Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Heroes: 31 to 21

31. Drizzt Do'Urden (Dark Elf novels by R.A. Salvatore): One of the greatest swordsmen to ever live, Drizzt is one of the very few Dark Elves to be good. He dual wields two scimitars with magical properties, and his innate magical abilities as a Drow give him an edge in battle, as well.
30. Dante (Devil May Cry video game series): The son of the legendary demon knight Sparda, Dante is a demon hunter who runs the "Devil May Cry" investigation agency. Armed with his handguns--Ebony & Ivory--and his powerful sword Alastor, Dante fights against the forces of evil, including his own twin brother. Dante is also able to switch to a devil form, where he takes on the appearance and abilities of a demon.
29. Neo (The Matrix movies): The One himself, Neo is a human created by the machines in order to eliminate the "anamoly" that is humans aware of the existance of The Matrix. Neo is super strong, fast, and can fly. He also has the ability "to remake The Matrix as he sees fit". In the end, he brings peace to the machines and the humans, while defeating Smith, the personification of evil.

28. Madmartigan (Willow): Madmartigan--played by Val Kilmer--claims to be the greatest swordsman to ever live, and does not disapoint. A drifter and scoundrel who befriends the nelwyn Willow, Madmartigan fights alongside Willow to protect a baby princess from the evil Queen Bavmorda.
27. Duncan MacLeod (The Highlander TV series and fourth movie): The Highlander, played by Adrian Paul, was the greatest of a race of immortals inhabiting the Earth. These Immortals could only be killed when their head was cut off, and then their essence--skills, abilities, memories--would be passed to The Immortal who killed him. The Immortals lived their lives through the centuries, when they would wait for The Gathering, in which all would compete for The Prize, when one Immortal was left standing. In the end, there can be only one. It is believed that Duncan will eventually win The Prize.

26. Storm Shadow (GI Joe): Storm Shadow was the head ninja of COBRA, and in the beginning of the GI Joe storyline, was Snake Eyes' enemy. However, later we learned that he really infiltrated COBRA to find who murdered his uncle and the head of the Arashikage ninja clan, the Hard Master. Once he had succeeded in avenging his master (against Cobra Commander), Storm Shadow joined GI Joe. Storm Shadow is a ninjitsu master with only one peer: his best friend and clan brother, Snake Eyes.
25. Superman (DC Comics): Kal-El, Clark Kent, the Last Son of Krypton. We all know Superman's story. Why isn't he higher? I admire Superman for what he stands for: he represents the best in mankind, the ideal we should all strive for but can never truly hope to achieve. The world needs Superman. However, the world also needs men who fight for truth and justice...but are willing to get their hands dirty. I identify more with these men, as we'll discuss later. Still, Superman is a hero who stands alone.

24. Master Chief (Halo video game series): The armored Spartan soldier fights to protect the Earth for The Covenant, a group of fanatical aliens intent on destroying the human race. Master Chief is the ultimate soldier: protecting his people from any danger, no matter what.
23. Blade (Marvel Comics): The Daywalker, a child born immediately after his mother was bitten by a vampire. Blade inherited all of the Vampire's strengths--super strength, speed, regenerative abilities, longer life span--and none of their of their weaknesses--he's not alergic to silver or sunlight--save one, the thirst for blood. He controls this with a special syrum. Blade fights to protect mankind from vampires and any other supernatural evils he comes across.
22. Iron Man (Marvel Comics): Millionaire genius Tony Stark was injured by industrial sabotage, weakening his heart to the point where he would die. He then built a suit that not only would help strengthen his heart, but give him super strength, speed, and the ability to fly. Now he fights evil as Iron Man, one of The Avengers.
21. Seraph (The Matrix movie series): The Guardian on The Oracle, Seraph protects The Oracle and later Sati from any that would seek to harm them--machine or human. An incredible warrior, he even defeated Smith when he was an Agent. Little is known about Seraph's past, though it seems that he did work for The Merovingian at one point.



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