Tuesday, June 28, 2005

NBA Mock Draft

Can you believe the draft is tomorrow? And you haven't heard from me yet? I know, I know. And while I hate to do two posts in a day, I MUST get my Mock Draft up. I'll only do the lottery, since with high school kids and Euros it's impossible for an average Joe like me to sit here and say, "with the 30th pick, the Knicks would be FOOLS not to select Nikafjd;zkhgejeal;rje Tzchajreoafja;lfje from Ubakistan!"

I'm excited about this draft, because there is a lot of talent in this draft. Here's my top ten best players in the draft:

1) Chris Paul
2) Deron Williams
3) Danny Granger
4) Marvin Williams
5) Gerald Green
6) Raymond Felton
7) Andrew Bogut (hey, he is 7'0")
8) Fran Vozquez (I guess)
9) Channing Frye
10) Ike Diogu

Note before we begin: there will be a LOT of trades in this draft. So while I'll pick who would pick whom where, don't put too much faith in this because the trades with throw everything out of whack. I'll try to call the trades as best I can.

1. Milwaukee Bucks: Andrew Bogut, Utah.
Why? Why will the NBA never learn? I feel so sorry for Desmond Mason. The Bucks aren't that far away in the East; picking up an impact player like Marvin Williams would be great for them. However, the Bucks look like they're leaning towards the next Great White Stiff.

2. Atlanta Hawks: Marvin Williams, North Carolina.
I'm not completely sold on him, but you have to pick him here. You just don't know with him. He's got an incredible body, great skills, and a great game. He's smart. The thing is, I don't like the lack of confidence I've seen in him. Now he is young, so he could grow out of it. Williams has incredible potential, but there's just something about him that makes me wary of him...

There's a chance (hopefully for the Bucks) that the first two picks will flip flop. Bogut won't get by Atlanta is the Bucks don't draft him.

3. Portland Trailblazers: Gerald Green, HS.
This pick will be traded. Portland is correct in thinking that the two best players left here are Chris Paul and Deron Williams, both PG, and Portland is committed to developing Sebastian Telfair. They want to trade down because they think they can still get Green or other good players later, which is also correct. Charlotte, New Orleans, Utah, and the Lakers are trying like crazy to move up here. If Portland does draft one of the points with this pick, I GUARANTEE you that he will be traded before the lottery is over.

4. New Orleans Hornets: Chris Paul, Wake Forest.
Deron Williams picked up a lot of stock recently, but I still think the Hornets will take Paul before Williams. The Hornets are looking to deal Jamaal Magloire, and I think they're going to try to play uptempo next season, which is a little more Paul's style than Williams. The Hornets are going to be very bad for a long time, so they might as well be bad while playing an entertaining style of basketball.

5. Charlotte Bobcats: Deron Williams, Illinois.
They could use a player anywhere Emeka Okafur is not playing. This is a great pick for them.

6. Utah Jazz: Danny Granger, New Mexico.
I think I'm wrong here. First of all, like I said earlier, Utah is trying to move up like crazy. They REALLY want a PG. This is probably too soon to take Raymond Felton; if the Jazz don't take Granger, I think they'll take Vazquez or Felton. I just can't stand to see Granger fall any further. He's going to be the guy who ends up being drafted around the 10th pick and everyone rues the day they passed him up. There is always one of those guys, and he's going to be it. So for Utah's sake, hopefully they take him here.

7. Toronto Raptors: Channing Frye, Arizona.
Unfortunately for the Raptors, this draft is six stars deep, and they pick seventh (okay five, but we'll include Bogut among the stars since everyone else does). The Raptors really want a center so they can move Chris Bosh to PF, which makes sense. I've heard that New Orleans wants the 7th and 16th picks (both Raptors) for Jamaal Magloire. That's too much. But if the Raptors can convince the Hornets to just take the 7th, I'd pull the trigger on that in a heartbeat. Otherwise, they'll take Frye to play center or Felton to play PG (Skip To My Lou--Raefer Alston, their new PG last year--didn't work out to well, and Alvin Williams is getting old) in a classic "best player available" pick, all the while hoping one of the 6 in front of them screws up and Green or Granger falls in their laps.

8. New York Knicks: Fran Vazquez, Spain.
Who is the biggest stiff left on the board? The Knicks will take him, especially after dealing Kurt Thomas. The rap on Vazquez is he is the most NBA ready to play of all the Euros. Who knows? In fairness to the Knicks, they did a good job drafting Nene Hilario out of Brazil a few years ago. Oh, wait: then they immediately traded him to Denver for shit. Nevermind.

The lesson, as always: Isaih Thomas is a fucking moron.

9. Golden State Warriors: Ike Diogu, Arizona State.
Another PF for the Golden State Warriors. Will they ever be good again? Ever? Diogu's not bad, but they need a star, and they're just good enough not to ever be in a position to draft one, and bad enough to NEVER make the playoffs in the west. I almost feel sorry for them, if it wasn't their own fault.

