Thursday, March 29, 2007

Really, my life is all downhill from here.

We all know how much I admire Bill Simmons--The Sports Guy on (see link on the right). Well, yesterday I sent him a comment that ended up posted on his site. You can see it here. Do a search for "Finally" if you want to skip to my part. The fact that he agrees with me just makes it even better.

To have something I wrote be posted by my writing idol was a momentous occasion in my life. I considered giving up writing entirely, as I thought I had reached the top of Mount Everest, really leaving nothing left to do. However, Kyle gave me a new goal: get something I wrote posted on Penny Arcade.

Gabe and Tycho, here I come!


Blogger Ryan Claborn said...

Congrats, Mike.

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe I know someone who made the column. Bill Simmons is a must read. But...I was under the impression that in order to make the column you had to be extremely high and writing at about 3 am. Something I don't know? Congrats!


10:39 AM  
Blogger Bo said...

Scratch one more thing off Life's To Do List. What's next, skydiving?

8:09 AM  

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