Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Movies You Should Watch: Her Alibi

Welcome to my newest posting, Movies You Should Watch. I think it's pretty self explanatory what the premise is here.

Her Alibi is an awesome Romantic Comedy staring the great Tom Selleck and Paulina Porizkova, who is a supermodel/actress. Tom plays a hack detective writer who has serious writers block since his wife WAS INCINERATED WHEN THE MICROWAVE WENT BISERK DURING A THUNDERSTORM (or left him for a literary critic--how humiliating!)! While hanging out at the local courthouse looking for book ideas, he sees and falls in love with a beautiful Rumanian woman who is on trial for murder. Tom provides an alibi to get her off, and zaniness ensues.

As we all know, anytime a plot hits the ground with "zaniness ensues", you know you've got something good. There are a lot of good things about this movie on top of that. First, it stars Tom Selleck when he was at his peak as an actor, and I would have to say Tom Selleck is one of my favorite actors of all time. Laugh if you will, but that guy is greatness. He makes the coolest guy list (along with the likes of George Clooney and Sean Connery...I smell a top five list coming!). Second, Paulina is crazy cute in this movie, and I'm not normally into the model/waife look. She also does a good job with her part, which is impressive considering she's a model. Third, the story is fricking hilarious. It does a good job of balancing that fine line of romantic enough for the girls/funny enough to keep the guys interested.

So if you or your beautiful/handsome other are in the mood for a good Romantic Comedy, and want to see something I'm sure you've never seen before, go with Her Alibi. It's a really good flick. I've got a copy, and if you're my friend, I'll let you borrow it; if you're an acquaintance, I'll rent it to you; if you're a stranger, try Hastings/Blockbuster/Hollywood/Movie Trading Company, cause you're SOL with me, sorry. It's probably in my top ten favorite movies, it's that good.

This has been your first segment of Movies You Should Watch. I hope you enjoyed it. We'll be back whenever we feel like it. Merry Christmas one and all!


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