Friday, December 08, 2006

Coupla Things...

* Sorry. That's all I can say. Work has been insane, and I'm now playing basketball 5 nights out of the week since I'm coaching again (8B St. Patrick's rules!). Sorry dudes. I've missed you.

* Tony Romo.


Even I love watching this guy play, and we all know what I think about football.

I mean, does it get any better than this? The guy goes undrafted, sits in camp and works hard, watches as the Cowboys desperately search for a quarterback and meet with nothing but fantastic disappointment...and in the end, it turns out the guy they were looking for was there the entire time. Throw in the fact that his girlfriend dumped him the week before he started against the Giants, and since that happened he has become the third best QB in the NFL (behind Manning and Brees), is about to be a multi-millionaire, and has been rumored with damn near every hottie blonde in Hollywood, and he is damn near the perfect Cinderella story. Nicely done T.

The guy is just fun to watch too. He always looks a little off-center out there: his throwing mechanics are just a little unorthodox; he makes unexpected (but effective) decisions; he never looks like anything fazes him.

For once, I'm actually a bit interested in football.

* Wesley Snipes has been arrested for trying to get $12 million in bogus tax returns from the government. And he hasn't filed a tax return in years--since the 90's. It's unbelievable. The guy has gone completely nuts. It's too bad, really. He was one of my favorite actors back in the 90's. The guy was just fun to watch. Now we find out that he's nuts, and is just pissing money away while trying to con the government. I mean, the guy is so desperate he's trying to claim that domestic income of U.S. citizens shouldn't be taxed. Yeah. That's going to happen. Good try Wes.

* I don't known about the rest of you, but I couldn't have enjoyed the trifecta of celebrity divorces more: Whitney & Bobby, Brittney & K-Fed, and Reese Witherspoon & Ryan Philippe. With Whitney & Bobby, I mean, what can you say? However, do not think for a MINUTE that they are really through. They will be together again. It's inevitable. As for Brit and KFed, I'd had just about as much of him as I cared to, thank you very much. I did NOT want his rap album being pushed on us, which is what was going to happen. And as for Ryan & Reese...Ryan, are you fucking kidding me? YOU cheated on HER? Ryan, there is a star and a loser in your marriage...and you ain't the star buddy. How could you cheat on her? I'm shocked she stayed married to you this long! She should have dropped you for someone better a long time ago! And you run around on her? What a dumbass.

* So the new NBA ball has come and gone. I have one phrase for you: good riddance. What a piece of shit. I played with one in one of my leagues once. I emphasize the once because we will never do so again. I've played with that ball before: it's just like the $3 rubber balls you can buy at Wal Mart.

To me the most shocking thing about this was that D Stern relented. I guess this is his "once a millennia give the people what they want". In fact, the new ball is so bad, and David recanted so quickly, it almost makes me wonder if the whole thing was a sham. Do you think he went, "Man, I've been ruling with an Iron Fist of Death and making the Player's Association my bitch for years now. Should I come up with some meaningless issue to let them feel like they've won something for once? Throw the dog a bone, as it were? Yesssssss....yes, I like this idea." I mean seriously. He's so good, nothing would surprise me at this point.

* I was reading an article the other day that said that "Freedom of the Press was by far our greatest right", to which my first thought was, "My ass it is." But then that got me to thinking...okay smart guy, if that isn't it, what is our greatest right?

It's an interesting question when you think about it, and actually take a look at the Bill of Rights. Of course, like beauty, the greatest one is in the eye of the beholder. In the end, I couldn't name just one. It's really an incredible document. What a fantastic job by the Founding Fathers. Anyway, I'm curious as to your thoughts. Do you have a "greatest"? What is it?

* And finally, AI. You know, I like Allen Iverson. He's a fantastic player, he gives his all to everything he does on and off the court. Now somebody like that ends up making mistakes from time to time; however, I would say that you just have to accept that when dealing with someone as driven as Allen. But overall, he has not been nearly as bad as many old white men in the media have led you to believe over the years (he doesn't like to practice? That's the best you can come up with? A top ten player in the WORLD doesn't like to practice? Wow, that's a big deal there...), while being one of the best players ever to play basketball. It's sad that the defining player in the post Jordan era (look around; you see Iverson jerseys more than anyone else's since Jordan retired. And Iverson's jersey was the only one I saw in Europe. I didn't even see a Dirk jersey when I was in Munich.) won't retire in the city he has called home for 11 years, but that's what happens when you have a GM that I know for a fact I could outperform.

In the end, he's leaving, and let's look at where he could, should, and shouldn't go:

