a good thing. Dude, if a guy is tall and can hit a jump shot, there's always a spot for him. He might not be great, but ask Matt Bullard: there's a spot for him.

It's actually the Dorsey pick I don't like. I think he might bounce around the NBA for a while, but with Luis Scola, Carl Landry, and Chuck Hayes, the Rockets have plenty of PFs. They couldn't have used Mario Chalmers since their PGs are mediocre at best? DeAndre Jordan to back up Mutumbo after the inevitable Yao injury? It only knocks them from a B to a B+, but still.

Indiana Pacers
Picks: Brandon Rush (13), Roy Hibbert (17)
Grade: A

The Pacers have had a very busy, interesting, and--in the end--good week. First, they moved Jermaine O'Neal for TJ Ford, the 17th pick, and cap space. This was a good trade, as it was time for O'Neal and the Pacers to call it quits. They had reached that awkward stage where it was time for a new environment for him. Now I hate Jamaal Tinsley almost as much as Larry Bird does, so even though I don't think TJ Ford is a star, I like his addition as I do think he's a solid point guard who can help you.

The Pacers then draft Jerryd Bayless at 11. This is seen as a steal, as he was projected to go as high as 4. However, they trade him for Brandon Rush and Jarret Jack.

I'm sorry, but I think this is a great trade. I can't believe I'm writing this about one of the Rush kids, but I love Brandon Rush. I think after watching his brothers fail miserably, he finally gets it, and has realized that to make it in the league he needs to be smart, keep his nose clean, play hard, and realize he's not going to be the star. I see him as a more talented Shane Battier. Good shooter, great defender, can take the ball to the hole, a fantastic glue guy. I don't think Jarret Jack is a good starter in this league, but I think he's a great backup. He's perfect to step in for the inevitable TJ Ford injury. I even like the Roy Hibbert pick: the Pacers need a real center, and even though there's a good chance Hibbert could be a complete stiff, there's also a good chance he can be a solid center in the league for years. With your second pick, that's a great chance to take.

Not only that, but Larry is succeeding in reshaping the character of his team--something the quote at the right shows you he desperately needs to do.

LA Clippers
Picks: Eric Gordon (7), DeAndre Jordan (35), Mike Taylor (55)
Grade: C+

Allow me to put it simply: Indiana players--except for Isiah Thomas--suck. I could go into more detail as to why I think Eric Gordon will amount to jack shit, but that is good enough right there.

I do like the DeAndre Jordan pick--he's the kind of guy who would have done absolutely nothing had he been a lottery pick, but now that he's been "insulted" by going to the second round, he's going to work hard and might actually touch his potential. Plus he can learn from one of the best PFs and workers in the game, Elton Brand, for at least one year. He saves this draft from being yet another complete bust for the Clips.

LA Lakers
Picks: Joe Crawford (58)
Grade: A+

The Lakers traded their first round pick (28) for Pau Gasol. Basically straight up. Yes, count me among those who think that is the most criminal trade in NBA history, and should have been dissallowed. However, it was great for the Lakers. I also think hat picking up a dude named Joe Crawford is good if only to try to influence Joey Crawford to call games for them. And if you think Joey Crawford's ego isn't big enough that that actually has a chance of working, well, that's why I'm the NBA expert and you're not ;-P

Memphis Grizzlies
Picks: OJ Mayo (3), Darrell Arthur (27)
Grade: B+

Look, I can live with Mike Miller and Kevin Love for OJ Mayo. That's a lot, as I think that Miller is a really good player, but I can live with that. But throw in you taking back Marko Jaric's ridiculous contract on top of that? That makes Minnesota the winner there, sorry. Also, this is Kevin McHale! If you can't fleece Kevin McHale, then congratulations Chris Wallace, you really are the worst GM in basketball now that Isiah is gone.

The Darrell Arthur addition was good though. A) He fills a need at PF, B) he's a talented player from a winning program, and C) he was the dreaded Last Guy In Person At The Draft, and so now he's pissed that he slid because of his kidneys and wants to go redeem himself.

As you can tell, I see revenge as one of the greatest motivators in pro sports.

Miami Heat
Picks: Michael Beasley (2), Mario Chalmers (34), Darnell Jackson (52)
Grade: A+

Okay look. I never thought that Beasley was the second coming like many people thought...but I also that they people were WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY overrating his "off court incidents". The fact that Pat Riley basically admitted in his interview after the draft, "Yeah, I really didn't want this cat, but everyone else in the organization made me take him", and I see an insulted Beasley with Dwayne Wade serving as his mentor out to prove people wrong.

The icing on the cake, however, was picking up Chalmers in the second round. I also think Chalmers was overrated when people were talking about him being picked at 11 or 12, but as a second round pick that is a fantastic addition, especially for a team that has a huge hole at point guard. The Heat will easily be the most improved team in the NBA next season.

Milwaukee Bucks
Picks: Joe Alexander (8), Luc Richard Mbah a Moute (37)
Grade: A

Like the Pacers, the Bucks have had a great week. Why, do you ask? Because for the first time in years, the Bucks have added talent. Not prospects. Not potential. Not average players. They've added true talent. First, they steal Richard Jefferson from the Nets. Then, they add one of the top players in the draft--a guy I see as a potential solid 6th man for them. Even their second round pick is a good player from a winning program. For once, the Bucks are moving in the right direction.

Minnesota Timberwolves
Picks: Kevin Love (5), Nikola Pekovic (31)
Grade: A

The Wolves turned OJ Mayo into Kevin Love and Mike Miller, while also shedding one of their worst contracts. That, my friends, is a good day, and Kevin McHale can't say that very often.

