Monday, May 15, 2006

Coupla Things...

* How is it possible that Double Stuff Oreos cost the same as regular Oreos? Don't get me wrong: this is the greatest thing in the world. I'm just curious as to how we're getting away with this. God bless whoever brought us the pure, unadulterated greatness of the Double Stuff Oreo for the same price as the regular Oreo.

* Haven't got enough Chuck Norris yet? Want to show the world in a bold yet entertaining way that Chuck Norris is your hero? Well my friends, then this is for you.

* I'm very curious about what is going to happen with the Duke rape case. I honestly have no feel for which way this thing is going to go, and surprisingly neither does the media. I feel like they are vultures circling the prey: they haven't decided for themselves which side is guilty yet, but eventually they will, and when they do, they will quickly move in and demonize whoever they need to.

The problem is both sides are telling a very believable story: An angry stripper is trying to get even for some slight by accusing these kids of rape. Sure, I'll buy that. Some rich, racist, preppie white kids who feel like the world is their oyster took what they wanted from a black girl who they felt like they could do anything with and get away with it. Also a plausible story.

We'll just have to see what happens, but whatever does happen, there is a lesson to be learned here: don't invite a stripper into your home. EVER. Come on man. Going to a strip club is not the social embarrassment it used to be. Just go to the club. You do not want that kind of environment in your home, there's too much of a chance for bad things to happen. Plus it's just gross.

So remember: no sex in the champagne room, and no strippers in your house.

* Here might be the funniest headline I've ever seen, courtesy of

Survey finds many Brits dial N--for naked
We have no idea why this research was done, but it makes us laugh too

Now that's the news.

* So I got one of those funny radio bits on email the other day: wacky morning radio show prank calls some lady, tells her her husband got fired at work for banging his secretary, and the lady starts talking about how she fucked his brother when they stopped her.

So here's my question: are radio shows legally liable to this kind of thing? How can just calling someone up and lying to them for entertainment be okay? Isn't this the same as yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theatre, which is illegal? Let's say a wife hears that, immediately hangs up the phone, get in her car, drives to work and shoots her husband. Oooh and the secretary! Aren't the DJ's responsible too? Can't you see a Law & Order where Sam gets mad at the asshole DJ and goes after him, too?

David, Mike, or anyone else (congratulations David for graduating from UT Law this Saturday!) with a legal background please feel free to chime in.

* June 23: Dallas, TX: Schmirnoff: Huey Lewis & The News.

* So now Heather Locklear is being passed around like the spit bucket at a wine tasting party--they've even got her dating David Spade now! David fricking Spade. He was D-U-N done 5 years ago. And he's one of the most physically unappealing guys in Hollywood. I mean, if David Spade can get a piece of one of the hottest women ever...well hey you doin? Isn't it my turn? I write a blog! I've been on TV!

* So the online porn industry wanted to have all porn sites labeled ".xxx" instead of .com. I would have to say that this is one of the best ideas in the history of the world. I mean seriously. I mean, besides the fact that this is inevitable--come on man, the . call sign is followed by three letters! Three! It just happened to be three????--think about how easy it would be to for people who want to block porn. The parents who want to keep their kids from looking at it, cybercafes, libraries--you just make the .xxx not available. So what did the Internet's key oversight agency do? Nix it.


* Finally, I went and saw The Fray at Taste of Addison on Friday. You have to love this. The Fray is quickly becoming one of the most popular bands in America right now, but literally one month ago no one knew who they were. Because of that, they were stuck playing at a concert that is not in a venue--it's just out in a field with a stage set up--that cost $5-8 to get in. Oh, and they were opening for Hootie & the Blowfish. You read that right. The group that is currently number 9 on Billboard's Hot 100 opened for Hootie & The Blowfish. You have to love the music bidness sometimes.

Anyway, the concert was fantastic. What a great band. One of the primary ways I judge a band is by how much they sound like their CD's in person. Well, they sounded EXACTLY like their CD--it was fantastic (and no, they weren't dubbing). Plus it was a cool concert: great weather, no big effects, just two hours of great music. A solid performance from a great band. Isaac Slade (lead singer) gets points for using the piano as a lead instrument, for going with the fohawk, and looking exactly like my friend Ben. I in fact encouraged Ben to go with a fohawk this weekend so the two could look even more alike.

Go buy their album, How To Save A Life. It's the first album I've bought (ahem) in probably 6 months, and it did not disappoint.

* Go Mavs!


Blogger Bo said...

Who's your favorite Mav and why? I want a 1500 word blog on this. Well...a paragraph will do. I think you could develop a new Myers-Briggs test just based upon Mav's players. Who are you most like? Spurs' players would be funny too.

BTW, I would like to apologize for hijacking your blog, but...I'm a little bored.

3:37 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Buddy, the reason we haven't had a "Thoughts on the playoffs so far..." blog is I don't want to jinx it. I'll do it when the second round is over.

Feel free my friend. And a response to your Bob question is forthcoming.


3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've thought the same thing about Double Stuff Oreo's for at least 2 years and mention it to my friends often. My question though is more... Who would buy regular oreos when you can get double stuff at the same price? What freak of nature is eating an Oreo and thinks to themselves, ya know? there's just a tad too much filling in this. I couldn't handle anymore. I say, God Bless Double Stuff Oreos. And has no one thought of Double Stuff Twinkies yet?


5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reference to the radio:

You can be sued for a tort called intententional infliction of emotional distress. The elements to prove a claim will vary from state to state, but one definition is (1) the defendant must act intentionally or recklessly; (2) the defendant's conduct must be extreme and outrageous; and (3) the conduct must be the cause (4) of severe emotional distress.

I actually think there have been two law and orders related to this - but of course both of those are talking about criminal and not civil cases. One episode was based on the real life Jenny Jones talk show where the guest suprised his friend/neighbor by revealing his homosexual attraction and then was murdered. The other episode was a fictional situation like a Real World type show where the producers provoked a fight between the housemates and one of them was killed.

4:12 PM  

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