Monday, January 23, 2006

Coupla things...Sports Edition!

* Vince Young. After his incredible performance in the Rose Bowl, I had one friend get a little too excited and compare him to Michael Jordan. After advising her to calm down and take a deap breath before she made any more insane statements, I took her advice and thought about the future of Mr. Young, and more specifically, who would I take first in the NFL draft: Leinart, Bush, or Young?

First I think you throw Leinart out of the mix. He's a "consider him considered" player when you compare him to the other two. Sure, he could be great, but he also could be Ryan Leaf. His ceiling isn't near as high as Bush or Young's, so while he is a great pick, he's a distant third of those three.

Let's look at Young. He's 6'5" 233. To compare, Michael Vick is 6'0" 215. So Young should be able to take more of a pounding than Vick can, thus avoiding the nagging injuries that continue to plague Vick's career. Young is a great leader, and has an incredible sense of "The Moment". This guy is a clutch player. However, while he has improved his passing, there are legitamite concerns about his throwing ability. As good as his game against USC was, did he complete a pass over 15 yards? I don't think so. That throwing motion is attrocious to look at, and I think it's safe to say at this point that that isn't going to change.

Let's look at Bush. One of the most incredible players to ever play college football, he earned comparisons to Earl Campbell and Gail Sayers. He can literally do it all. Run, catch, return punts, you name it. Texas was happy about holding him to "only" 177 all purpose yards in the Rose Bowl. Only. He is truly breathtaking to watch. However...what position does he really play? He's too small to be a 30 carries a night NFL running back. He's a jack of all trades, but is he a master of any one that will set him apart at the next level?

I honestly don't know who to take. Both players are amazingly breathtaking to watch, but both have legitimate issues to their games that could affect them in the next level. Vince has the hometown edge in that he's from Houston, but Houston has a good young quarterback in David Carr (I know that is debatable, but that's a conversation for a different day). In the end, I think I'd take Bush first, because I think that with a decent coach and offensive line Carr will be a good quarterback. But no one could fault the Texans for taking either player.

They're both just incredible.

* Please, please, PLEASE Kevin McHale do everything you can to get Steve Francis out of Orlando. Please. The Wolves DESPERATELY need another star player--someone to fill up the box score. I don't want Marbury or Artest. Neither would be a good fit, and both would be self destructive. Francis, however, would be a perfect fit. People forget how good this guy is: he's averaged 19.5 points, 6.4 assists, and 6.0 rebounds over his career. That's awesome. Sure, he freaks out when he's in a bad situation, but playing with KG for a playoff team (which the Wolves would be if they had him)? He'll be fine. Plus his value with the Magic is low right now coming off his "conduct detrimental" suspension. You can get him for $.50 on the dollar. I'd offer Wally and Olowakandi's expiring contract, and maybe even your first rounder. You should be able to get him for that easily. Make it so Kevin!

* Marcus Vick, Michael Vick's little brother, was kicked off of Virginia Tech's football team for a litany of on and off the field problems, including stomping on a defensive end's leg who sacked him in a bowl game and giving alcohol to 15 year old girls. This led to numerous stories in the media with a theme of, "Poor Marcus Vick, he's messed up because he had to grow up in his brother's shadow, it's really not his fault". I really just have one comment to that.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Let's get a life here people. This kid is a star athlete who grew up the younger brother of a star athlete, so he has had EVERYTHING handed to him his entire life. Forget big brother pressure. At some point every person is responsible for their own actions, and this moron was given umpteen chances to succeed BECAUSE of his brother and his athletic ability. In spite of being given God only knows how many second chances, he's still an arrogant asshole who managed to screw things up. Screw you Marcus Vick; all of your problems are your fault and no one else's.

* Wanna know what my favorite part of the Vince Young press conference where he announced he was going pro was? When he made his comments about how he would get his degree. It was hiliarous!

So Vince is sitting there, talking away and trying to look sad about his decision to leave, in spite of the fact that he knows his dream/goal of making it to the NFL is going to come true, and he will without question be a top 2 pick and be rich for the rest of his life. Then all of the sudden you can see the light bulb pop up over Vince's head, as he finally saw his agent jumping up and down in the back of the room waving a huge sign that said, "Say you're going to get your degree! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PRETEND LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO GET YOUR DEGREE!!!" Vince then mumbles, "Oh yeah, I'm going to, uh, get my degree. {Pause} Becuase, uh, I told my mom I'd get my degree." It was awesome. You could totally tell that A) he has no interest or intention of getting his degree, and B) that that's something his agent told him to say during the press conference, he forgot to bring up when he was supposed to bring it up, and then forgot the lines they had rehearsed about getting his degree and why he wanted it.

