Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Political Stuff, or A Social Commentary on the Various Issues Affecting American Politics Today

I know you'll be shocked to hear this...but I'm pissed off.

Not at one person mind you; it seems I'm mad at pretty much everybody. I'm mad at George Bush. I'm mad at the media. I'm mad at "Conservative Christians". I'm mad at a topic.

So it's time to replace Sandra Day O'Connor as a Supreme Court Justice. Whoopee. Who does Bush pick? Harriet Miers, White House counsel and friend of the president for years. She has an impressive resume, with one very minor exception:


You're kidding me, right? She's never served as a judge? Ever? Never in her life? She's going to go from never having been a judge to suddenly becoming one of the most powerful people in the country, deciding law and national policy, being set in this position for life, and she's never done the job before on any level? How is this even possilbe? How can you possibly defend this?

Is our legal system that fucked up? Is our legal system in such bad shape that out of all the judges in the country, there wasn't ONE qualified candidate? One single person who had worn the robes on any level who can say, "You know, I do have some job experience for this position you're looking to fill."

Now don't get me wrong. I hate the Senate Judicicial hearings that review the candidate, because it's not the Senate's job to choose a candidate. It's the President's. It's his power, and all that crap is is a chance for the two parties to take shots at each other and try to gain 15 minutes of fame and maybe a small bit of political power. I respect the President's right to choose anyone he wants for the Supreme Court.

However, I would think that when you are choosing someone to work in the highest court in the land, someone who has final say in all legal matters for the rest of their life, you'd want someone who had just a bit of experience. Call me crazy.

But you know the worse part? That's not what seems to bother anyone, even though it should. It's God Damn Mother Fucking abortion that bothers everyone.

I hate abortion, with all my heart and soul. I wish abortion was a person, so I could find them, and slowly torture them, as this issue has tortured me. This issue is driving me crazy. Why is this the most important issue our country is facing? Why? There's nothing that tops this? War, terrorism, the economy, the oil crisis, the environment, none of these can hold a candle to abortion? Why is this apparently the only issue that is affecting the Supreme Court right now?

Go do some research on Miers. I went to several popular news sites to find out more about her, and all they fucking talk about is abortion! I'm sorry, that's not fair: one of them mentioned how much the conservative christians (sorry, I refuse to capitalize their names anymore; they are not true followers of Jesus Christ; yeah, I fucking said it) hate her because she doesn't want to kill gay people. Can you imagine the nerve of her? But that was one, maybe two paragraphs at the most, and then it was back to abortion, apparently the only problem/issue facing our country today. Thank God we live in such peaceful, prosperous times!

Here's what I want: I want a President who's not all of the sudden acting like a ball-less pussy. I want a President who realizes it's his second term, he's doesn't need to worry about running for re-election or his popularity polls ever again because after this term, he's done, he's out, he's living the high life on his ranch and making crazy money on the lecture circuit. I want the President who was an outstanding Governor of the state of Texas, and did a lot of good for the state while he was down here. I don't want the guy who is letting the oil companies rip us off mercilessly, and who suddenly seems weak and timid when dealing with any issue.

I want a President who does what he thinks is right, justifies it, and moves on with his life. If everybody doesn't agree, fine. I want a President who doesn't nominate someone from the Supreme Court because she's a woman, because she's a friend, and because he thinks it will appease some of his detractors. I want a President who nominates someone for the Court because they are most qualified for the job, not because of their opinion on one issue that is not nearly as important as we are making it out to be.

I want a leader, not a coward. I want a Supreme Court Justice who is qualified and will follow the law, regardless of personal feelings. I want Bush's performance his second term to improve, because it has been a complete and total failure thus far. I want people to use their heads and think and not just react to anything ultraconservatives, ultraliblerals, or sensationalists in the media say is important.

Is that to much to ask for? Because if it is, we've got some serious problems here folks.


BTW...this is post number 100. Thanks everyone for reading! You're the best, I appreciate your comments, time, and attention.


Blogger Bo said...

I heard something that Justice Scalia said about the abortion issue. Basically, he said that nothing in the Constitution covered it, one way or the other, and that he didn't think 12 people on the Supreme Court should make the law. The citizens, by way of legislation should decide the law on abortion.

I think its an interesting thought on the whole affair, whether you are pro- choice or life.

10:33 AM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Kyle and I were talking about Scalia last night, we were wondering where he stood on it.

I agree. It's not up to the Supreme Court. Personally, I think it's a State's right issue, and the Federal government shouldn't be involved at all.

Ummm...Bo...9 people.


12:14 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

my bad.

12:59 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

Its not political, but I thought you and your readers might want to know.

(taken from article)
Hong Jin-ho, a 24-year-old professional gamer, earns more than 133 million won ($130,000) a year, living and training with his fellow game team members in an apartment in central Seoul.

Hong, who specializes in Starcraft, a science-fiction strategy game, says he has never thought of video games as an addiction.

He admitted, however, that the seven to eight hours of daily training -- which sometimes drags on for nearly 24 hours before competitions -- can be physically challenging.

"My body doesn't welcome it, but I do it to win," Hong said.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Thanks Tom.

Ray, Kyle and I loved your comment--and it's so true.

Nick, EXCELLENT points in your post. I had no idea that there was so little precedent for appointing judges with judging records. That disturbs me. I understand that these lawyers--including Miers--have a superb understanding of the law. However, I believe that knowing the path and walking the path are two entirely different things. I'd like to have someone with some experience--even if it's limited--judging before being appointed to the highest court of the land.

I see and acknowledge your point about making it a state's rights issue affecting the poor, but my callous response would have to be "that's their problem." While I don't support the Federal Government saying that the people have no choice on whether they can have an abortion or not, I also don't think it's the Federal or state government's job to provide easy abortions to people. If you make the decision to go throut with that--and I think almost always it is the wrong decision--then you don't have a "right" to have it easily provided to you.

Now onto more important matters: playing Starcraft for a living. How fricking sweet would that be? Why did we never do that? We were so awesome when we were at OSU together. MEN STILL TREMBLE AT THE CONTINUUM'S NAME!!!!!!


10:47 AM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

I'm so pumped for Sunday I can barely stand it.

I tried to hunt down Jake's contact info about 2 months ago, even got a decent lead, but couldn't get ahold of him.

Mr. Tran will be joining our fantasy league!


2:28 PM  

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