Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Halo 2 Update

So the new Halo update came out last night. Here's my thoughts...

* Plasma Rifle/SMG combo downgraded: This was a very subtle change, but I'm okay with it. It is barely noticeable...I was close to a guy at one point, and he was able to leap forward and beat me down. That's exactly what the designers were going for, but like I said, it only happened once, so it's fairly minor. Even though it's a downgrade to my favorite combo, I think it's okay.

* Grenades upgraded: Thank you thank you thank you. I've been saying the grenade damage--especially the frag--was laughably bad. They actually hurt people now, which is nice.

* Melee attack upgraded: Again, thank you thank you thank you. If you get close enough to a guy with two guns, your melee attack shouldn't be penalized. They finally made it to where you can actually kill a guy with a couple melee hits. Very nice upgrade.

Magnums: Didn't use them, can't tell. Didn't really notice anyone else using them.

Cheats: We'll see if they're really gone. No one cheated last night, but I rarely play BTB, so that could be why.

In other words, good job Bungie. You made the right changes, and we're proud of you. Looking forward to the (free) maps.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool! I'm excited to try it out. :)


8:59 AM  

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