Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Top Five Extravaganza: Top Five Best Movies, 2004

1) Saved!: Everything you hoped it would be. This movie was fricking hilarious, with great performances from everyone involved. The only negative was that sickening feeling in your stomach that you knew too many people like that (especially if you've spent any time in Oklahoma), which of course was partly what the movie was going for.
2) Kill Bill: Volume 2: Fantastic conclusion to the first movie. What I really liked about it was how it went in a totally different direction than the first movie, yet still didn't disappoint. The first movie was a purely classic samurai film; pretty much nothing but blood, swords, and revenge. The second movie went into depth with the characters and their backgrounds, while still staying interesting to the action fans. An incredibly good job by Quentin Tarantino.
3) The Incredibles: I must admit, I have not seen this movie yet. However, I've heard nothing but great--not good, great--things about it, and it has the box office receipts to back that assessment up.
4) The Girl Next Door: Don't laugh. This was a really good, really funny movie. It was well written, and well acted (I'm sure it isn't too hard to act like someone in "the biz", but whether it is or not it seemed like everyone nailed it). It's not just some sleazy almost porn movie; it's a really good flick.
5) The Passion of the Christ: I have not seen this movie yet either. Not much needs to be said here; we all know what this is.
Honorable Mention: Resident Evil: Apocalypse (I can't believe it either, but it was pretty good, and this year sucked), Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban (I didn't want to stab myself in the eye while watching this one), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Team America: World Police (It was hilarious, and more insightful than you would expect), Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle (I can't even believed I watched this, but it was pretty damn funny, especially if you're drunk)


Blogger Michael Pondrom said...


I, Robot almost made the Honorable Mention, and probably the only reason that it didn't was because it stared Will Smith. I just can't accept that a movie he was in was that good.

I've heard really good things about National Treasure, but I haven't seen it yet.

Spider Man fucking sucked, and you should thank me for not putting it on the worst.

The Romance wasn't that great. There was some very good acting in it, but it wasn't nearly good enough to make up for the shitty story.

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't seen National Treasure, heard excellent things from everyone who HAS seen it.

Passion of the Christ - Mixed reviews. Definately not in the top 5 of my list. It's just too much. After walking out of the theatre I felt as if I had been bludgeoned over the head with a sack of potatoes for 3 hours.

Saved - Very funny, good meaning at the ending.. Also not in my top 5

I, Robot - Friggin loved it. Definate top 5.

Kill Bill: Volume 2 - #1 favorite of the year, #2 all-time behind Kill Bill: Volume 1. Tarantino is a GENIUS

Here's my Top 5 movies I saw
1. Kill Bill Volume 2 - Incredible movie. Completely different, yet complimentary to the first film. Loved the character development, and the emotion in this one.
2. Napolean Dynamite - Possibly one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. The guy who plays Napoleon is a great actor and does a fantastic job. And Uncle Rico is the old mysterious grad student from Real Genius, one of the best 80's movies ever.
3. Saw - I LOVED this movie. I can't believe people don't talk about it more. Horror movies are so hard to make, and this falls right in there with Seven as one of the greatest, freaky psycho horror movies. Shock ending doesn't fail to deliver.
4. The Butterfly Effect - Before I saw the movie I couldn't buy Ashton Kutcher as a serious actor. After the movie, I still can't but he does a very good job nonetheless. Story is very good, adds a twist to the "Mr. Destiny" storyline idea, and it doesn't try to do too much. supporting cast is very good.
5. Shaun Of The Dead - Most people have never even heard of this movie still but it's worth seeing if you love comedy. It's British comedy, so it's not for everyone, but I was DYING laughing through the whole thing. Great film.

Honorable Mention - I, Robot (on further inspection I just couldn't put it over any of those movies listed), Troy (better story than Gladiator, although not as well acted and not as much action... but Brad Pitt was the friggin MAN in that movie. and very emotionally backwards. You actually almsot root for Hector and Achilles is a bit of a jerk). The Grudge (not as bad as I thought it would be. Decent for a horror movie). Meet The Fockers (Didn't think they could make it better than the first.... but they did. Even without Owen Wilson which is a feat unto itself). Mean Girls (worth a watch. very funny, mostly cause we all know/knew girls like that).

Top 5 worst
1. Chronicles of Riddick - After Blair Witch Project, possibly the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. There was stuff that didn't even make sense for a Sci-Fi movie.. which I thought was impossible. And BORING. I thought it was supposed to be action packed? Maybe it was.. it was so bad I left after an hour.
2. Envy - Why do I keep insisting on paying to see Ben Stiller movies? It was Jack Black that pushed me over the top on this one... I thought it HAD to be funny with him in it. Well.. it wasn't. Absolutely awful. the ONLY decent thing about it was Christopher Walken's character. Jack Black was good... but wasn't himself enough.
3. Farenheit 9/11 - Interesting information in the first 30 minutes or so... then turned to nothing but video taped conversations with troops and troops familes about the war. Really boring. People didn't see that movie to hear mothers cry about their sons dying. We all know what happens in war. We went to see it to find all about how George Bush lied to us. If you can't fill 2 hours with that.. don't make a movie.
4. Garfield - Aside from strikingly hot Jennier Love Hewitt (the only reason I didn't leave the theatre), this movie had nothing to offer. Bill Murray was a good choice for Garfield, but the Garfield in the movie was not the same Garfield from the comic strip. and Odie was a real dog. that didn't work. Odie HAD to be CGI like Garfield. They just didn't pull it off
5. Starsky and Hutch - Even Owen Wilson couldn't save this movie. He should stop letting Ben Stiller drag him down. If only behind Enemy Lines was a comedy, Owen Wilson would be able to act on his own from now on.

Honorable Mention - Hero (Great cinematography and use of color, BORING as all get out. can't watch again without my heart stopping). Day After Tomorrow (I'm tired of STUPID movies made entirely so they can do something with special effects. "Hey check out this new computer program, I can make a really neat ice tornado." "What's that good for?" "We could make a movie" The story was horrible, why the father even left I have no idea. It was stupid. Just stupid.)
Forgotten (bluh. Aliens? Looks like someone wrote themselves so deep into a story they had to write themselves a retarded ending just to get out of it. Kinda like Lord of the Rings. How can they possibly defeat the bad guys? they can't? WAIT... I'll write in an invincible ghost army that can kill anything and can't BE killed. gimmea break)

Tone-Loc OUT!

12:33 AM  

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