Tuesday, January 03, 2006

X-Men 3

Just watched the trailer for X-Men 3. From watching it in slow-mo and checking out the credits, here's what I see:

* Storm has a much more prominent role in this movie.
* Lots of Wolverine & Jean scenes. They seem to be REALLY playing up the Wolverine & Jean love angle. On the same token, very little of Cyclops is shown. Are they going to write off Cyclops? As much as I've always dreamed of that in a way...I don't know if I'm on board with that drastic of a shift in the storyline from the comics.
* Also, big battle in the forest between grief stricken Cyclops and Wolverine. I think we all know who wins that.
* Juggernaut is WAYYYYYYYY too small. Not that anyone could be as big as Juggernaut, but still. CGI him up or something.
* Beast, Shadowcat, Angel, and Moira MacTaggart are new, and all play fairly prominent roles.
* Rogue, Colossus, Shadowcat, and Iceman all join the team officially, and are given the uniforms.
* Colossus is in the movie, though I don't know if he armors up, and will not play a prominent role, which PISSES ME OFF!
* Characters in the movie that don't play prominent roles: Multiple Man, Trask (I saw lasers in the preview...but I didn't see any Sentinals), Siryn, Calisto, Jubilee, and Omega Red. How Omega Red can not play a prominent role in anything is beyond me; this is a villain that takes a backseat to none, even Magneto.
* Jean apparently joins the Brotherhood. Obviously this is their take on the "Dark Phoenix" Saga, leaving out all the crap about the Shiar and the M'kron Crystal. Good riddince, I say. That's one of the worst X-Men storylines ever.
* May 26 is the release date.

Even though they will never read this, I'd like to give a thanks to the actors here. Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen...these are some premier actors and actresses out there right now. And NONE of them have gotten to high and mighty to come back and make a third movie about a comic book. Thank you all for coming in, doing a great job, and helping this series be outstanding. Thank you all very much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if ol' Jimmy wants to leave, surely they could find some look alike actor to take over the role of Cyc. Its not like losing Hugh Jackman and trying to replace him with Jack Black, or some other schmuck. Thus far Cyc has more or less taken a back seat role in the movies. The back-and-forth between he and Wolvie in X1 was nice to see...the tension from the books carried over to the screen. IMHO, they should keep Cyc in the movies.

Maybe they're saving the CG Jugg for the movie, and what we've seen in the previews is an attempt by the producer and director to save something for the screen. I doubt it though.

I still want to see Apocalypse.

"Storm has a much more prominent role in this movie."

YES!!! We get to hear and see the hot Halle Berry totally mail in another performance as Storm, uttering such phrases as "You know what happens to a toad that gets struck by lightning?" (pause for not so dramatic effect) "The same thing that happens to everything else!"

Sheesh. I cannot wait. 8)


11:13 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

James Marsden is VERY replaceable. Very. They haven't done much with Cyc like Jonathan said, so just swapping out another actor would be no problem. Like I said, though I've never been a Cyclops fan, I think he is too important of a character to do away with.

They HAVE to do someone other than Magneto as the villian in the next movie. Hopefully Apocalypse, at the very least Sinister. I'm surprised they're using Magneto again--I think 3 is 1 time too many.

I made this comparison when talking about Halle Berry last night--Halle Berry plays to what you give her. Remember, this is a woman who has won an Oscar and a Golden Globe--and also has the sense of humor to show up and accept her Razzie in person. Anyway, the comparison. When I'm playing basketball against my 7th graders, or against guys who are out of shape or aren't very good, I don't play as hard, I tone my game down, I take bad shots. Let's face it guys: there isn't an actor or actress in the world who can deliver the line, "What happens when a Toad gets struck by lightning? The same thing as everything else." That's bad writing, not bad acting. So let's lay off Halle a little bit. She works with what you give her. If you give her something good, she does a good job. If you give her shit, she gives you shit. I thought she did fine in X2.

And no, the fact that I am in love with Halle Berry has nothing to do with this conversation. :-)


2:26 PM  

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