Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Coupla things...

~ If you're an NCAA basketball fan, I wish you'd watched the Mavs-Rockets game last night. Series tied at 2-2, pivotal game 5, with Game 5 winners winning the series 83% of the time, according to TNT. Both teams having some bad blood spill into the media this week. Both teams featuring athletic, high scoring lineups that love to run, love to slash, love to pass and kick, love to shoot the three. No 1 on 1, stereotypical NBA basketball. This was good team ball based around two stars (well, really one, since Dirk continued to suck). What a fantastic game. What a fantastic series.

~ Dirk, please never stick out your tongue again. I remember when that was cool for about one week when I was a Junior in High School. Then people saw pictures of what they look like. Wow. Just say no.

~ Player of the Game: Jerry Stackhouse. He was INCREDIBLE. And that late jump ball, where 6'6" Stackhouse got the tip over 7'3" Dikembe Mutombo, and then ran to the corner and NAILED a three over Tracy McGrady. Stackhouse was crazy on yesterday. I've never really liked you Jerry, but you've finally pulled it together this year. Thank God.

~ Venus Fly Traps are so cool. Seriously. Isn't life amazing? How can a PLANT survive by eating fricking bugs? You never know in this crazy world...you just never know.

~ Word of advice: don't watch comedies while lifting weights. Dropping a bar or dumbbell on yourself because you started laughing in the middle of a set is not funny.

~ "Johnnie Cochran Jr.'s most celebrated clients, O.J. Simpson and Michael Jackson, joined civil rights figures and Hollywood stars at the lawyer's funeral Wednesday, remembering Cochran's cunning legal skills and his commitment to the people he represented." --Quote from MSNBC.COM

I couldn't make that up.

~ Question: why is attempted murder punished less than murder? Isn't it the intent that matters? You're punished less because you're just less effective? "Well, I'm a really bad shot, so I missed the person I was trying to shoot, so I get off for less. But I'll lift weights in prison now, and when I get out I'll be able to go beat him to death." Seriously. If you try to kill someone, you're a murderer. Period.

~ Ain't nothin gonna breaka my stride/Ain't nothin gonna hold me down/Oh no/I've got to keep on movin

~ The Kidd Kradick Show on KISS FM is the most racist thing I think I've ever heard on radio.

~ Outside of any time Pat Buchanan is on the radio.

~ So Ice Cube is replacing Vin Diesel as Triple X? Really? That's the best action star you could get? And Sam Jackson agreed to be a part of this...why? (The only acceptable answer? They wrote a number on a check and kept writing zeroes after it and just said, "Tell us when to stop, Sammy L.") Next thing you know, the Lakers will replace Shaq with Chris Mihm! Oh, wait...

~ I've got to give some love to San Antonio here. I was in New Braunfels this weekend, and they get all the SA radio stations. Well, as you may or may not know, the Spurs are playing the Nuggets in a TOUGH first round series. You should have heard all the people on the radio. They were going NUTS over the Spurs. I was listening to a club station at midnight on Saturday night, and the DJ is just giving shout outs like crazy to the Spurs, and everybody in the club would go NUTS whenever he did that. And when they would do a game to give away Spurs tickets, it was like they were giving away a million dollars. It was just so cool to see (or hear, I guess) an entire city come together like that. It reminded me of when the Stars won the Stanley Cup; Dallas was kind of like that then. But anyway, much love to SA for staying true.

~ That Gavin Degraw has got a little something.

~ Thanks to Bungie, the makers of Halo, for the changes they made to the game. They're great.

~ I'll say it: I don't like short skirts. And I fucking hate Capri pants.

~ And finally, I went to a church camp last weekend. First one I've ever really been to. From what I've heard about Church camps from friends (Protestant), and now having attended one (Catholic), here are my thoughts:
1) They are simply trying to brainwash the kids that go there. They wake them up super early, do athletic stuff during the day to tire you out, keep you up late at night, don't give you enough fluids, sing monotonous songs (I had to listen to the same two cords for three mother fucking hours), place you somewhere where it is impossible to get physically comfortable, and surround you with people telling you you're evil if you don't think/feel the way they do. I've got news for you, people: that's the same treatment Prisoners of War are given when they are being interrogated. It's a brainwashing technique, simple as that.
2) I didn't experience this this weekend, but Church camps are fricking orgies. It's ridiculous. I'd throw out the Hot Sports Opinion that more kids lose their virginity at Church camp than at Senior Prom in High School now.
3) Nothing is more annoying than the "adult who really, really wants the kids to think they're cool, and does anything and everything they do in order to fit in".
4) Is it a rule that anyone who runs a Church camp has to be at least a little creepy?
5) Man it sucks to be 15. The acne, the voice changing, the physical uncoordinated awkwardness, the having to be cool every minute of every day, the being nervous every minute of every day because you know you have to be cool every minute of every day, the RIDICULOUS fashion that you have to wear...wow. I feel sorry for my future children. Is there anyway they can jump from 13 to 19?

~ Peace.


Blogger Bo said...

Here's a scary thought. I think Dampier is the key to the Mavericks beating the Suns.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

I think the MVP should be the player that opposing teams concentrate most on. Do opposing teams think. "Great, we gotta play Nash tonight!" Or do they think that about Shaq? What guy is the scariest to gameplan for? (And I don't mean physically, because Artest wins that one hands down.) I think Shaq is the guy that teams focus on. Wade has been an all-star, but its Shaq that has turned Damon Jones and other mediocre players into solid players...much like he did in LA. Nash is probably also a key to most defenses gameplans. I just don't know that Nash is quite as much the opposing teams focus, mainly because Marion and Stoudemire are GREAT big men. Q and Joe Johnson are also much better players than many of Miami's "role" players.

The bad thing about MVP awards in team sports is that they are very subjective. The good thing about the NBA, though, is that by the end of the playoffs, we will all know who should have been the MVP. Olajuwon did it to Robinson, Jordan did it to many. Shaq and Duncan have done it before. Who will step up this year?

Oh, and Stoudemire had 40/16 vs Dampier. If Dampier doesn't step up, this will be a short series.

7:56 AM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

I don't understand why everyone is so upset Nash won the MVP award. I mean, no one really stepped up and established themselves as the MVP this year. So why not Steve Nash? Shaq stats were some of the worst in his career this year; he himself wasn't a monster. I'm sorry, but I think that DWade is the MVP of that team, not Shaq. I think AI had the most impressive individual season of anyone, but his team finished SEVENTH, with decent talent, in the East.

It's a toss up. And race had nothing to do with it, as we'll discuss.


1:21 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

I don't have a problem with Nash winning MVP. I just wanted to throw out the old, "Who would be a bigger nightmare to gameplan for and play" argument. Nash and Shaq are two very different players who affect different parts of the game. Really, its comparing apples to oranges. Both are a nightmare to play, I am sure.

3:25 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Bo...not dogging on you for saying Shaq should be it. I'm dogging on the media who just think it's a travesty that Nash didn't get the MVP.

BTW...who voted for Steve Nash? If everyone in the media is against it, how did he win it, when they vote for it?


1:56 PM  
Blogger KryptonBornSon said...

I agree with you about murder.

Can't listen to Kidd Kradick.

I like Ice Cube in All About the Benjamins.

And lastly, Halo is a watered down PC game, just like the critics said before it came out. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault isn't the greatest game in the world, but that's one I like better than Halo 1 &2. You can't beat a keyboard and mouse for FPS.

6:38 PM  

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