Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Don't worry...

I'm alive. I've been off the last week for Christmas. My place of employment gives us the week of Christmas off. That's right. Paid week of vacation at Christmas. And it was 75-80 every day of that vacation. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate cold weather? So do you realize how excited I was to have that week off with that weather? Yeah. That was probably one of the best weeks of my LIFE.

Anyway, I'm back, and since I didn't want to start off the year on a negative foot, I'm not going to share my Racism in America post with you yet. However, as I haven't really been paying any attention to the outside world lately, I'm not really ready to share anything else with you, either. So sit tight and I'll work on a Coupla Things for you tomorrow or Thursday. Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. Til then!


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