My question is, why even bring it up? Who cares? He doesn't need his degree! He didn't go to college to get a degree, he went to college to be a top five pick in the NFL. Done. No one really expects him to get or ever use whatever degree he had in school! And if his Mom was really adamant about him getting his degree, he wouldn't have looked like he just forgot to thank his old babysitter who's his mom's best friend and she asked him to thank so her name could be said on TV, but he really doesn't even remember who that lady is. Come on! You're not fooling anyone here.

* Once again, I hate the way the NBA hands out NBA seedings. The Mavericks are tied for the best record in the West...yet they are in fourth fucking place since they are second in their division (which not even I, NBA king that I am, can name you all 6 divisions, let alone which teams make up each) to the Spurs. The Nuggets--8.5 games BEHIND the Mavericks--are ahead of them in third.

David, this is your worst idea ever. And remember, I would vote for you for President of the United States, and this idea is horrible.

* Okay, did anyone have a Steelers-Seahawks Super Bowl? I mean ANYBODY? I didn't think so.

* What the Hell is going on with the Boston Red Sox? So Theo leaves the Red Sox for two months, but now he's coming back and has two co-GM's with him? There's some sordid tales working in there.

* And, finally, Kobe's 81 point game last night. Two words for you:

Simply amazing.

81 points, 61% FG, 90% FT, 54% 3PT, 8 rebounds, 2 assists, 3 steals, 1 block, only 3 turnovers.

And it was a come from behind victory for the Lakers. I mean, that is literally the second best individual performance in the history of the NBA.

Say what you will about Kobe (remember, pronounced Koab)--and I have--but that was a phenomanal perfomance, and worthy of our respect. I don't know if we'll ever see that again in our lifetime.

Congrats Kobe. For at least one night, the world was rooting and cheering for you.


Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

One thing I forgot to say: you know the NCAA tournament is going to suck this year when the two best players in college basketball are white.


1:04 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

Just to argue a little...

Vince Young threw several 15+ yard passes in the Rose Bowl. That said, his passing is FUNKY! I just can't see many NFL coaches excited about his passing and in the NFL passing is #1 thing a QB does. When was the last time a below average passing QB with above average running skills used his running skills to win a Super Bowl. It has never happened. Sure, there have been some guys like Elway and Steve Young who were very mobile, but they won games with their arms, not their legs.

I also don't see Bush as a 30 carry/game back in the NFL. I think I saw a stat that he had never even carried the ball 25 times in a college game. But, he is more than a jack of all trades. It will be interesting to see who Houston chooses. Really, they have a decent QB and I think Dominic Davis is an above average RB. If I was them, I would trade down for more picks. There is bound to be some team that will give a boatload of picks for the rights to either one of these great players ala the Saints and Ricky Williams or the Giants and Eli Manning.

Maybe I am biased, but how amazing has Chris Paul been? I must admit, I didn't think he would do well, but I was wrong. I don't think I have ever seen a rookie PG play so well all season long. I keep waiting for him to hit the wall and he keeps getting better.

Marcus Vick---no argument there.

The NCAA might be fun in that complete nonames will go very deep. Whats gonna really be bad is the NBA draft! How happy are GM's going to be when they take somebody like JJ Reddick with their lottery pick. I'm sure he will be a decent pro, but I don't see anybody even remotely being a game changer in this draft.

4:03 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

I'm not saying Reddick won't be a good pro. I think he will have a fine career, provided he lands with a decent team that knows how to use him. Much like Battier, he will do everything to help you win, but is smart enough not to try to do too much. But if he ends up playing for Orlando or Atlanta or some other lost'll be a waste.

And I'm just not buying into Morrison. I don't think he will be able to drive by people in the NBA and from what I have seen his passing and defense are atrocious. I think he'll end up being more Danny Ferry than Larry Bird. I could be wrong, though. He does play hard.

3:58 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

I'll say it: Reddick and Morrison will be terrible pros.


5:01 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

It's cool Nick. Go with the white guy from Duke. And he'll be in The League for a while...I'm thinking Steve Kerr?

LOL Linda which would make you happier: your hometown team drafting it's hometown boy from your favorite college, or the Michael guy from Desperate Housewives calling and asking you out? Like if you could be granted one wish, which would you rather have?

Sorry...I've been doing headcounts all morning, I'm delirious.


12:47 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Not about the Reddick thing though. I stand by my "never trust a white guy from Duke" philosiphy.

Okay, fine, you got's a "never trust a white guy" philosiphy.


12:49 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Oh you're right. I'm not saying Reddick won't be a top ten pick--I'm just saying he's going to suck. This is the worst draft ever.

Yeah, fat chance of that happening since she hasn't looked at it all season.

For shame...


5:06 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

So that's why the dozens of trade offers for Rasheed have gone unanswered. And I kid you not...dozens. I've been trying to get him since the beginning of the season.

8:00 AM  

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