Thursday, January 12, 2006


I'd like to give some credit to the least racist country in the world. Please take a bow, United States of America.

Surprised? You probably should be. Between reading newspapers & magazines, watching the news on TV, and listening to the rest of the world talk about us, you would think that we are the most racist country in the world. That's what they all say.

Well fuck you all. You're wrong, and most of you are lying about it.

Let me explain. Seriously take a look at the rest of the world. There were riots in France recently--nothing new with that--over the treatment of different races. Martial law had to be declared in the entire country for at least 4 months. Asia? Africa? The Slavic Countries? The Middle East? It's not just us they want to kill, just ask the Sunis and Shiites about that. The rest of Europe? They can't even stand each other; look how long it took them to get the EU together, and several countries are already voting the EU Constitution down, and can barely stand using the same money. Forget about it if any non-Euros come in there.

So the rest of the world is really racist, once you sit down and think about it. But what about in the past? Let's talk about slavery. How long did slavery exist in this country? From 1776 to 1863? Not even 100 years. What other country in the world can boast that? Any of the European countries? Any African countries? Now I know what you're thinking: our youth as a country helped contribute to that. I don't deny that. But wasn't slavery a huge issue in coming up with the Constitution? From before our country even began there was a movement against it. That practice was carried out in other countries long before and long after we practiced that. And not just in Anglo-Saxon countries either. Every nation in the world had slaves at one time or another.

Do you know why racism is such a huge issue in this country? Do you know why we're talking about it? Because we're trying to do something the rest of the world isn't: fix the problem. Our country has made an honest and sincere effort to get rid of all racial inequalities. We pass laws to make things fair, we lambast companies, institutions, or people who are racist, and we even go as far as to pass laws to help those who have suffered in the past. It's not just making things even; it's making up for the sins of the past.

No one likes to talk about this. Everyone wants to look at our faults, and the shortcomings, and the uneducated, idiotic, or evil people who cling to racist beliefs. It's a lot easier and more popular to point out something bad than to congratulate something good.

Well I say good for you America. Every American reading this should stand up and pat themselves on the back. I honestly believe racism will always be with us, "us" being the human race. Some people are evil and like to hate, and will always cling to those beliefs. However, we can make it so that is a small minority of people, and that they cannot let their perverse views hurt another person, or keep them down. America has been and continues to work for that goal, and I'm proud of America for that, and it's yet another reason why I'm proud to be an American.

So if anybody else in the world tells you that America is racist, tell them to piss off. No one can look down at us on this issue. And if an American tells you America is racist, say, "Yeah, but we're trying to fix it, and we're doing a pretty good job. If you think you can get it better anywhere else in the world, good luck, cause you're wrong."

Thanks America. Keep working hard at this, and keep up the good work.


Blogger Bo said...

I would say that the US and the people of the US do a pretty good job on racism. You are right about Europe, they are very racist. I think it may stem from the fact that most European countries only have one major race. There are basically only Frenchmen in France and only Germans in Germany. Their new influx of immigrants (legal and illegal) has introduce new races. I would say its alot like the US a 100 years ago. The US, on the other hand, really is a melting pot. There are all kinds of people here.

That said, people due tend to stick around those that are similar. I really think it is a comfort thing. I think a lot of racism is due to the fear of the unknown. A lot of people just haven't been around people from other races. When they do get around others that are different, they feel uncomfortable, and then defensive, and then they become offensive. A few bad experiences reinforce the discomfort. People who have been around many other different people tend to be less uncomfortable.

Based on my own experiences: I grew up in New Mexico. Therefore, I don't even notice being around hispanics. In fact, I really feel more comfortable around hispanics. On the other hand, I went to a junior high that had 600 kids in it. Of those 600 kids, I think 2 were black. There just are not many blacks in NM. I am not saying I am racist towards blacks, but I don't feel as comfortable as with whites or hispanics.

Just my thoughts.

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is one of the most incorrect & ignorant things i've ever read. most of your examples of "racism" in other countries aren't racism at all, but other prejudices, be it religious or cultural. Martial law was NEVER declared in France, let alone for FOUR MONTHS!!! In face, reports now are saying that the perceived impact and severity of the riots in France were totally overblown. Slavery started way before 1776. What does the formation of the EU, a political organization, have to do with racism in Europe? Are you proposing that the UK doesn't want to adopt the Euro as their currency because there are too many minorities in other EU countries that use Euros? Those are just a few of the things that show where your ideas are coming from: your ass.
The US has come a long way in race relations, but still has a very long way to go. There are countries in this world that are below the US's level - sad but true. Saying that the rest of the world is at a less advanced state racially than the US is patently false and I don't really think even you believe it. I'm all for patriotism, but putting others down doesn't help the situation in America.

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

someones got a frenchman up their ass....


8:10 AM  

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