Monday, May 16, 2005

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

What to say? Finally, the story is complete. Everything I've seen makes me believe that this movie will be much better than Phantom Menace (not that bad) and Attack of the Clones (horrible). All the reviews have been outstanding. Hopefully this will be the prequel that we've been waiting for; a story that can stand up to the orginal trio.

So yes, it will be Star Wars week here on the blog. The quotes will be Star Wars all week, we'll have some in depth analysis of what makes Boba Fett so cool, and this afternoon we'll list the best and the worst of the Jedi. That will get Barry excited, I promise you that much.

I'm going to the midnight showing on Wednesday; if any of you want to go with me, let me know please and I'll preorder you a ticket. So Thursday we'll have a review.

Enjoy the week. May The Force be with you.


Blogger Bo said...

Dude, how could Han not be in the top 5?

9:07 AM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Han was tough. I'd say Han is number 6. The thing is, though, if you've seen The Clone Wars Cartoon that runs on Cartoon Network, you'd understand. Mace Windu is a BAD ASS.

And for those of you who haven't seen it, don't laugh it off because it is a cartoon. It's a great story of what happens between Episode II and III. It's what gave me hope that Episode III won't suck. I recommend it much more than Episodes I and II.


9:26 AM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

You're right, those are the most important characters to the story of the fall and redemption of Anakin (except you have to have Obi Wan in there). That's not the list we were making, buddy. We're making the coolest list. :-)

Luke sucks.


11:06 AM  
Blogger Bo said...

You must have watched the "Special Edition" version of Star Wars. There is nothing cooler than Han Solo shooting Greedo under the table and nonchalantly walking out of the bar. Shoot first and ask questions later...

And Luke doesn't even crack the top 50 coolest characters. In fact, he'd probably be dead last if not for 3-PO and Jar Jar.

12:06 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

Cause for celebration:

1:12 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Tony...I couldn't agree with you more. Especially about the purple lightsabre.

8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Luke is a homo. Luke made out with his sister."

I don't mean to be too logical, but aren't these two sentences contradictory?

Unless Luke is a homo woman...


11:17 AM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

LOL...I'm in agreeance.

8:34 AM  

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