Monday, November 08, 2004

Halo 2

The gong you here is the sound of the end, my friends. For tonight, Halo 2 is released upon our unsuspecting world, bringing the purity of oblivion.

For those of you who don't know, Halo is the absurdely popular video game for the XBox. In it you play as Master Chief, a space Marine who hunts down and kills aliens (and there are plenty to hunt and kill). It is a First Person Shooter (FPS), meaning that you cannot see your body as you play. You can only see the gun you are shooting with, and of course the rest of the screen (ala Quake, Doom, Unreal Tournament, Bond, etc.).

I've never been a real FPS fan. Just never got into the watching a gun walk around by itself as much as others do. However, Halo is fun for everyone because of it's exciting multiplayer option. There is nothing better than killing your friend who is sitting right next to you, and listening to them scream in frustration, and getting to scream at them as they die. It's the ultimate shit talking game, and everyone loves that. Plus the funny lines that get dropped by men and women of all ages are priceless (hence the quote of the day, mumbled under the breadth of the beautiful Robin during one game).

So if you're wondering why that one kid is really tired at work tomorrow, or why he's not at work at all, or why you keep hearing people say phrases like "It IS a legitimate stradegy", "Pussy-ass snipers are too scared to go out and really fight", or "Rockets are the fucking bomb"/"Rockets are gay", then rest assured that it is simply Halo 2 working it's magic.

So have fun gamers everywhere, and remember...Master Chief needs a gun.


Blogger yoni cohen :: said...


Came across your blog today. Great site. Agree with your thoughts on CNN & the Daily Show.

Noticed you were a sports fan. Hoping you could add a blogroll link from your site to my College Basketball Blog, I'd very much appreciate a link on your site.

And would gladly return the favor, adding a link from my site to yours.


Yoni Cohen,
College Basketball Blog

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael and I are psyched about maybe playing this weekend in OKC. :) Red Bird and The Ray are awesome, but the Cuban Express and his pardner are ready to bring it. ;)


1:12 PM  

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