Friday, July 07, 2006

Thoughts on the NBA Offseason so far...

I'm not going to discuss any of the draft dealings here, as I did that in my draft review. Anything else is fair game.

* Bulls sign Ben Wallace: I find myself flip flopping on this every day. Yes, Ben Wallace is an All Star. Yes, he is a great player. But a one-dimensional player is the big free agent that Chicago has been waiting on for years? I just think I would have waited til next year and made a run at someone with a more complete game. That being said, let's look at Chicago's lineup:
Starters: Hinrich, Gordon, Nocioni, Brown, Wallace
Bench: Deng, Thomas, Duhon, Harrington/Sweetney, Smith

If Thomas comes along and is a starter by the end of the season, that's definitely a top 3 team in the East.

* Bulls trade Tyson Chandler to the Hornets for P.J. Brown and J.R. Smith: Not a bad trade for either team. Brown is a good, savvy veteran, but he is not the kind of guy who was going to get the Hornets over the hump and into the playoffs in the West. The J.R. Smith experiment was done in OKC; maybe a change of scenery will help him, but there is now a 95% chance that he will be a bust. Chandler is not a bad player, and with the Hornets other offseason moves, he fits in nicely with this team. If the change of scenery will help him improve just a little--if he'll average 10 pts a game, up his blocks to 2 a game, and up his steals to 1 a game, and none of that is asking too much--then this is a good deal for Charlotte.

The only negative is Chandler's contract, but hey, you've got to spend money for even a decent big man in the NBA.

* Hornets sign Peja Stojakovic and Bobby Jackson: I'm cautiously optimistic about these signing. The Jackson signing I'm fine with; he replaces Speedy Claxton, and I'd rather have Jackson than Claxton. He can also slide over to the 2, which was a huge hole for the Hornets last season. So nice deal. Peja for 5 years at $64 mil though? You know how I feel about Peja. Let's just say I think he has the testicular fortitude of the Cowardly Lion. He's had some decent seasons, but he's 32 and has had injury problems the last couple of years. I guarantee you he won't play 5 years for the Hornets; If they get 3 good years out of him, this will be a success. I like their lineup on paper:
Starters: Paul, Mason, Peja, West, Chandler
Bench: Bobby Jackson, Mark Jackson, Simmons, Armstrong, Snyder

There are just a lot of questions amongst those names. It also doesn't help that they are playing in by far the toughest division in basketball.

* Bucks trade T.J. Ford to Raptors for Charlie Villanueva: Now this trade isn't as bad as some people make it out to be. Once Vil signs his rookie extension at the end of next season, he is DONE. Finished. He'll just quit. The only reason he played as well as he did last season is because everybody was so incensed that the Raptors picked him at 7, and it offended him. So he's going to put up 2 years worth of effort to "prove everyone wrong", but once he gets that big long term deal, then he'll be back to old Charlie. So he's not a guy you want on your team long term.

That being said, he still has one year of good production left in him. And he is coming off of a year where he was runner up in ROY voting. So T.J. Ford is the best you can get? I'm sorry, but I'm sure you could have fleeced someone out of something more than T.J. Ford. Hell, at least get a draft pick or two along with it.

* Mavs trade Marquis Daniels to Pacers for Austin Croshere: Pretty much the same as the TJ Ford/Charlie V trade. Yes, we knew you were going to trade Daniels. Yes, losing him wasn't going to kill the team in the long run. But all you could get was Croshere? Come on. What is the Mavs obsession with having a white guy who can shoot 3's coming off the bench? We didn't need Van Horn, and we don't need Croshere. I can't believe we couldn't have gotten something better for Daniels, who I still think will be a decent player in this league.

Yes, Croshere's contract is much better than Daniel's. But the Mavs are looking to win a title NOW. You don't trade for contracts down the road when you want to win a title next year. You trade for that player who will put you over the hump next year.

Oh well. Croshere is a step up from Van Horn...

* Nuggets resign Nene for 6 year, $60 mil: His best season he averaged 11.8 points, 6.5 rebounds, and not even a block a game. He tore his ACL last year. And you sign him for 6 years? Hey, this could be a great move. And it could be a franchise killing move.

* Clippers resign Sam Cassell, sign Tim Thomas: That scream and thud you heard was me screaming in pain and banging my head against the wall. The Clips got Sam Cassell for only $6.5 million per year? Really? REALLY? FUCK!!!