New Jersey Nets
Picks: Brook Lopez (10), Ryan Anderson (21), Chris Douglas-Roberts (39)
Grade: A+

I'm starting to sound like a broken record here: another great week for the Nets, as well. Does picking up Bobby Simmons and Chairman Yi help them with basketball? No, it doesn't. But as with all acquisitions the Nets will make for the next two years, my first question--before I even know what the players names are--is thus: "When do their contracts expire?"

Look, I think that Jay-Z is one of the worst rappers of all time. However, I think he is also one of the greatest American businessmen of all time as well. The man is an entrepreneurial genius. Yes, I do believe that he's already convinced Lebron to come to the Nets, and everything he's doing is focused around that. That means he has to do two things, the first of which is clear cap space so he can pay him. With this trade, that's done.

The second is put a team around Lebron that he feels he can win with. Well, he's got a good young PG in Devin Harris, he's now got a solid starting center in Brook Lopez, he's got a solid Tayshaun Prince type SG in CDR, and he's got a good backup PF/C coming off the bench in Sean Williams. On top of that, he has enough star attraction in Vince Carter--whose contract ends just about when--to keep people interested in the Nets until then.


New Orleans Hornets
Picks: None
Grade: C

The Hornets sold their pick to the Blazers. If they use the money to acquire a good FA, then it's great. If they pocket the money, then it's bad (once again, see the Suns the last few years).

New York Knicks
Picks: Danilo Gallinari (6)
Grade: C-

I know you're going to be shocked to hear this...but Chad Ford loves this guy. Remember what I said about Anthony Randolph and Chris Bosh earlier? Read that here except replace Bosh with Dirk.

Orlando Magic
Picks: Courtney Lee (22)
Grade: B

If you read my preseason picks about Orlando this year, the biggest thing I rip them on is that they have no SG. Well, they acquired one of the few seniors who are worth something in the draft. Lee has the potential to be another Kevin Martin. Good pick for a solid player with good upside (channeling my inner Hubie Brown there) who also fills a need.

Philadelphia 76ers
Picks: Marreese Speights (16)
Grade: C-

You know all the references I've been making to guys who would have been busts had they been drafted where they were "supposed" to go and got solid first round money? Congratulations drafted one of the guys, and not 15 picks too late. Speights isn't going to amount to shit.

Phoenix Suns
Picks: Robin Lopez (15), Malik Hairston (48)
Grade: B-

Well, I'm glad cheap-ass Robert Sarver didn't sell his pick for once. However, I'm not sure Robin Lopez is the best fit here. We'll just see. Not a bad pick, not a good pick.

Portland Trailblazers
Picks: Jerryd Bayless (11), Nicolas Batum (25)
Grade: B

I'm not as high on Bayless as everyone else, but to get him at this point in the draft isn't a bad thing. I think that the Pacers got the better end of that deal, but I don't think it was a bad deal by any stretch. The Blazers continue to be the team of the future.

Sacramento Kings
Picks: Jason Thompson (12), Sean Singletary (42), Patrick Ewing Jr. (43)
Grade: C-

Simply put, there were a lot better players than Jason Thompson on the board. Period.

San Antonio Spurs
Picks: George Hill (26), Goran Dragic (42), James Gist (57)
Grade: C

Kind of an odd pick, but what do you expect from the Spurs? They love to pick people you've never heard of. The thing is, they used to be right when doing that...but has that really worked for them lately? Not as much...stay tuned.

Seattle Supersonics
Picks: Russell Westbrook (4), Serge Ibaka (24), DJ White (29), DeVon Hardin (50), Sasha Kaun (56)
Grade: B

This was too high for Westbrook, true, but I think he'll be a solid point guard in the league. I actually do like DJ White; I think he will carve out a solid career as backup PF/starting PF on a bad team.

Toronto Raptors
Picks: Nathan Jawai (41)
Grade: B+

The Raptors first rounded went for Jermaine O'Neal. Since I am one of the people who think O'Neal does have a coupla good years left in him and a trade will revitalize his career, I'm okay with that.

Utah Jazz
Picks: Kosta Koufos (23), Ante Tomic (44), Tadija Dragicevic (53)
Grade: B-

The Jazz drafting a white center with a European name? That's so funny and predictable I couldn't beat to give them the C they deserved.

Washington Wizards
Picks: JaVale McGee (18)
Grade: D

A beanpole who had a so-so college career and didn't even have the requisite "great workouts" that everyone goes nuts over. Bust.

Exciting draft everyone. Just remember: the's FANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNTASTIC!!!



Blogger Bo said...

Personally, I don't think this will be a good draft. There were a lot of people saying Rose and Beasley will be stars, but I don't see it. I think they will be decent pros, but not stars.

My sleeper picks (kinda after the fact, but they haven't played yet) are Brandon Rush and Chris Douglas-Roberts. Rush because he's a good shooter, he can drive on occasion, he's got some devotion to defense, and he's got enough height to play in the NBA. Of course, he is a Rush and it is a little scary that he disappeared every now and then at Kansas.

CDR, though, I think is going to be an above-average player. He's got a lot of the same attributes as Rush, but what sets him apart from anyone else in this draft is his herky-jerky back into the paint spin move. That move alone will keep him in the league for a long time. Its the perfect bailout when the shot-clock is winding down. Its like Avery Johnson's running lefty hook teardrop shot--ugly as sin, but strangely effective.

8:45 AM  

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