Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Coupla things...

* Thoughts on John Chaney (Temple basketball coach who sent a player in to intentionally foul a St. Joe's player because he felt the refs weren't calling moving screens. The player ended up breaking a St. Joe's player's wrist, sidelining him for the rest of the season): Is anyone really surprised by this? John Chaney is a racist asshole! This is a guy who almost got into a fight at a press conference two years ago. He's scum, he hasn't fielded a good team in years, and he did something totally unthinkable. As the coach, your supposed to be the calming influence. Your not supposed to encourage players to hurt each other! Especially over MOVING SCREENS? What an asshole. The only reason Temple didn't fire him is because they're scared he'll claim they are racist. I cannot stand him.

* After that serious topic--The Hamster Dance: Greatness.

* Why do they show coach's wives during NCAA games? Especially since they do it 50 times at the end of dramatic games. We don't care! Gee, you think they want their husband to win? That's the families meal ticket! Of course they want them to win! Other than that, though, they don't really care!

* Let me make this simple for everyone: If I'm in a coma for 15 years, and my cerebrum has dissolved and been replaced by spinal fluid, PULL THE MOTHER FUCKING PLUG ON ME.

* The best commercial on TV right now, without question: The Bud Lite commercial where the two kids are sitting there, and the Announcer is saying, "There's no stupid questions about taste loss." And one of the kids goes, "Can I get taste loss from a foozball table?" And the Announcer goes "I stand corrected. That was a stupid question about taste loss." Man...I'm laughing just writing about it right now.

* The Candle Room in Dallas sucks. Completely. Like, I have nothing good at all to say about that place; not one good thing.

* The O Bar, on the other hand, was surprisingly cool. I will frequent that establishment again some day, and I encourage you to do so, as well.

* More proof that yes, I am going to Hell: last night, I scored about 16 points in a Baptist Church league game, when I couldn't use my left arm because I'd had a tetanus shot, and my shoelaces broke with 4 minutes left in the game, and I still stayed in. And you know what the best part of the game was for me? Doing the Sign of the Cross before and after the pregame prayer. HEHEHEHHEHE.

* On a related note, it's safer from a "Will some guy injure me in this game" standpoint to play in a league in South Oak Cliff than it is to play in any Church league, anywhere. Man those Christians play dirty! That goes for us Catholics, too.

* Sam, Halley, and Jared, I had a FANTASTIC time last weekend. You guys are so awesome, and please come back soon.

* Street Sweepers should not be on the road at 7:15am. It's rush hour guys! We don't need you shutting down a lane for that. Also, cops should not be allowed to run traffic from 7:30am to 9:00am, and from 4:00pm to 6:00pm on major highways. You do more harm than good, fellas.

* Thou shalt not go where thine family has gone.

* Non-hot girls should not get personalized license plates. I mean seriously, is that not a huge disappointment: you see a personalized plate, especially a snotty one like "I-A Brat", and you think, "damn, she mut be fine". Then you speed up and it's some miserable looking girl! Such a letdown.

* Try staying at home on a Friday or Saturday night every once in a while. You’ll enjoy it.

* I hate it when they ask you to tip when you get stuff to go at places like Chilis. Why should I tip you? What have you done to deserve a tip? Walk the food from the kitchen to me? So do I need to the McDonald's guy, too? I don't even need to get out of my car for him, he provides me with even better service! Isn't that part of the reason I'm getting it to go anyway, is so I can save some money and not tip you?

* Autumn sent me this the other day, thank you very much:
"Robert Blake postponed a golf outing with O.J. Simpson to give Barbara Walters an exclusive interview on Tuesday's Good Morning America. The newly acquitted Baretta actor told Walters that he doesn't know who killed his wife, Bonny Lee Bakley, but noted that she had "a lot of enemies." He also gave Walters partial credit for his not-guilty verdict, saying the 2003 jailhouse interview she conducted with him "saved my life." Yeah, nice work, Babs. For an interview with Walters about her Blake exchange, read today's Biz."
That came from, so it's not a hoax! ROBERT BLAKE WAS GOING TO PLAY GOLF WITH OJ SIMPSON! You can't make this stuff up! How do they even know each other, other than the fact that they both killed their wives and got away with it? OJ never did a show with Baretta! This is too good to be true. How much would you pay to be in that foursome? I wonder who called who. Did Blake call OJ from prison, and say, "Hey I need some advice...I did the same thing you did, help me out?" Or after Blake got off, did OJ call and say, "Hey dude, good job, way to beat the system! We should form a club! The 'I swear to God we're still looking for our wives killers except for the ten hours a day we play golf' Club!"

* Vicente Fox: remember who your daddy is.

* My Maroon 5 concert review: It was very disappointing. The opening band was The Donnas, who sucked. Then Adam Levine (lead singer) came out and informing us that he had fractured his sternum that day, and they were still going to do the concert, but he didn't know how long he would be able to go. They sang for about an hour, and he did a really good job, especially considering what he was going through. Unfortunately, he didn't make it all the way, and didn't sing Sunday Morning, which is my favorite song of theirs.

After an hour, they should have called it quits, but instead the lead drummer came out, and they sang a coupla cover songs. Now, I appreciate what they were trying to do: they wanted to give their fans a little something extra. Unfortunately, it came off very cheap, and gimicky, and everyone in the place felt ripped off because of it. Sam and Kyle were PISSED. I was disappointed, but not angry.

So in the end, I'd probably go back if they came back into town. However, I definitely cannot say that it was a good show. I'd give it a C-, and I think I'm being pretty generous with that.

* Have fun, be good.


Blogger Ryan Claborn said...

