Thursday, August 18, 2005

Coupla things...

* So I'm hooked on a TV show: Rescue Me, the Denis Leary firefighter show on FX. I rented the first season on DVD, and have watched about half of the second season. I keep forgetting to watch it because I'm not used to watching TV. How do people remember to watch all those shows? Anyway, it's a great show, and I recommend it to anyone. It's got some really funny moments, but plenty of serious ones, as well. Fans of Homicide: Life on the Streets and ER would probably like this show a lot. It does a good job of drawing you into the characters' lives and making you feel for them. The only thing I worry about is them going to far like Homicide and ER did. Both of those shows had their characters' lives get so depressing and terrible that every week I would leave thinking, "My God, that is rock bottom. There is no way things can get any worse for those people." And then next week I would find out oh contraire, mon frere, it can get even worse. That got a little too much for me, and I hope it doesn't happen here. But it's great, and you should watch it.

* I was going to make Tom Cruise the Second Annual "Itoldyouthatbitchcrazy" Award winner, but it was just too easy.

* I mean, that would be like giving it to Anna Nicole Smith or Courtney Love.

* Okay, so check this one out.
Welcome back. Now, is there any doubt that we're all in for it? Personally, I'm expecting Noah's Flood--or Sodom and Gomorrah--just about any day now. I don't mean to come off as some nutcase right wing Christian here, but can we fucking draw the line somewhere? I didn't ask for more respect for the Sacrament of Marriage on my birthday list this year; apparently that should be an annual request, as well.
I'm just waiting for Matt Damon to show up and rain sulphur down on us all. Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer.

* So you know how you're supposed to wear a different band's Tshirt if you go to a concert? Like if I go see Maroon Five, I should wear a Jimmy Eat World Tshirt. So...if you go to a comic movie, does that mean you have to wear a different character's shirt? Can it just be a different character, or does it have to be a different universe, like if it's a Marvel character I have to wear a DC shirt? Just wondering. Does it not count if you completely dress up as one of the characters from the movie?

* Die, TO, die. Oops, I mean, um, The, TO, the.

* Did you see that Tiger Woods left the PGA Championship to fly home? Check this out: going into the last hole, he was one back of three guys tied for the lead. So if they all bogeyed the last hole, they would have had a four way tie for the lead and a playoff. So instead of hanging around to possibly win the PGA Championship, he flies home!!! He can't wait a couple hours. How insane is that? Do we have another Doug and Jackie Christie on our hands here? Does his wife have that much control on him, or is he that addicteded to tappin that ass? Seriously, can you believe that?!?!? Guess we've answered the question, "Has getting married affected Tiger Woods golf game?"

* What is the deal with personalized license plates in Oklahoma? I drove up there last weekend, and it seemed like a quarter of the cars had one. It was amazing! And they were all state of Oklahoma plates too. When did you people get so sure of yourselves? I thought you were just "OK" and content to be that? And I don't think there was a single one of those personalized plates that didn't violate the sacred commandment, "Thou shalt not havest a personalized license plate unless thou ist a hot maid."

* Real quick since this is running a little long: finally got to see Sin City when it came out on video this week. GREAT movie. WARNING: SPOILERS. It's set up like a comic book, where there are several different stories, instead of one long movie. It reminded me of Four Rooms and Pulp Fiction in the way they told the various stories, which was very cool.
The cinematography was incredible. Simply incredible. Their use of color and black and white was sensational, and added so much to the story. It made it not just a good story to watch, but you enjoyed watching the movie itself because of the creative way they shot it. I'm pretty sure it's the most violent movie I've ever seen--I would not want to watch an "unrated" version of this--but because of the way they shoot the movie, it helps make it seem less violent than it actually is, and thus more watchable. The soundtrack was great, too.
The costumes were fantastic--Marv looks like a Titan, yet at the same time looks like Mickey Rourke; the subtle way they set Dwight up as a Dark Superman was really cool, and if you don't think I'm rooting for Clive Owen to be the next Bond, you're crazy; every woman in the movie is breathtakingly beautiful--I even found Brittany Murphy attractive in this movie, and she does nothing for me. And of course, I could watch the Jessica Alba scenes every day.
It really is a fantastic movie, and I recommend you see it. However, I will warn you again: it is really violent. And for those who don't know me, I like violent films, so for me to say that is really saying something.

* So I'm playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on Xbox. No, not the second one, which has been out for several months, I'm just starting the first one. Yes, I know it's pathetic that I call myself a Star Wars fan and a gamer. Moving on, I can't tell if I like the RPG (role playing game) genre or not. There are times I really like it, and times it gets really boring and annoying. My character is a male soldier, who of course doesn't waste his time with blasters. I'm straight to dual wielding swords (you're damn right he's ambidextrous, and I can't wield lightsabres until I'm a Jedi), and is a bad ass mother fucker. I'm moving through the game fairly quickly, and enjoying the game. You won't catch me playing Final Fantasy now, but I'll probably play all of the Star Wars games of this type as they come out.

My name, you ask? Ryu.

* On to the piece de resistance: Barry F's art. He's asked to be called Barry F, as he does not want his last name online. Just let it slide. Anyway, here's some of his work:

Here's a flag he did, and I really like this picture, and not just because I'm assuming that he's recognizing the dominance of the Great State of Texas with the single star.

This is a ball. One thing I must say about Barry: he doesn't tell me very many titles of his work. Barry please feel free to hop on the comments and give us cool titles to your paintings. I really like this one, too. Okay, I'm going to stop saying that, because I like them all.

I think this is one of Barry's personal favorites. He drew this a long time ago; my sophomore year of college I believe? No idea at all on a name here.

One of the few that I actually know the name for: Scary Girl. I used to know why Barry found her so scary, but I don't know anymore.

Here's one I threw in: Barry's original design for Etc., Inc., that is linked to on the right. I wanted to show you guys how versatile his work is. You'd be SHOCKED at how many logos Barry has drawn for OSU over the last 5 years. I'd say damn near nothing comes out of Career Services anymore that he doesn't create, and he's done the Orange Peel logo for at least the last two years, right Barry?

Obviously, this is just a smidge of his work. I have an incredible picture of his representing the oppression of women in the world, and some of the stuff he's drawn for Robin is breathtaking. Hopefully he'll scan some more stuff in and send it to me (hint, hint good buddy). Also, he's currently by commissioned by Mr. Kyle Edward H. to do a series for him, and I've seen some of those, which are AWESOME. I can't wait til Kyle gets those up.

Anyway, that's Barry F's art. I'll be his agent; if you are interested in more of Barry's work or even commissioning him to do something for you, just throw a comment on the blog and either him or I will get in touch with you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike.... THANK YOU for realizing what a friggin masterpiece Sin City is. I too saw it for the first time on Tuesday when it came out on video. I bought the DVD without having seen it solely because Quentin Tarantino was associated with it. It's honestly one of the coolest movies I've ever seen. I told Nick it should win an oscar and he laughed at me. I think it should definately win for Cinematography, and for Screenplay too. the Dialogue is just as captivatingly unique as the way they filmed it. It was very "comic book" but not in a goofy cartoon way. It very closely resembled the actual comics that I had read about 5 years ago thanks to my best friend Lance. Great, Great movie.

12:54 AM  

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