Nuggets: Terrible idea. A young Carmelo Anthony does not need to play with an old Allen Iverson. Melo is still trying to figure out his game; he doesn't need to be doing that while trying to adapt to play with Iverson. You would need too many basketballs on the court, and you'd have too much attitude on one team. Oh, and I guarantee you that of the trio of Melo, Allen, and George Karl, one would kill at least one of the other two.
LA Lakers: Allen and Kobe together? An even worse idea than Allen and Melo.
Bobcats: Also a bad idea. AI just demanded a trade because he was sick of playing on one crappy team. Why would he want to go to another? That would make him happy/effective? Whatever.
Indiana: As long as you don't give up Jermaine O'Neal for him, sure, why not? You could even have addition by subtraction here: convince Billy King to take Jamaal Tinsley and Stephen Jackson, two horribly overrated team-killers, and just getting rid of them would benefit your team. If you have to trade O'Neal for him, though, then again it becomes trading him to another crappy team.
Utah: No. Sorry. The idea is just somewhat comical. He just would not fit there, on or off the court.
Dallas: No. I love Allen, and while I'm intrigued at the Dirk/Allen possibilities...I'd lean towards no. Dallas learned the hard way the last few seasons that dramatic change ups are not the way to go. They're close enough to a title now that they don't need to make wholesale changes.
It is tempting, though.
Chicago: In some ways, absolutely. Chicago desperately not only needs a scorer, but a scorer at guard who can get to the basket and doesn't just shoot jumpers. Also...doesn't it seem like destiny that Allen end up in Chicago? I'm just picturing his famous crossover on Jordan, and thinking of him in a Bulls uniform, and thinking, "Yes."
On the other hand...can't you see him and Scott Skiles KILLING each other? Like, in a week? I can see that easily. Next, I think all the kids on this team will be shell shocked to play with someone with the fire of Allen Iverson. It will take a lot--as in at least of season--of getting used to. Finally, I think Ben Wallace would go to one extreme or the other. Either they will make absolutely terrific teammates, or they will hate each other since they both are Type A personalities.
In the end, I'd do it if I'm Chicago, especially if I can lose Ben Gordon (who has taken over for Antoine Walker as the most overrated player in the NBA) in the deal. But it is not a guarantee of success.
Golden State: Sure...why not? Even with Don Nelson, this team--as I predicted--is a bunch of overrated, overpaid, and underachieving group that won't amount to anything. So you can move a couple of those overrated and overpaid players for one of the best players in the game? In a heartbeat. There is enough talent on this team that they can compete for the 7th or 8th spot with Iverson, so go for it.
Sacramento: Hell yes, just to see Allen, Ron Ron, and the Maloof Brothers on the same team. Can we get a reality show/documentary on this if it happens? But seriously...why not? This Sacto team is stuck in the middle and going nowhere quickly, though they have some mediocre talent. Mix it up.
Boston: Definitely, though this isn't the slam dunk that many think it is. Trading for Allen still does not put you into even the Eastern Conference's elite--to say nothing of the West's Elite--as your young talent (Jefferson & Green) are still years away. This is a step up for Allen, though, and a big step up for Boston. Do it.
LA Clippers: Yes, but you'd have to be careful with who you trade. I would try to hang onto Corey Maggette, and lose Mobley instead (the former Antoine Walker Memorial Most Overrated Player). Shaun Livingston is gone for sure. Basically, if you are going to play Iverson at the two, then you can keep Sam I Am, and lose Mobley/Maggette and Livingston. If you are going to play Allen at the point, then you must trade Sam I Am. Do not think he is going to be willing to come off the bench, even for Iverson.
The Clips should be a Hell of a lot better than they are, and I haven't seen them play yet so I don't know why they aren't better. So if you can get Allen for cheap--which a trade for Livingston, Mobley, a #1, and a salary filler is without question cheap--do it in a heartbeat.
Minnesota: God yes. AI and KG are the two perfect superstars to play with each other. Two of the most talented players ever who are driven solely to win, with one the dominant, Type A personality/player type, while the other is the Do It All back seat guy who is happy with the Type A guy taking the last shot. The problem? What the Hell does Minnesota have to offer? The least of probably anyone. However, if you can convince Billy King that any 2 of Ricky Davis, Mark Blount, or Mike James has anything, and package them with Randy Foye and a #1, and that's not terrible. Well, it's a terrible trade, but I bet you could convince a terrible GM like Billy King that it's not that bad a trade.

And of course, it's that fact that got us into this whole thing to begin with. Sorry, Philadelphia.

* Peace. I've missed you guys.


Blogger Bo said...

I'm so glad I picked up Romo on waivers in my ffb league. I've been leading the league since.

David Stern's a genius. The whole rubber ball thing was just a way to make sure the new "argueing calls" rule was accepted.

He makes 2 new changes this year: new ball, new argueing rules. Player's association goes 'nanners on both so he gives in on the ball and gets the players to accept to the new rules. Classic Stern.

I'm really amazed that more GM's aren't falling all over themselves to get Iverson. The people making all the dispariging comments about him obviously haven't been paying much attention in the last few years. Yeah, when he was younger, he did some stupid things. He was a ball-hog on the court, didn't improve his teammates in anyway, and ran with some bad dudes. Like a lot of guys, though, he has matured. In the debacle that has been USA basketball, he was one of the few guys that played well and PASSED the ball. He is tons better at facilitating others on his team. He still shoots alot, but that mostly because there isn't another legitimate scorer on the Sixers. And I haven't heard of him getting into as much trouble off the court.

This is a guy that plays harder than anyone I have ever seen, KG included. I am convinced he would fit in anywhere where there were decently talented players that played hard as well. I think he would pass if that was what was needed or score, or even come off the bench if it helped the team win.

If I was Dallas, I would definately be trading for him. Here is a guy that is virtually unguardable who can also play lockdown D on Tony Parker. Iverson, by himself, can guaratee you at least 1 playoff win. I don't think you can say the same thing about any of Dallas' guards. I think last year was Dallas' chance with their current guard lineup. (Note: If Harris learns to shoot this definately changes.) Dirk is a great primary option and Howard is a great third option, but Dallas still needs a consistent second option. Terry is just too streaky and Harris too inexperienced. Just my 2 cents.

11:15 AM  
Blogger Bo said...

I just don't think Iverson will mesh real well with Carmelo and JR Smith. Iverson needs to be around shooters. Carmelo is a good scorer, but not necesarily a great spot up shooter. I would be worried that JR Smith would morph into Larry Hughes if he played next to Iverson.

Denver needs to trade for a 3 pt shooting PF. Someone like Troy Murphy. That would open up the floor in their half-court offense. His defense is terrible, but he will have Camby playing behind him and Evans/Najera to come in and rough up guys. Miller isn't a bad PG, he just isn't a prolific scorer.

4:04 PM  

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