Monday, March 13, 2006

Coupla Things...

* You know what look I'm going to pull when I turn 40?

The Panama Jack hat.

That's right. Everywhere I go, I'm pimpin the Panama Jack hat. That's one of the great things about growing old: you can go with whatever crazy look you want, and get away with it cause you've old, and you don't give a fuck anymore. So I'm going with the Panama Jack hat, and the sunglasses whenever possibly. When I turn 50, I might even go all the way and add the monocle.

Either that or a cape.

* If you ask me what the worst thing my generation does, it's handle our credit. We fin suck at that. So here's a somewhat radical public service announcement that the younger generations of America need to hear.

* I think most people have seen They Live, one of John Carpenter's first films about aliens trying to take over the world. Rowdy Roddy Piper fines a pair of sunglasses that allows him to see the aliens, and proceeds to go on a dramatic killing spree. Anyway, he fights Keith David in that movie, and that has to be the most violent fight in the history of Hollywood. I've heard that Keith David wanted to see if he could beat Rowdy (and Keith David was HUGE back then), and the two of them just went at it. It hurts just to watch them fight.

Good flick, it's worth watching if you haven't seen it.

* Perhaps I'm overestimating how quickly you'd like to know when blog updates happen, but my dear friend Carly shared this download with me the other day. It generates an email whenever I update the blog to let you know something new has posted, and I'm betting you can use it for all sorts of sites--Penny Arcade maybe? Just something if you're interested, she likes it.

* If you're going to smoke a pipe...smoke a corncob pipe. Nothing else is worth your time.

* You know what is the response I hate hearing most in my office? "It wouldn't hurt." Such a chicken shit comment. It drives me absolutely crazy. You ask someone in your office if you should do something, and they respond with "It wouldn't hurt." Well, actually, it would hurt. You see, my time is valuable, and I'm a busy man with many things to do. So I need to prioritize, and I'm asking you if I need to do this task, because if I must do it, I can't do others. And obviously the fact that I'm asking you if I need to do this means that I think it doesn't really need to be done; otherwise I'd do it. So giving me a mediocre, half-assed answer doesn't help me. I realize that with enough resources and time, nothing "would hurt" to do. But I need a definitive answer--a yes or no--on whether or not to do this. I don't need a ride the fencepost, bullshit, condescending answer that doesn't help me get my job done.

* Some people have been asking me what I think about Vince Young, who has been getting lambasted in the media recently. Here's what I think: Vince Young isn't as bad as the media has been making him out to be lately (I think they're just trying to drum up some controversy before the draft), but I don't think he's the saint that UT fans think he is, either.

* This is the greatest idea in the history of ideas. I'm not even joking. And if you don't think I'm going to try to attend this next year, well, you don't know me.

And for those of you in Dallas, Ben and I are going to put together a beer (or other liquor) tournament together. Let me know if you're interested.

* So Nick Lachey is filling for alimony from Jessica Simpson. Wow. Now I'm torn on this. You see, Nick Lachey has nothing. Nothing. He's done professionally, and will never be able to make a lot of money again. So on that hand, I applaud his willingness to look in the mirror, realize who he is and what his future holds, and get in while the getting is good. On the other hand, as a man, I want to drive to Hollywood, find him, and follow him around for a day just to make fun of him. I mean, a man does not file for alimony on his fucking wife. You just don't. Grow some balls.

So I don't know what I'd do in that situation. I do know what I'll do now, though: laugh, shake my head, and walk away appreciating my simple life.

* Finally, I have a somewhat sad note:

I'm retiring from the NCAA tournament.

Oh sure I'd like to fill out brackets in your online tournaments for all my friends who are doing that. I still enjoy the camaraderie and trying to guess the picks.

But now I'm just guessing. In the past I've considered myself at the very least "knowledgeable" if not an "expert" on college basketball. But no longer. With as good as the NBA has been and as bad as the talent in college basketball has been, I haven't watched this season at all. My watching of college hoops has been declining the last three years, and I think it would be a disservice both of PJ's Place and to my friends personally if I pretended to know what I was talking about.

My advice on how to pick your brackets is still good. I still know the game of basketball, and the yearly ebb and flow of the NCAA tourney does not change that much. But I can't tell you why Duke is a better 1 seed that UCONN (or vice versa), because I don't know the teams anymore.

Sorry. I feel a little sad, but not a lot sad. You know why?

Because the's FANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Bo said...

I gave up truly trying to analyze March Madness a few years ago. You can only watch somebody's 12-year old daughter who doesn't even know the rules or somebody's wife who doesn't even watch basketball win the office pool so many times.

That said, this tournament could be the wildest in quite a while. There really isn't the 1 or 2 obviously dominant teams out there this season.

12:17 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Your right Bo. With as low as the talent level is, it really is any man's game. It's going to be interesting to see how the new rule changes affect the college game...maybe with high school stars being required to stay a year--and some will not play as well and thus stay more than one year in college--the college game will get better. But right now it's just so uninteresting because there are no "can't miss" talents.

But it will make for an intersting tournament.


12:33 PM  

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