You had me rolling. Wasn’t that a Miller Lite commercial? I was thinking they were the ones doing those against Bud, saying Bud doesn’t have taste. Maybe I’m wrong, you and I both know how much (not at all) we each care about beer. Either way it’s a really funny commercial.

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe while you are making the sign of the cross, you can think about this part of the Bible:

"Then they also will answer, `Lord, when did we see thee hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to thee?'

Then he will answer them, `Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.'

And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

Don't worry, I'm sure that if you are actually dying and actually on life support, your family will make the right decision. But if you are not dying and not on life support, I will not let anyone starve you to death, whether you like it or not. Does that make you feel better?

I am disappointed in you for accepting the mainstream media presentation of an important issue. You should know better.


11:03 AM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said... Catholic brethren...she's not alive. She's dead. She hasn't been alive for a long time. You and I both believe that we are made of body and soul. What is said on Ash Wednesday? "From dust you came, and to dust you shall return?" There is NO DOUBT that that woman's soul departed 15 years ago. She has no cerbrum! You cannot be alive without your brain. Just because some machine is forcing nutrients into the shell that remains does not mean she is alive.

I'm not saying you should kill someone who is alive. I'm saying that woman died a long time ago, and there is physical evidence to support that. This isn't a case of someone who has been in a coma for a long time but is physically fine, this is a case of a woman who died 15 years ago, but science has found a way to keep pumping oxygen and nutrients into her body for her.

She's gone man. Let her go.


12:32 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

As Uncle would say: One more thing...

Come on with the mass media. You know me better than that.


12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a difference between letting someone die and forcing them to die. You and I would also die if all food was kept from us. All Terri Shiavo needs is someone to give her food. She is otherwise not dying any more than you or I.

If you think that her life is not worth living, then you must also think that Christopher Reeve and Steven Hawking should have been starved to death, since, you know, their lives haven't meant anything either... Terri Shiavo, is in fact in better shape that Christopher Reeve was early on... except she hasn't had the opportunity to receive proper medical care and have the chance to get better.

Please read up more and pray about it before you say such terrible things. You have a heart of gold and I can't believe that you would really mean what you have said if you knew all of the circumstances.


3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for a new thread for serious discussions. Under these circumstances, I am afraid that the genius of the license plate comment is not going to get the recognition it deserves.


3:52 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Thanks Mike. It's just so disapointing...the thrill of the chase, and such a letdown at the end...

4:33 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

I just wanna throw my thoughts out there before we move on.

I don't know whether she's alive but brain dead, or what. I am not a doctor and can't comment.

But I can comment on the husband. The guy has another woman and other children. He won't divorce his wife because he's catholic so he wants his wife to die so he can get remarried. Thats dispicable. I don't know if this is true or not, but I heard that he took the settlement money from his wife's accident, but didn't use it to help his wife. If thats true, thats about as low as it gets.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Dorothy Parker-lite said...

Cool blog.
That's actually not true about her husband. He did and has used that money toward her treatment and has repeatedly refused to let her parents take the responsibility of taking care of her, even though it would be a huge financial burden taken from him.

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't comment on the license plate issue much because I think almost ALL personalized plates are crap, especially the cocky seeming ones--nobody is quite that cool, though they do provide comic relief because as Mike pointed out, often it's a very ironic statement--male, female, big or small. :)

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that I can't back you on this one PJ. If every effort has not been made to help someone--which is clearly the case here--how can we assume her condition won't improve. Stranger things have happened. Also regardless of improvement, she is still a human being, and I wouldn't let a dog starve to death... She has shown some response, so it is quite possible she simply can not communicate or understand, but she knows she is hungry. Regardless of all of that, I feel that we have to be certain we show respect for anyone's life, not just the healthy "able" bodied.

This case, while not the first like this, for whatever reason is the one everybody's talking about. I think it's important that we speak up, and as B. said, err on the side of life. She is not on life support; she just has to be fed. My nephew couldn't have survived without light treatment to help with his jaundice; I couldn't have survived without the countless breathing treatments and epinephrine shots I had as a kid; I just don't think that feeding a person is exceptional effort... And I certainly don't think it constitutes death.

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"He won't divorce his wife because he's catholic so he wants his wife to die so he can get remarried."

Bo - I'm pretty sure he is not Catholic. I really don't think his problem is that he is scrupulously concerned with following Catholic canon law.

In fact, there is a specific canon that says that if you kill your wife so that you can marry someone else, you are not allowed to marry that other person. Seems like a good rule to me.


5:08 PM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

One last thing on Schiavo, and then I refuse to speak of this anymore...

Good point Robin: to me, the thing that would be the issue here is the starvation. That is what I think people would be upset about in the situation. Let me put it this way: if I'm ever in this situation, put a sword in my hand and a round in my head, and we can all just move on from there.

Moving on:

Acceptable Personalized License Plates (because again Robin is right, 99% of the time no matter how cool your are, you're not cool enough to have a personalized plate)

* Assman: Only if you're a Proctologist :-)
* Your Military Rank: Like Dad could have a "Gunnry Sgt" or even his nickname, "Gunny", since he was a Gunnery Sergeant in the Marine Corps.
* A comment about your physical appearance if the total opposite is true, and you can tell by driving by, but doesn't have anything to do with attractiveness: Like "Blondie" if you have jet black hair, "Big Daddy" if you can barely see over the steering wheel, or "Hairy" if you're bald.

Can you guys think of any other good ones?

Thanks for the compliment, Dem!


9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about "Big Dady"? Is that an acceptable license plate?


10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about "Big Dady"? Is that an acceptable license plate?


10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about "Big Dady"? Is that an acceptable license plate?


10:51 AM  
Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

ROFL...God I miss Big Dady!


10:58 AM  

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