God I wanted him to come to the Mavs. I know we could only offer him the midlevel exception, but if that is the case, pay him under the table. Give him a briefcase full of $2 mil. Please. Do something. FUCK!

Great job by the Clippers. They kept their team leader, and at a fantastic price. And while I am not a Tim Thomas fan at all, and even taking into consideration that now that he is not in a contract year and will go back to playing half ass ball, I'd still rather have him for $24 million than Vlad Rodmanovic for $31. So a great offseason for the Clippers. They are a true title contender.

Jazz acquire Derek Fisher from Warriors for nothing: The Jazz are having a fantastic offseason. Now I know I say every year that I think the Jazz will do great this year, but I really think this might be the first year the Jazz live up to their potential. Here's why:
! Derek Fisher is EXACTLY what the Jazz need: a veteran championship point guard who can teach Deron Williams how to play in the league, while at the same time still has enough left in his tank to give them some valuable minutes.
! Resigning Matt Harpring was also excellent. As good of a shooter as he is, he's well worth $6 mil.
! As I said before, I loved the Jazz's draft. They needed more athleticism in the backcourt, and they got it.

If they do trade Boozer--which is good because I think it is his bad karma that has caused the Jazz so many problems the last two years (don't discount karma people; it exists)--for a more athletic, scoring 4, then that would be perfect. The Jazz are on the cusp of being a major player in the West.

Blazers resign Joel Przybilla for $32 mil over 5 years: Be honest. It gets funnier every time you say it, doesn't it? Yeah it does. I'll say this: at least this will keep the Blazers from trying to play LaMarcus Aldridge at center, which has to be one of the worst ideas I've ever heard.

Hawks sign Speedy Claxton: On most teams, if Speedy Claxton is your starting point guard, then I would say you have a serious problem. However, on the Hawks, he's such a dramatic improvement over anyone they've had in years, you've got to feel good about this signing. Are things still bad? Of course. But at least they have one legit point on the team, so they are moving in the right direction--slowly.

And, finally, the Pistons signed Nazr Mohammed to replace Ben Wallace: And after that, Joe Dumars and all Pistons fans then went to bed and cried themselves to sleep.


Blogger Bo said...

Ben Wallace strikes me as more great marketing than great basketball player. A bit like Rodman in that he made defense cool. Let's face it, though. He's an undersized center with pogo sticks for legs. His help defense is excellent, but he struggles when guarding "true" centers one on one. He's getting old and what happens to old guys...when they don't have the quick ups like they use to.

Chandler should fit in well in OKC/NO. I'm really surprised Phoenix didn't go after him. Just imagine him playing center beside Stoudemire, Diaw, Marion, and Nash. He would have added a lot of size and defense while still retaining speed. For the same reason, he should fit in well with Chris Paul. When you look at who the Hornets were playing at center last year, Chandler looks like a superstar. Yet, I don't know how his trade helps Charlotte???

I go back and forth on the Peja trade. What tips the scales in my mind, though, is the thought of last year's sharp-shooting Hornets. He's automatically their best shooter by a large margin. Heck, you could amputate one of his legs and he would still be their best shooter. Again, with CP, he should get plenty of open looks. Clutch...Peja is not, but I don't think he will have to be. David West was pretty clutch on a team that stole a lot of games it had no business winning.

Can TJ Ford pull off a poor man's imitation of Nash? That is the question. IMHO, not unless he learns to shoot like Nash.

Croshere parlayed one good playoff series into his present contract. I bet he ends up riding the pine mostly, but then Daniels mostly rode the pine in the Finals and Croshere is cheaper. I really wonder why Dallas didn't play Daniels more. He was my favorite Mav of the last season.

I would rather have Pryzbilla at $32M than Nene at $60M.

The rest of the trades mentioned were solid if not spectacular.

4:12 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

I was checking out some of the summer league box scores when I ran across a familiar name. Gabe Muoneke, probably one of the dirtiest players I have ever seen play basketball is playing on the Hornets summer league team. Do you think they brought him in to instill some toughness in the young bigs they drafted? Maybe he will teach them that sucker punch move? I remember him just flat out punching a guy in the stomach during a game...AND THE REF DIDN'T EVEN CATCH IT!!! The French Soccer team is a little late in getting his services, I guess.

1:20 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

So far, my most underrated signing. I think this is the closest to last year's Diaw pickup, I've seen.

8:07 AM  

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