Tuesday, February 07, 2006

An Extra Small Super Bowl

Author's Note: First, I'd like to apologize for my absence. I have a staff infection in my leg for about a week now, and it's still not totally gone. Long story short: it sucks.
And yes, I got it from your mom.
Seriously, no, it's not an STD, and it's nothing to be too concerned about. Just painful is all.

Worst. Super. Bowl. Ever. Wow. Where to begin? Was anyone except Steeler fans excited about this Super Bowl? I know Detroit is incredibly close to Pittsburgh, but if Seahawk fans are so great that they, too, should be allowed to use the "12th Man" then you'd think they'd find a way over there. That was a home game for Pittsburgh. It was embarrassing for Seattle.

Second, I think this was the worst choke ever in the history of the Super Bowl. Now I know what you are thinking: What about the Broncos or the Bills, back when they lost by about 40? Yes, that was bad, and there was some choking involved there, but that was more "teams who got their asses beat" than it was "teams that choked". Seattle had so many chances to take over this game it became painful to watch. The first half really looked to me like two teams who wanted to lose. Jeremy Stevens couldn't catch a ball to save his life, Shaun Alexander looked like he was just punching the clock and trying not to get hurt out there, and the kicker did less than stellar. That game was theirs, and they simply refused to take it.

Third, a question to the NFL: are you paying royalties to the NBA for the "use the officials to decide the outcome of the game" routine? Cause David Stern patented that trick when Shaq signed with the Lakers. I mean, COME ON. Any time Seattle started to make a run, the officials killed it with highly questionable flags. EVERY TIME. The only close call that Seattle got was in the second half when Hasselback almost fumbled, and by then the game was already decided.

Finally, the real reason America watched this game: the commercials. Except they sucked! Was there any really good ones? I mean, that Fed Ex dinosaur one was okay, but the rest were either A) the same commercials they show normally during the week, or B) sucked outright! Trust me NFL: America did not tune in to watch the Seahawks play. They tuned in (I believe it was the highest rated Super Bowl ever, which "shocked" would be a tremendous understatement as to how I felt about this--I almost drove my car through my garage door) to watch the new commercials.

So there you have football in the modern era, America. A watered down league run by a wannabe-David Stern allows two very mediocre teams to play in possibly the worst Super Bowl ever that corporate America cares so little about they don't even bother to make very many new commercials for. If it weren't for the Steelers trick plays--always fun to watch--this would have been a total loss. I mean, I've never liked the NFL, but at least when you watched the Cowboy's Super Bowls, you knew you were watching greatness. Now each your the quality of play gets worse. Frustrating.

I'm so glad football season is over.

So remember kids...as always...THE NBA..............IT'S FANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNTASTIC!!!!!!!! OUR TIME HAS COME!!!


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