Monday, March 28, 2005

List of the Week: Top Five Commercials

Needed some room to explain our list this week, so we'll go ahead and post it over here. the comments to the last post (Coupla Things...), I've got a question for you all regarding Personalized License Plates. Your input would be appreciated.

* Aiwa--Another one bites the dust: The best commercial of all time. This kid in a nice suit is in a car and is just JAMMING to Another One Bites The Dust. He's got the windows rolled down, the speakers are BUMPING. As people drive by, they are honking and waving at him, and he's having so much fun. He's waving back, honking back, sticking his head out the window and giving people thumbs up, it's great. Then the camera looks at the passenger in the car, and it's this old man, also in a nice black suit, who is just SCOWLING at the kid. He looks furious. Then the camera pans to the highway...and you see the kid is the lead limo in a funeral procession. Priceless.
* Osh Kosh B'gosh: I love the one where all the little kids are trying to say "Osh Kosh B'gosh", and none of them can do it. It ends with the last kid--BEAMING with pride--confidently saying, "B'gosh B'gosh B'gosh". It's so fricking cute.
* Bud--The Great Lawyer Roundup: This is one of that series where they start with, "If you can combine the great taste of Bud with Bud Lite", where people want to watch two shows on TV, and then someone hits the TV with a Bud Lite and it combines the two shows. Well, one guy wants to watch "Tough, Smart Lawyers". And another wants to watch Calf Roping. It combines into "The Great Lawyer Roundup." The last one releases this huge fat lawyer in his suit carrying his briefcase as the announcer says, "And here's the divorce attorney who took Joe Bob's Bass Boat last year!" And then there's a one second shot of this fat guy running for his life with his glasses on, in his suit, with his briefcase, and his jowls bouncing up and down (cause he's huge), as Joe Bob rides him down. Joe Bob jumps off, ropes him, and gives a YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! that I will remember for the rest of my life. The acting in that commercial was incredibly good. You really did think the lawyer was afraid for his life, and by God, you thought that son of a bitch took Joe Bob's Bass Boat from him in real life, too. :-)
* Miller Lite: The foozball "I stand corrected. That was a stupid question about taste loss." commercial that is running right now. It's mentioned in a Coupla Things... below, if you want a description, look there please.
* 7up--Make 7 Up Yours!: The original commercial with Orlando Bloom. Priceless.

I'll give this an Honorable Mention: M&Ms--"They do exist", Stainmaster Carpets--The baby running around to The Sabre Dance


Blogger Bo said...

I can't believe you didn't have my #1 commercial on your list. The greatest commercial in my opinion...

The one where the Clydesdales line up and kick a field goal and then a cowboy asks another cowboy, "Do they normally do that?" "Nope", he says, "they normally go for two".

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved Bud's Leon the athlete commercials.

I blame the media, I blame the fans, I blame the coaches, I blame my teammates...

Coach, when the fans booed... it really hurt my feelings...

I also love all the different Sonic commercials with the two guys sitting in the car. Oh man those are unbelievable...


9:50 AM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Oooh...Leon is good. And so is Terry Tate.


2:43 PM  

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