Thursday, August 04, 2005

NBA Offseason Moves--Western Conference

Western Conference--Southwest Division

Your Dallas Mavericks!
Additions: None
Subtractions: Probably Michael Finley (SG, amnesty)

Amazing isn't it that in a summer full of moves, the Mavericks have made none. Hell, they didn't even have a draft pick. There's still plenty of time since they didn't need to make any major moves, anyway.

Something must be said for Michael Finley, who is one of my favorite--if not my favorite--Mav of all time. Michael Finley is the only current Mav whose jersey I own. He was the first good to great player who decided that he wanted to stay and play it out with the Mavericks after the HORRIBLE early 90s. He was an incredibly exciting, athletic player who had a great jumper and had some highlight reel dunks. He was the quiet star who gave the Mavericks respect not just amongst their fans, but amongst the rest of the league.

Unfortunately, Finley fell in love with his jumper. As good as Finley was--the man is an All Star--he could have been much better, but he never attacked the rim. He just loved standing outside and jacking up 3's too much. Now he's entering the twilight of his career, he won't even attempt to drive to the basket, and his defense--never a strong point--is atrocious now. He can still fill it up on any given night, but more often than not, he's just going to drive you crazy and hurt the team. Sadly, on this young team that's getting better, it was really time for him to leave. The Mavs will save $50 million when they waive him. That's a no brainer. He's got to go.

I'll miss Michael Finley, and I hope he stays in Dallas after he retires. The Mavs as we know and love them would never have been without him. Thanks Mike!

Houston Rockets
Additions: Stromile Swift (PF, FA);
Subtractions: None

Good signing in Stromile Swift. All the Rockets want their PF to do is run the floor, rebound on both ends, play good defense, and occasionally score. That's all Swift is good for, but he can do that reasonably well. Whenever Ryan Bowen is starting for you in the playoffs, that's not good.

The Rockets still need to pick up a point guard--either a starter or a good backup, Little Bobby Sura can play the opposite of either--and no, Luther Head doesn't count.

Memphis Grizzlies
Additions: Bobby Jackson (PG, trade); Eddie Jones (SF, trade); Damon Stoudamire (PG, FA); Hakim Warrick (PF, draft)
Subtractions: Bonzi Wells (SG, trade); James Posey (SF, trade); Jason Williams (PG, trade); Stromile Swift (PF, FA); Earl Watson (PG, FA--probably)

Okay, like I said earlier, I think we can safely say that Jerry West--one of the shrewdest judges of talent in the history of the NBA--has lost it. Wells for Jackson wasn't terrible, since the team had to unload Bonzi Wells, but the Jones trade was horrible. And signing Damon Stoudamire...why? Why trade Bonzi Wells and then bring in a guy with even more attitude and off court baggage, but isn't even as talented a player? Why not spend that money on resigning Earl Watson, who is a better player and is familiar with how to run the team? The Grizzlies 15 minutes are about up.

New Orleans Hornets
Additions: Chris Paul (PG, draft); Brandon Bass (PF, draft)
Subtractions: None

The Hornets got incredibly lucky when Paul fell to them at number 4 in the draft, and even picked up a nice little PF in the 2nd round in Bass. Jamaal Magloire--their only All Star--has asked to be traded. The Hornets probably could have ended up with Danny Granger on draft night had they traded him then. Oh well, their loss. I don't know if he'll get moved in the offseason or not; I've got a feeling that if he was going to get dealt, it would have happened by now. But you never know.

San Antonio Spurs
Additions: None
Subtractions: None

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Northwest Division

Denver Nuggets
Additions: Julius Hodge (SG, draft)
Subtractions: None

I'm still disappointed with this off season for the Nuggets. Four draft picks and all you can net is Julius Hodge? You haven't picked up a single shooting guard? Bobby Simmons, Raja Bell, even Juan Dixon? I haven't heard that they're waiting for Michael Finley or Allan Houston when they are amnestied. All this team needs is a sharp-shooting 2 guard to stretch the defense, and it doesn't seem like they're looking for one. Why not?

Minnesota Timberwolves
Additions: Rashad McCants (SG, draft)
Subtractions: Latrell Sprewell (SF, FA)

Sigh. I feel so sorry for my favorite player in the NBA today, Kevin Garnett. The Timberwolves could have picked up Danny Granger or Joey Graham in the draft...and they get a head case in Rashad McCants. They've been trying like crazy to deal a pouting Sam luck. They did at least lose Latrell, who can't play and thinks he should be making a ridiculous amount of money. This team needs to pull it together, and they're just not. I feel so bad for KG, the consummate pro.

Portland Trailblazers
Additions: Martell Webster (SG, draft); Jarrett Jack (PG, draft); Juan Dixon (PG, FA)
Subtractions: Damon Stoudamire (PG, FA)

I'm started to get excited about Portland, for two reasons. The first of which is this is a young team that's starting to look like they might be putting it together. Sebastian Telfair, Martell Webster, and Travis Outlaw (who is TEARING UP the summer league) are all young and talented. Zach Randolph is a top ten PF in the league with top 5 potential. Theo Ratliff and Joel Przybilla fill the center hole nicely. Darius Miles will never be a star, but he's become a solid veteran. Ruben Patterson can D up anyone in the league, and Juan Dixon can shoot like crazy. This team has the talent to be incredible in a couple years.

