Friday, December 03, 2004

Coupla things

* That's not a typo. I consider "coupla" a word, since most people don't say "A couple of", they slur it into one word, "coupla".

* Saw that the guy that threw the beer and started the fight, and the guy that threw the chair at the players/crowd were banned from the Palace of Auburn Hils. I'm sure that punishment will have remarkable impacts on the rest of their lives, especially the guy who threw the chair, who has been arraigned on attempted murder charges, and convicted of beating his baby's momma (the guy who threw the beer has previous assault convictions, as well). Real gems of humanity there. But remember: it was all the player's fault. They should have to stand there and take it from these guys.

* If the story ever breaks that Simply Orange orange juice has Crack in it, I'm just going to nod my head and say, "Yep".

* For those of you who doubt that man has an inane drive to conquer and destroy, I have 2 words for you: bubble wrap.

* I think the DePaul Blue Demons have the coolest logo in college basketball. Without even looking at it, I think the Hawaii Rainbows have the worst.

* I think Paris Hilton is the ugliest "hot" girl ever. Uh.

* There is no higher high and no lower low than being in first or last place in your fantasy basketball league.

* That Maroon 5 song She will be loved is my favorite song out there right now. Thanks Bob for making me listen to it.

* G Dub (The President) seems to have the most diverse cabinet ever. Why don't I hear Democrats complimenting him on this?

* No, the Repulicans wouldn't do it either. It's still just worth pointing out.

* I think Lindsey is the most charismatic person I've ever met.

* Nothing beats going home, turning on the Christmas tree lights, lying down on the couch, and just watching them twinkle.

* I'm a little disappointed in Halo 2. First of all, I feel like all I do is reload my guns; I never really get to fire them. Second of all, grenades don't do shit for damage anymore, so you HAVE to have two weapons. Third of all, the maps seem...I don't know...too busy for me. Maybe I'll get used to them, but it seems like they are just too cluttered. Of course, I was never crazy about that game in the first place, so perhaps I'm not the best person to ask.

* I don't think Stacey's Mom has it going on, myself.

* Did you see that the son of the Secretary General of the UN was taking bribes (I'm sorry, payments) from Iraq for like the last five years? And did you like the "non-legally binding" agreement Iran entered into with the UN? I know this is a song we've all sung many times, but why exactly do we have the UN? What do they contribute to the world, other than useless talk?

* Check out The Ray's Christmas List (link on the right). It's pretty good. Everyone should write a Christmas list; trust me people, it's fun.

* God bless you one and all, and too all...a good night.


Blogger Michael Pondrom said...

Simply Orange a brand of Orange Juice. It's the best Orange Juice in the history of the world. Don't try it; you'll get addicted.

Not that I'm saying Gwenyth Paltrow or Uma Thurman are hot, but they're not in the same ballpark as Paris Hilton. She is nasty.

That sounds good, but I'm not married, nor do I own a dog.


7:58 AM  

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