Tuesday, October 11, 2005

2005 NBA Eastern Conference Preview


The NBA is back. Yes, I am excited. Another season of basketball thrills is upon us! Once again the best athletes in the world take to the court to decide who is the most dominant. The NBA enjoyed one of it's most exciting seasons since Jordan's prime last year; can they follow it up again? Probably. The style of play won't be as uptempo as it was last year--the Suns definitely won't run as much, though the Wizards will and the Cavs will probably run more--but the competition should be stiffer. I'm pumped to see how things shake out.

One quick note off before the East Preview: I do the worst conference first, which is why we're doing the East today. I'm not doing the East first because I'm waiting to see how the Amare Stoudamire situation shakes itself out. Real quick let's see a timeline of these events:

1) Amare said he's thought of playing for the Lakers and would love to do so when his current contract is up, though he still wants to be a Sun.
2) Phoenix (the city & the org) starts panicking.
3) Amare suddenly signs a huge extension.
4) Amare's knee suddenly starts hurting the day Training Camp breaks.
5) Amare's gonna have surgery, should be out only a month.
6) Whoops! Knees worse than we thought. He's out for four months now. The Suns season is over before it begins.

Does anybody else think that's a pretty funny story? Anyway, on to the East.

Well, at least they won't be as bad as the Hawks were last year...

15. Charlotte Bobcats: There's actually a decent chance that Charlotte will have a worse record this year than they did last year. The more I think about their draft, the more I don't like it. Felton was an okay pick, I'm fine with that, but I'm really wary about May. He needs a strong veteran presence to keep him from going Stanley Roberts on us, and the Bobs definitely don't have that. If Felton struggles at all--which he will--the Bobs will be in trouble. But since they're not supposed to be good anyway, it's okay.

14. Atlanta Hawks: Congratulations Atlanta. You RIDICULOUSLY overpaid for Joe Johnson...but hey, you did add talent to your team. I just can't shake the feeling that Marvin Williams will be a huge bust, and the fact that he SUCKED in the summer league did little to assuage my fears.

13. Toronto Raptors: It's only out of respect for OSU alum Joey Graham that I put them ahead of the Hawks. Another bumbling offseason by Ron Babcock has crippled this team. I would not be surprised at all if they end up dead last.

12. Boston Celtics: Is there any way that Paul Pierce finishes the year with this team? I vote "no". I think the Celts are content to absolutely trash this season and let the rookies gel. I like the Dan Dickau pickup though...he's got a little something, if he improves he might be a nice point for this team.

11. Orlando Magic: There's something that just doesn't feel right with this whole situation in Orlando. I see this going from bad last year to worse this year. Whereas last season I felt like they were a team that could slide up, this season I feel like this team might slide even further down from where I have them. Dwight Howard will have a great season, but I'll be surprised if Steve Francis finishes the season with this team. Everything here just feels wrong. Grant Hill, get out while you can!

10. Philadelphia 76ers: Philly managed to finish 7th last season--and that's after the best season of AI's career. He's not going to do that well this season. Chris Webber is too much of a pussy to ever do well in Philly. They've already lost Willie Green, one of their big offseason resignings, to the year to an ACL tear. Plus there will be an adjustment phase to yet another new coach.

Hey, if they gel, they could make it all the way up to #6 or 7. But I doubt it.

9. New York Knicks: Then again...maybe I'm being to harsh on the Sixers. Why am I choosing the Knicks this high? I loathe Larry Brown. I think he's a scumbag, and I can't stand him. But...he wins. You can't argue that. And there is something to this team; they're a bunch of ballhoggin, mefirst players, but there is some talent there. As long as Jerome James and Eddie Curry find a way to keep their combined weight under a metric ton (that might be harder than it sounds), then the Knicks should at least flirt with a playoff spot. Or Brown will have a heart attack and die, and I would probably laugh at that, too.

Well, somebody has to make the playoffs...

8. Milwaukee Bucks: And you wonder why they call this the Leastern Conference. Now don't get me wrong: I want to like the Bucks. They have Desmond Mason, you have to root for TJ Ford to come back, and you've got to love Bobby Simmons after working hard and having a great year with the Clips last year. There's talent on this team...again, I just wonder how it's all going to fit together. Will Bogut completely suck? (Almost assuredly.) Will TJ Ford make it back? (Hopefully...) Will Desmond Mason and Bobby Simmons be able to play well together, being they play the same position? (Probably.) Will Michael Redd be able to handle being the man, and living up to his ridiculous contract? (Probably.) I'm voting for the Bucks to be all right, and get better as the season goes on. But this team could crash and burn at the same time.

