Thursday, January 05, 2006

Coupla things...

* Okay, we all know I don't really give a shit about football. But what a great game last night. Vince Young is incredible. There's really no other way to describe it. The guy is like Lebron: neither of them look like they're running that hard or moving that fast, and then all of the sudden you realize that they're moving past EVERYBODY. Just an incredible athlete, and a great player. Fantastic game.

* 4 words for Pete Caroll and Matt Leiner: shame on you both. Both of them announced after the game that "they felt that they were the better team" and listed things they did well against the Longhorns. Well, let me count the ways you are wrong:
1) The Longhorns kicked the SHIT out of their opponents all season, whereas you had several close calls.
2) The Longhorns' defense is far and away better than yours.
3) Oh they did something else...oh I can't remember...oh wait yeah...THEY BEAT YOU IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME!
Let me put it to you this way. Yes, it's true, when a champion is decided in tournament style, or based on one game, then yes, the best team doesn't necessarily win. That's why the NCAA tournament is so popular--everybody has a chance, because most good teams can win any one game on any given day. In the NBA, they do series, so out of 7 games, the better team wins. You KNOW that the best team won, because somebody didn't just get hot to win one or even two games.

HOWEVER, when the system has been set up in the tourney or one game style, that's it. That's how you judge the better team. So no fucking whining about how you are the better team--you knew you had one game to win, that's how the system is set up, and you didn't win it. It's not like the system has changed recently; it's been this way for about a hundred years. Shame on you; you are too good of a team and have had too proud of a tradition the last few years to go out like that. And this wasn't exactly Villanouva over Georgetown, either--this was number 1 v number 2 in one of the closest, most dramatic games ever.

In short, the Texas Longhorns ARE the better team. They proved it. And you two shut the fuck up about it and accept it.

* Why does it always smell funny in Movie Trading Companies? ALWAYS. No matter how new they are or how new the building is, it always smells funny in there. It's like a comic book shop. The company is owned by Blockbuster now; you'd think they could clean the carpets or do something!

* So Marion Berry--the former DC mayor who was caught smoking crack while in office, and then STILL got reelected--was robbed at gunpoint the other day. Here's my question: Marion, if they were crackheads and were robbing you for drug money, are you really going to press charges? Let he without sin cast the first stone, Marion.

* I have a question for The Worldwide Leader In Sports: is there anything that's not Insider on anymore? It's ridiculous out there. Insider is their monthly subscription service. I believe it's like $20 a month and you get access to more articles and analysis. It used to be just a few things were insider, but now it's almost to the point where you can't even get the score to the UT-USC game without being an insider.

* So Lindsey Lohan admitted to Vanity Fair that she was bulimic and used cocaine. After her publiscist found out, they immediately called VF and demanded that the story be retracted.

How stupid do they think people really are? I mean, I know a lot of people are really stupid, but come on! Look at the girl! There's a difference between "we don't know" and "we don't care".

* Jim Haslett was recently fired as the New Orleans Saints coach. Now, I'm sad to see him go. Sure, in the last five years he's been one of the worst coaches in the NFL, consistantely DRASTICALLY underacheieving with his teams that usually had good talent. But the guy was fun because he had no control at all over his teams. Players would get in fights after cheating with each other's wives, Ricky Williams had his whole fiasco, teammates would argue in the media--you never knew what exactly was going to come out of New Orleans. It was always entertaining, and let's be honest: a guy who runs a ship like that is PERFECT for the city of New Orleans.

* Finally, I've recently become a huge fan of That 70's Show, adding it to my expansive list of "popular shows that I didn't watch when they were on network TV, but started watching once they were on TNT or TBS and fell in love with them" (I smell a top five list coming!!). And I must say, I think that Kitty and Red Foreman are the greatest TV couple EVER. Hilarious doesn't quite cover those two: they are so incredibly funny in such a realistic way that I always find myself getting nostalgic and appreciating the fine job they are doing as I'm watching. Debra Jo Rupp and Kurtwood Smith are perfectly cast in those roles, too. I can't picture anyone else playing them. And yes, the Foremans do remind me of my parents--especially Red.

The one thing I can't stand about that show: Kelso. Has Ashton Kutcher ever been good in anything? I think we all know the answer to that.


Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Something I forgot to add: what the FUCK was the National Championship game doing on a Wednesday night? The middle of the week? Are you kidding me? Hey college football: you're big time. Go ahead and do it on a Friday or Saturday. Hell, even Thursday would be better. Wednesday? Who's stupid idea was that?


9:17 AM  

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