10. Los Angeles Lakers: Raymond Felton, North Carolina.
If Felton lasts til here, expect Kobe--I mean Phil and Mitch--to be doing cartwheels. Let's just say Chucky Atkin's days in LA are numbered.

11. Orlando Magic: Martell Webster, HS.
There's a lot of hype about this guy; supposedly he's one of the best shooters in the draft, and supposedly he's not even as much of a project as Green is. If all that's true, then the Magic got a HUGE steal. If not, this fits in with what they need to do: blow the team up by trading Francis and Hill, and build for the future around Howard and potentially Webster.

12. LA Clippers: Joey Graham, Oklahoma State.
Did you see how he did at the combine? He's literally the best athlete in the draft. It's a fact. He's a lot faster than I thought he would be. I don't know about Joey; he reminds me of a guard's version of Marcus Fizer. I thought Fizer was a can't miss star; he had such a great body! Fizer was just not smart enough. Joey's problem I think is his confidence or his drive. I kept waiting for him to take over and dominate this past season, and he never really seemed to do that. He'll have a nice career though; his game is too good, and he's too great of an athlete not to have a solid NBA career. He's got the potential if he puts it all together to be an All Star though. Here's hoping.

13. Charlotte Bobcats: Sean May, North Carolina.
If May works hard, he could easily become one of the best players in this draft. He really impressed me in the NCAA tournament this year. May is a poor man's Charles Barkley; unfortunately, he's got Barkley's work ethic, and not near as much talent as Barkley. That's not a good combination. As long as someone keeps him motivated, though, he'll be okay. I doubt the Bobcats keep this pick, though.

14. Minnesota Timberwolves: Antoine Wright, Texas A&M.
Some people have Wright as a top ten talent in the draft. However, he tested HORRIBLY athletically at the combine. I mean, he was one of the worst players there. However, two things help keep him in the lottery: 1) he's probably one of the best talents left on the board, even with questions about him, and 2) the Timberwolves need a swingman since Latrell Sprewell is fired. Best available and fits a need? Why not.

That's the Lottery. I am excited about this draft; like I said, there is some good talent here. There's good star talent, and there are several good solid players available in the later picks, too. Combine that with all the trades that will probably happen, and tonight should be exciting.


Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

The Portland Trailblazers have traded the third pick to the Utah Jazz for number 6, 27, and a future first round pick.

The Jazz will take a point guard with that pick, without question. They've been desperate for a point since Carlos Arroyo fell out of favor and was traded to Detroit.

I think the Jazz will take Deron Williams. He's stronger and is more...heady than Chris Paul is. He just seems more a Utah Jazz/Jerry Sloan type player than Paul is. It could go either way, however.

I think New Orleans will pick whichever point hasn't been picked, in this case Paul.

The trick is the Bobcats. They really wanted one of the two points, and Portland, at number 6, really wants Green. Will the Bobcats draft Green and screw over the Blazers? I think they probably will. They'll take either Granger or Green. I think Bernie Bickerstaff will go with Green for two reasons: 1) the belief is that Green has more potential, which is kind of stupid, and 2) I think Bernie would rather have a project so he gets a better pick next year. I'm not saying he's trying to throw games; I'm saying he'd rather have the next TMac potentially even though he will suck for two years--meaning they'll have 2 more really good draft picks--rather than have the next, say, Shawn Marion (not exactly who Granger is, but close on a skill level) and just get a mediocre pick the next two years.

I think Portland will take Martell Webster at 6--they really want to go young--leaving Granger for the Raptors at 7.

I'll wait until 5:00pm and then quickly redo my draft picks...hopefully something else will happen before then. This is awesome I'm so pumped!


2:13 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Okay, here's a final mock draft before tonight. The pundits are saying Atlanta is thinking about taking a point. I really don't see that, even though they probably should. I think the real interesting part is Granger or Green at number 5. Last year, Bickerstaff faced the same decision--high school Howard or proven Okafur--and went with Okafur. A lot will depend on which one he takes.

1. Bucks: Andrew Bogut.
2. Hawks: Marvin Williams.
3. Jazz: Deron Williams.
4. Hornets: Chris Paul.
5. Bobcats: Gerald Green.
6. Trailblzers: Martell Webster.
7. Raptors: Danny Granger.
8. Knicks: Channing Frye.
9. Warriors: Hakim Warrick.
10. Lakers: Raymond Felton.
11. Magic: Joey Graham.
12. Clippers: Antoine Wright.
13. Bobcats: Sean May.
14. Timberwolves: Francisco Garcia.

The lynchpins are 5, 7, and 10. Those picks could send the draft scooting into several different ways.

Have fun, I'll be back tomorrow with grades.


5:04 PM  

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