Monday, May 29, 2006

Coupla Things...

* I don't know if any of you read thos "Sexploration" articles on MSNBC, but if you don't, you should. It's one of those "email your questions to some doctor/expert" kind of things, and the comedy generated therein is off the charts. It's amazing the things people will A) come up with, and B) ask.

* Mrs. Baird's has an answer to the Twinkie. Their name for it? Cream Filled Partners. I'm hereby nominating that for the "Worst Name For A Product" award.

* So can we admit that the HOV lane is a failure now? I'd say it's been open in Dallas for about 10 years now, and it has not increased car pooling at all. I'm not against the "zipper" lanes--the single lanes that go one way in the morning and another way in the afternoon, depending on where traffic is heaviest. That's not a bad idea. But designated HOV lanes on both sides of the highway? That's stupid. That's just a waste of a lane there. Time to get rid of that and put all the DART cops to real work.

* Two things I've thought in regards to the Northwestern women's soccer team scandal (they were recently busted for hazing). First, congratulations are now in order to women's athletics. You are truly equal with men now: you also participate in dumb activities that involve sex and drinking. Second, why does America always act shocked when it is discovered that underage drinking occurs at college? Really? We're surprised by this? Anyone who is surprised/scandalized by this, I have one thing to say to you: pull your head out of your ass. And this is from a kid who didn't drink til he was almost 23. Look, college kids drink. All of them--not just the ones who can do so legally. At every college in the country. I don't care how smart or holy Timmy and Suzy are, when they are at school they are almost assuredly drinking alcohol. So whenever some college scandal goes down, don't act shocked when underage drinking was a contributing factor. It happens.

* X Men 3 fucking sucked.

* Here's a good conversation starter when you're trying to learn more about a person: how did they feel about the movie Clueless when she falls in love with her stepbrother? I swear this is a good judge of people (another good call: how they feel about Double Stuff Oreos). And for the was gross, weird, and just not right. I know it's not totally wrong...but it still wasn't right.

* More thoughts on women's soccer players: they are possibly the craziest athletes ever. Seriously. Don't get me wrong: some of my best friends are women's soccer players, they are good people and a lot of fun to hang around with. But they are certifiably insane, especially in groups. You roll with female soccer players, you're in for a wild night.

* DMX might be the best rapper turned actor ever. Yes, I know that's not saying much. But at least 2Pac was a decent actor, and I think DMX might be slightly better than he is.

* I've heard that Lebron is planning on signing a 5 year/$75 mil extension with the Cavs. If that's true, then that is the most important thing that has happened to the city of Cleveland since...well, ever. And not the Cavs...the city of Cleveland. Congrats, Cleveland!

* Thoughts on Mavs/Suns: this series is going exactly like I thought it would. I predicted the Mavs would lose one of the first two at home. I predicted they would win one of the games in Phoenix. I think the Mavs lose tonight, and then win the next two, winning in 6...Dirk is playing just amazing right now, he's become the player I've always wanted him to be...Josh Howard is the key to every Mavs game from now to the end of the year. He's not their MVP, or even the second best player, but he is the X factor...God bless you Desagana Diop...Find a way to sign Avery Johnson for an additional 5 years. No matter what it costs.

* Thoughts on the Pistons/Heat: I don't know what the Hell happened to the Pistons. Seriously. Lebron just KILLED them. They have no confidence, they look like they're running on fumes, they can't score to save their lives, and they're now taking shots at each other instead of showing that never say die commaraderie they used to have. It's like a wolf who gets cut and begins feeding on it's own entrails: they are literally killing themselves...I can't believe this shitty Heat team is going to the NBA playoffs. Yes, DWade is incredible. No, Shaq is not completely done. But still: this team sucks, just like the rest of the East...

* If you haven't watched this NBA Playoffs, then shame on you. You are missing out, it has been FANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNTASTIC!!!!!!


Blogger Susan said...

omg, how can you say xmen 3 sucked?! i cried, dude. twice. :(

4:40 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

After the end of the X-men movie, I looked at my wife and asked, WARNING - SPOILER ALERT, "Why didn't he just stick her with a needle like he did with Magneto?"

And despite all the little kids running around in the theater, I didn't think this was as kid-friendly as the first two movies.

To sum it all up, I was disappointed. It wasn't a horrible movie. It wasn't even a bad movie. It was just an okay movie...definately nothing close to good. Now, isn't everyone glad I gave my opinion?

8:21 AM  

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