Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Eurotrip, Addendum: Pics

Click here for trip pics.

They are horribly organized, and Sam deleted a lot to make room for his pics of Italy (little punk). I'll try to organize them better for you later.

*****Addendum to the Addendum: I will try to organize the pics better, and will throw in comments for all of the ones I was at. Sorry it's such a mess right now. Talk to you soon!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, I quite enjoyed this!

A couple of comments -

1. Waiters are always rude in the touristy areas. How would you feel if your job was to serve bad food in an overcrowded restaurant to people who don't speak your language who want ketchup even though nobody uses ketchup in this country who you know will never come back regardless of what kind of service you give them??? Haha, I think be rude too! Hence why the guy at the restaurant I took you to was actually nice!! :)

2. Sam--please, oh please, just a few requests -

(a) Put your pics in some semblance of order. I was hopelessly lost and think I somehow managed to miss the Paris photos!

(b) Cut down on the blurry ones(I was getting dizzy looking at all of them)

(c) Don't be shy--take a pic with you or Jared in it

(d) Tell us what we're looking at. We're not ancient Rome historians. Unless it's the David or Mona Lisa, we're lost.

(e) No more of the Cinqueterre in Italia! Your pics of the beach just make me too depressed!!!


8:15 AM  

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