Thursday, July 06, 2006

Coupla things

* I'm driving down the street the other, and I see this written in the back of a filthy windshield: "I wish my wife was this dirty."


* Here's a Man Law question for you (those commercials are greatness, btw): Can you hook up with a friend's ex-girlfriend after he gets married? If so, is there a waiting period after the wedding? Just curious.

* Speaking of alcohol commercials, I like those new Tanqueray commercials with Tony Sinclair. You know, the crazy looking black guy with the British accent. He cracks me up. Good ads!

"I'm so in love it's ridiculous," Spade told a "friend," according to Life & Style weekly. "Never in my life did I think I'd be with someone so gorgeous and successful. She knows I'm going to ask. It's all about timing."

Am I the only one creeped out by the thought of David Spade in love? To me, isn't he the grungy looking, depressed comic who will never be as popular as he used to be, and is now just like the fading ex-stars he makes fun of? So how is this guy extatically happy and in love and about to marry one of the most beautiful women ever? And this is dark, but true: has anyone seen David Spade logenuinelynly happy since Chris Farley died? Even when he smiles, it's a depressing smile. This whole thing creeps me out. Good for him if it's true, but it bothers me for some reason.

* First, check this out.

Sam's response: "Let me guess: overweight, likes anime, can't hold a conversation, wears Lord of the Rings or Star Wars t shirts a lot? I bet that covers 19 out of the 20."

My response: "You left out Cheetos. Their fingers are permanently stained with Cheetos."

* Here's something I've never understood: men who embarrassedased to buy tampons for their girlfriends. Why? What's the big deal here? How is this embarrassing? Obviously they're not for me, so I'm not going to be embarrassed because I use them. If I'm buying them, there's a 95% chance they're for my girlfriend, which last time I checked was a good thing. So why? What's the big deal?

* Unfortunately, ladies, it appears that corporate America wants to keep you as uncomfortable as possible. My favorite part of the article? How doctors say flip flops are bad for your body. Oh yeah. Right. Like high heels are GREAT for you.

Sorry my female coworkers. I'm cool with you wearing flip flops.

* Here's an idea for video game manufacturers everywhere: video games for babies.

Listen to me. You know all the stuff for little little kids that teaches them colors, and blocks, and eventually the alphabet? Why can't you make video games for that? Some of them can come with a special controller! Not only are you hooking the kids while they're young, but it gives the adults an excuse to go spend a ridiculous amount of money on the 360 or PS3. "Honey, it's not just for me! It's an educational toy! Baby Joe needs it! You want him to be smart when he grows up, don't you? Well we need to start educating him now!"

* And, finally, it's Peanut Butter Jelly time.


Blogger Bo said...

I confess. I have handed a controller to my baby daughter to keep her entertained while I played my playstation. I will also mention that it doesn't take kids long to figure out their controller needs to actually be plugged in and have the little light glowing to work. I can't imagine how excited she would be if we had a Winnie the Pooh video game.

Speaking of games, does it seem like there are an awful lot of "healthy" games out now. It started with dance games, but now there's aerobics games and even games that are specifically marketed to increase your intelligance and memory. We've come a long way from Pong!

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bo you must not remember the power pad and Track & Field! Or the stand alone game... L.A. Shuffle, the 1980's neon precursor to Dance Dance Revolution. And if you wanna increase your intelligence and memory... get on ebay and find yourself a game of "Simon." But then of course you may have to check yourself into "Simon" rehab.... it's pretty addictive!


3:01 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

The PA has a really funny comic where they comment on how arcades are like health clubs now. Anything to add new markets, and the out of shape nerd market has pretty much been tapped. That's really cute that you do that with Lizzy Bo.

Tone I never answered your question about Dirk telling Cuban to be quiet around the refs...sorry. It's no big deal. Dirk is a really honest guy, and if you ask him a question, he'll give his an honest answer. Do I think Dirk is mad? No. Do I think Cuban will change? No. Dirk just voiced his opinion, and life will go on.


3:34 PM  

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