7. Chicago Bulls: Chicago is a team that played out of it's mind last year and GROSSLY exceeded expectations. Unfortunately for them, the track record for the NBA is not to do nearly as well the following year. Fortunately for them, they're in the East, so they don't have that much competition to fight off. Losing Curry hurts, but getting a healthy Deng back helps them out even more. They have a couple of nice pieces, and provided Chandler, Deng, Heinrich, and Gordon continue to improve, they'll stay competitive.

Getting better...

6. Washington Wizards: Okay, can we stop the "Shit on Larry Hughes" parade please? Yes, you did a good job adding Caron Butler, Chucky Atkins, and Antonio Daniels to take his spot. But people are VASTLY underestimating the job he's done in Washington the last two years. People were too busy ga gaing over Gilbert Arenas to notice how phenomenal Hughes was. So to all the "it was just a contract year" (Hughes took it to the next level 2 seasons ago) and "he wasn't worth that much money" (I would have offered Hughes more than Michael Redd, and Hughes singed for almost $25 mil less), please shut the fuck up.

Back to the Wizards: they still have a very deep, talented team. If Caron Butler can finally take it to the next level and become the player I thought he would be coming out of the draft, then this team will be phenomenal, and will easily overtake the Nets and possibly even the Cavs. If he's just above average like he's been the rest of his career, then they will be just above average, and finish 6th.

5. New Jersey Nets: Man, for the sake of the Nets, I hope they're right about this Shareef thing. I really do. Because he would have been PERFECT for this team. He could have really put them over the top. As it stands now, however, they're just an above average to slightly good team led by a good group of guards and a horrible group of big men. However, as long as they stay healthy--a big if--the guards are REALLY good.

Okay, these guys can ball...

4. Cleveland Cavaliers: Finally. Lebron has a cast he can do something with. Adding Damon Jones, Donyell Marshall, and Larry Hughes was masterful. All are great additions to play with on the team. Lebron finally has another good scorer and defender, has some good perimeter shooters, and has a good do everything forward. Hell, they can even use Drew Gooden as trade bait if they decide they need something else. This TEAM--not just one player--is finally ready to explode.

3. Miami Heat: I want to rank the Heat higher. I really do. Hell, I'll be honest: I want them to win the title. I'd love to see this Shaq (the one I like) win a title, and I'd love to see DWade win one. But I just don't see it happening, and for one reason:

Antoine Fucking Walker.

Why? Why Pat Riley? Why are you intentionally trying to ruin this team? You make a good trade in the Eddie Jones deal to get James Posey and Jason Williams. All you have to do is resign Damon Jones--Hell, you even did a good job drafting Wayne Simien--and you're set.

Nope. You let Jones go, and bring in Gary Payton, who I love but is D-U-N DUN, and then bring in Antoine Walker to take too many shots and poison the team. I don't understand it. Oh, and then you start fucking with the Coach's mind, leaking news to the media that you want to take over as coach. Good call there boss.

Hey, this team will still be a force to contend with. James Posey was still a great pickup, JWill could be a good pickup, and most importantly they still have Shaq and DWade. But Walker will keep this team from meeting its full potential.

2. Detroit Pistons: The more things change...the Pistons will be a great team once again. Don't worry about Larry Brown going; it was time, and Flip Saunders is a great coach. He'll do a good job replacing him. The Pistons will be good as usual.

1. Indiana Pacers: Of course, this is all very subjective. However, do you realize this team runs about 12 deep? TWELVE? And somehow that doesn't seem to bother them that much. As long as we don't have another brawl this year, the Pacers should win the East, and fairly easily. I'm sorry, but I still say I would trade Ron Ron right now and go with Danny Granger. But either way, this team will be great, and fun to watch--because you never know what might happen...


Blogger Bo said...

I agree for the most part. I just don't see the Bucks even sniffing the playoffs.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Yeah I know what you mean...so many if's there. They do have talent though, and that's something the rest of the East is lacking. If they do make the playoffs, then Terry Porter is a Coach of the Year candidate immediately.


10:40 AM  
Blogger Bo said...

The yahoo fantasy list is made up well in advance. Even things that happened a month or so ago probably haven't changed the yahoo player rankings.

We'll probably make fun of whoever takes Amare in the first round and then they will win the league because of him going on a tear through the end of the season.

3:46 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

HEHEHE...don't say anything about that in our league, yes it will be funny to see who makes that mistake even when we're talking about it in advance on the blog.


12:36 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

I just read an article that said he may not even be back this year.


7:54 AM  

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