The second reason is because the Trailblazers are still certifiable insane. Sebastian Telfair could pull a Ray Lewis and kill someone on us any day now. Martell Webster is a high school player, so God knows what hanging with all the nuts will do to him. Travis Outlaw is named fricking Outlaw, shattering the Unintentional Comedy Scale. Zach Randolph is too lazy to get up most mornings, and his high school coach once said of him: "Ever morning when I get up and read the paper, and I see that Zach didn't shoot anybody or get shot, I'm happy." I couldn't make that up. Ruben Patterson is a registered sex offender in the great state of Oregon, and once missed a month of the season for breaking his eye socket--when Zach hit him in practice. D Miles got suspended last season for going nuts on Maurice Cheeks--one of the most laid back and easygoing coaches in the NBA, supposedly. I would pay damn near everything I own for Joel Przybilla to keep a diary on how crazy he thinks his teammates are, and how scared he is of them. And, finally, there's something about the name "Jarett Jack" that makes me think that Jarett Jack will fit in very, very well here (Jarett Jack and Luther Head coming into the NBA at the same time has to be two of the best names to come into the NBA ever, right? Those are fantastic names. Okay, at this point I'm just babbling.).

In other words, anything can--and will--happen with this team.

Seattle Supersonics
Additions: Johan Petro (C, draft); Mickael Gelabale (F, draft)
Subtractions: Antonio Daniels (PG, FA); Jerome James (C, FA)

Sorry Sonics fans, but this is the Bucks of two years ago. One year of greatness where everything clicks, and POOF, it's all gone next year. They still haven't resigned Vladmir Radmanovic, and he has no interest in resigning with them, except for the fact that no one seems to have any interest in signing him. They're going to miss Antonio Daniels (not Jerome James though), and they drafted two French guys. TWO guys from the country of FRANCE. That's not a good draft. And their ability to maneuver is gone now that they spent so much money on Ray Allen. Not a bad offseason, but I just get the feeling that it's all going to come crashing down next year.

Utah Jazz
Additions: Deron Williams (PG, draft)
Subtractions: Raja Bell (SG, FA)

Basically, the Jazz needed three things to happen this offseason: 1) get a point guard, 2) get rid of Carlos Boozer's bad karma for fucking over a blind guy, and--most importantly--3) get Andrei Kirilenko healthy.

They've done 1 and 3. 2 remains to be seen. Hire some witch doctors or something. Still, a good offseason for the Jazz--they didn't need to panic, and they didn't. I still think this team can/should be great.

Pacific Division

Golden State Warriors
Additions: Ike Diogu (PF, draft); Chris Taft (PF, draft)
Subtractions: None

For once, not a bad draft by GS (please Ike don't let me regret saying that). This team has some interesting pieces...but it's Golden State, I'm sure it will all go horribly, horribly wrong.

LA Clippers
Additions: Yaroslav Korolev (SF, draft); Cuttino Mobley (SG, FA)
Subtractions: Bobby Simmons (SF, FA)

One step forward, two steps back. Same old Clips. Good luck with the Russian guy and Mobley!

LA Lakers
Additions: Kwame Brown (PF/C, trade); Andrew Bynum (C, draft)
Subtractions: Chucky Atkins (PG, trade)

LOL. I'm waiting for the headline, "Kobe Bryant goes on rampage, kills Mitch Kubtchek and Jerry Buss! Phil Jackson stops him trying to take out Jeanie!" What's going to happen this year? The Lakers are obviously there a chance in Hell he's going to put up with that? This should be an interesting season for the Lakers, again.

(BTW...I finally saw a picture of Jeanie Buss, the owner's daughter and Phil Jackson's girlfriend. I've always wondered why everyone goes on and on about her...and it's cause she's fucking HOT!!! She's older...I think mid 40s? But wow! Good job Phil! Crazy rich and hot! Now I understand why he came back to LA...)

Phoenix Suns
Additions: Raja Bell (SG, FA); Kurt Thomas (C, trade)
Subtractions: Joe Johnson (GF, FA); Quentin Richardson (SF, trade)

Losing Joe Johnson hurts, and they overpaid a little for Raja Bell. However, with all the weird shit that is going on with Joe Johnson (a whole nother column in and of itself), I'm starting to think that maybe letting him go isn't such a bad thing...

While I'm glad they got Thomas so Amare can play PF now, the Suns backcourt is still ridiculously thin. They heave to beef it up somehow. And Boris Diaw isn't the answer.

Sacramento Kings
Additions: Francisco Garcia (SG, draft); Bonzi Wells (SG, trade)
Subtractions: Bobby Jackson (G, trade); Cuttino Mobley (SG, FA)

The Kings are rather interesting. They appear to be going with the "no superstar, team oriented" concept, and I see that somewhat working, as it did for the Grizzlies a few years ago. And no, before you ask, Peja is not a superstar. If Bonzi Wells can become anywhere close to the player he was in Portland, they had a good offseason. If not, losing Cuttino Mobley is never a bad thing in my book.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is too bad the Nuggets could steal away Ray Allen from the Sonics.

The Raja Bell reference was a joke, right?

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes English is a difficult language. Feel free to ban me from posting to your website.

9:16 PM  

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